Before we moved, we bought at our local IKEA store an unfinished table
and a can of "Behandla" (don't you love those Swedish names they have
for everything?) Antique Stain that was supposed to match some other
IKEA furniture we had already. Guess what? We have finished the table
top with three coats (it needed that many to match the color of the
items we already had) but obviously don't have enough to do the rest.
Our nearest IKEA store (now three hours away) doesn't have any of this
finish, and it is not shippable even if any other of their stores had
it. It's no longer in IKEA's on-line catalog.
What are the chances of coming up with an equivalent somewhere? It's an
almost-clear light brown oil-based finish (possibly soy?) with a small
amount of pigment.
MB has several forums one on restoration, or a
similar name, and might
have something as well.
On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 17:25:48 -0400, Minnie Bannister
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Before we moved, we bought at our local IKEA store an unfinished table
>and a can of "Behandla" (don't you love those Swedish names they have
>for everything?) Antique Stain that was supposed to match some other
>IKEA furniture we had already. Guess what? We have finished the table
>top with three coats (it needed that many to match the color of the
>items we already had) but obviously don't have enough to do the rest.
>Our nearest IKEA store (now three hours away) doesn't have any of this
>finish, and it is not shippable even if any other of their stores had
>it. It's no longer in IKEA's on-line catalog.
>What are the chances of coming up with an equivalent somewhere? It's an
>almost-clear light brown oil-based finish (possibly soy?) with a small
>amount of pigment.