
[email protected] (Ah10201)

10/08/2004 4:40 AM

dremel scroll saw not working?


I haven't used my scroll saw in a couple of weeks. I tried turning it on but
nothing happened. is there a step wise process to fixing this or at least
finding out whats wrong?


This topic has 6 replies


[email protected] (Kevin Daly)

in reply to [email protected] (Ah10201) on 10/08/2004 4:40 AM

10/08/2004 10:43 AM

There's a small breaker on the back left of the saw (looking at it from the
front), I would check that first. Is it making any noise and just not running
or is it just dead? I recently had a problem where the screw in the drive
armature backed out.

Kevin Daly


[email protected] (Ah10201)

in reply to [email protected] (Kevin Daly) on 10/08/2004 10:43 AM

12/08/2004 5:46 AM

i looked at the switch but it wouldn't move. I mean i tried flipping the switch
but the switch was stuck. Also, the motor isn't making a noise. Nothing



"mikes News"

in reply to [email protected] (Ah10201) on 10/08/2004 4:40 AM

11/08/2004 11:02 PM

"Ah10201" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> hi...
> I haven't used my scroll saw in a couple of weeks. I tried turning it on
> nothing happened. is there a step wise process to fixing this or at least
> finding out whats wrong?
> thanks

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"mikes News"

in reply to [email protected] (Ah10201) on 10/08/2004 4:40 AM

11/08/2004 11:06 PM

My Dremel Scroll saw also has a battery (like a watch battery, that
controls the digital .... does yours... wont hurt to check...

"Ah10201" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> hi...
> I haven't used my scroll saw in a couple of weeks. I tried turning it on
> nothing happened. is there a step wise process to fixing this or at least
> finding out whats wrong?
> thanks

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"John Emmons"

in reply to [email protected] (Ah10201) on 10/08/2004 4:40 AM

10/08/2004 6:21 AM

I bought a used Dremel scroll saw online. Had a bad switch, called their
service center and they sent me a new one for free. As I recall I found
their service center with a quick web search. Might be worth a try.

Worst case they'll tell you where the nearest service center is.

John Emmons

"Ah10201" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> hi...
> I haven't used my scroll saw in a couple of weeks. I tried turning it on
> nothing happened. is there a step wise process to fixing this or at least
> finding out whats wrong?
> thanks



in reply to [email protected] (Ah10201) on 10/08/2004 4:40 AM

13/08/2004 8:15 AM

Had a bad switch on mine too. Check the breaker first then suspect the

"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I bought a used Dremel scroll saw online. Had a bad switch, called their
> service center and they sent me a new one for free. As I recall I found
> their service center with a quick web search. Might be worth a try.
> Worst case they'll tell you where the nearest service center is.
> John Emmons
> "Ah10201" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > hi...
> >
> > I haven't used my scroll saw in a couple of weeks. I tried turning it on
> but
> > nothing happened. is there a step wise process to fixing this or at
> > finding out whats wrong?
> >
> > thanks

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