Toller wrote:
> In the hills south of me, mature American chestnut trees are
> reasonably common. I would assume they are naturally blight
> resistant. I wrote someone doing research like your article
> describes, but got no answer. I guess that would disrupt their
> research.
Go to your local college/university and suggest how they can beat the
big guys at their own game :-). If that doesn't get them going, start
collecting and planting the nuts - you could be the chestnut king!
It's turtles, all the way down
"Phil" <dirigo @ spamcop . net (delete the spaces)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> An article about the effort to breed/create a
> blight resistant American Chestnut tree.
In the hills south of me, mature American chestnut trees are reasonably
common. I would assume they are naturally blight resistant. I wrote
someone doing research like your article describes, but got no answer. I
guess that would disrupt their research.