Don Smith wrote:
> I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
I just know there's a hook attached to this one. A plug cutter,
check Lee Valley.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
[email protected] (DonkeyHody) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> > stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
> I use latex caulk. Comes in colors to match, and one size fits all.
> I've had problems with carpenter bees in the rafters of the porch on
> my shop for several years now. The holes they drill travel lenthways
> in the rafter and may be over a foot long. I began to worry about
> them weakening the structure.
> I tried wasp & hornet spray. They're much tougher than wasps; they
> just fly off. I tried running a wire into the hole and spearing them.
> That's effective, but tedious. If I see one buzzing around, I'll
> just suck him up in the shop vac. Beats swatting at them with a
> broom; those suckers are fast. Just remember to wait a few days
> before emptying. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was cooking catfish
> under the porch for a party. Two 165,000 BTU burners going for 30
> minutes or so. Those critters started dropping out of the holes like
> rain! I counted 4 that came out of one hole. They seemed pretty
> woozy from the heat and just dropped to the floor and waited to be
> stepped on. Two fell right into the hot oil and didn't cause anymore
> trouble. I just quietly fished them out and kept my mouth shut.
> Should I have fed them to my guests?
> DonkeyHody
> "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"
Damn, these catish are good!!! What's your secret??? Do you add
anything special to the oil??? <g>
You shoulda invited a bug dude to your party and had him spray the
area as a favor. I work in the real estate biz... Don't fool around
trying to remedy yourself. Get a pro before it gets bad. Spray
treatments are cheap. While he's there, have him spray down your
lumber pile too
Tue, Jul 27, 2004, 5:57pm [email protected] (Don=A0Smith) wants to
I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
If you drill some holes, I think about 3/8", in a chunk of 2X4, and
hang it up, likely they'll be attracted to it, and leave your gym alone.
I also understand painted wood deters them.
Where can I buy redwook at?
The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
Carburetor cleaner works really well too. My all time favorite is a
yardstick and a game of Bee Baseball....
BTW, what do deep fried carpenter bees taste like? <grin>
"DonkeyHody" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> > stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
> I use latex caulk. Comes in colors to match, and one size fits all.
> I've had problems with carpenter bees in the rafters of the porch on
> my shop for several years now. The holes they drill travel lenthways
> in the rafter and may be over a foot long. I began to worry about
> them weakening the structure.
> I tried wasp & hornet spray. They're much tougher than wasps; they
> just fly off. I tried running a wire into the hole and spearing them.
> That's effective, but tedious. If I see one buzzing around, I'll
> just suck him up in the shop vac. Beats swatting at them with a
> broom; those suckers are fast. Just remember to wait a few days
> before emptying. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was cooking catfish
> under the porch for a party. Two 165,000 BTU burners going for 30
> minutes or so. Those critters started dropping out of the holes like
> rain! I counted 4 that came out of one hole. They seemed pretty
> woozy from the heat and just dropped to the floor and waited to be
> stepped on. Two fell right into the hot oil and didn't cause anymore
> trouble. I just quietly fished them out and kept my mouth shut.
> Should I have fed them to my guests?
> DonkeyHody
> "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"
Hi, a tennis racket or makes a pretty good carpenter bee swatter.
DonkeyHody <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> > stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
> I use latex caulk. Comes in colors to match, and one size fits all.
> I've had problems with carpenter bees in the rafters of the porch on
> my shop for several years now. The holes they drill travel lenthways
> in the rafter and may be over a foot long. I began to worry about
> them weakening the structure.
> I tried wasp & hornet spray. They're much tougher than wasps; they
> just fly off. I tried running a wire into the hole and spearing them.
> That's effective, but tedious. If I see one buzzing around, I'll
> just suck him up in the shop vac. Beats swatting at them with a
> broom; those suckers are fast. Just remember to wait a few days
> before emptying. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was cooking catfish
> under the porch for a party. Two 165,000 BTU burners going for 30
> minutes or so. Those critters started dropping out of the holes like
> rain! I counted 4 that came out of one hole. They seemed pretty
> woozy from the heat and just dropped to the floor and waited to be
> stepped on. Two fell right into the hot oil and didn't cause anymore
> trouble. I just quietly fished them out and kept my mouth shut.
> Should I have fed them to my guests?
> DonkeyHody
> "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"
You need a plug cutter like those at:
Be sure to spray insecticide in the hole before plugging. I've also heard
it helps to stuff the holes with steel wool.
email: [email protected]
ANTI-SPAM: To email, replace "lastname" with "plumpe"
"Don Smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
> Thanks,
> Don in GA
> I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
I use latex caulk. Comes in colors to match, and one size fits all.
I've had problems with carpenter bees in the rafters of the porch on
my shop for several years now. The holes they drill travel lenthways
in the rafter and may be over a foot long. I began to worry about
them weakening the structure.
I tried wasp & hornet spray. They're much tougher than wasps; they
just fly off. I tried running a wire into the hole and spearing them.
That's effective, but tedious. If I see one buzzing around, I'll
just suck him up in the shop vac. Beats swatting at them with a
broom; those suckers are fast. Just remember to wait a few days
before emptying. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was cooking catfish
under the porch for a party. Two 165,000 BTU burners going for 30
minutes or so. Those critters started dropping out of the holes like
rain! I counted 4 that came out of one hole. They seemed pretty
woozy from the heat and just dropped to the floor and waited to be
stepped on. Two fell right into the hot oil and didn't cause anymore
trouble. I just quietly fished them out and kept my mouth shut.
Should I have fed them to my guests?
"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"
[email protected] (J T) wrote in message news:<4816-41089FE8-
> I also understand painted wood deters them.
Not here in western NY
those suckers ate thru the facia on both sides of my garage and it was
northern WP primed and painted on all 4 sides ;(
Don Smith wrote:
> I want to plug my carpenter bee holes in my redwook play gym with some
> stock redwood I have. What tool do I use?
> Thanks,
> Don in GA
Drill out the holes to some standard size, say 1/4". Make plugs from
your redwood using a plug cutter. Apply glue, tap in, sand flush.
Complain to shop steward about carpenter bees.