
12/11/2012 9:48 AM

Re: Peachtree Woodworking = Cheaptree

On 11/12/2012 8:21 AM, Unquestionably Confused wrote:
> On 11/11/2012 12:09 PM, Bill wrote:
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> I have a $100 bill I want to send to you. It may be in 6 to 8 weeks.
>>> It may be in 6 to 8 months. You're going to pass it up because I
>>> can't give you a precise time? Good thing you are not in my will,
>>> that would make you crazy.
>> If I had to pay you $75 for your "deal" (promise to send me $100) I
>> would pass, not because I doubt your word or sincerity to follow
>> through, but I don't want to add "being concerned about it" to my to-do
>> list. In fact, unless I pay you something, called "consideration" and
>> we set at least an approximate time, we wouldn't even have a
>> deal/contract.
> But your deal, Bill, was closer to:
> Hey, send me $75 and I'll send you $100 (or, maybe $75) immediately (and
> they did) with a promise to send you an additional sum ($25, $35, $50 or
> whatever)later.

In your mind, not mine. How could you be so familiar with my
marginal utility for some rotary tools and batteries?

> Unfortunately for them (and us) they had the audacity to wait almost 5
> months to give you the extra $$.

I agree that "audacity" is very close to the right word. I'm sorry
if you don't like that I shared my experience. Who knows, maybe some of
our words will get back to Robert Bosch?


> Incredible.