

18/10/2004 3:20 PM

Review: Kreg Precision Miter Gauge - www.onlinetoolreviews.com

Greetings folks.

Bill Esposito has kindly allowed us to mirror his excellent, in-depth review
of the Kreg Precision Miter Gauge for table saws.
The review is available now at www.onlinetoolreviews.com



Dean Bielanowski
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This topic has 1 replies



in reply to "Woodcrafter" on 18/10/2004 3:20 PM

18/10/2004 2:39 PM

"Woodcrafter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Greetings folks.
> Bill Esposito has kindly allowed us to mirror his excellent, in-depth
> review
> of the Kreg Precision Miter Gauge for table saws.
> The review is available now at www.onlinetoolreviews.com

It looks like Bill's experience was the same as mine. I worked with Kreg to
get a miter gauge that worked accurately with the indexing pin. Kreg ended
up sending me 2 extra indexing pins to see if this would solve the slop
problem. They were either too loose or too tight to go into the hole. As a
last resort, Kreg pulled a new blue miter gauge off the production line and
had 2 engineers test the fit of the indexing pin and sent me a new miter
gauge. This one worked great and as advertised. My advice is to buy the
all blue one and test the indexing pin fit at the store before going home
with it. Other than that problem it is a great miter gauge.

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