Tom Watson

06/09/2003 8:59 PM

Conversation With Mike Hide

Had a jaw with Michael today and let me tell you it was a rare

This fellow knows more about knocking up good furniture than I will
know if I live to be a hundred and we should all encourage him to
share the fruits of his labor with us in a pictorial fashion.

I hope that he is not embarrassed by me saying this but we Wreckers
have scant opportunity to interface with a man of his background and I
personally would relish the task of downloading big ass files
(disregarding my 56K connection) on ABPF or ABPW of his work.

He's a modest fella, ya see, and hasn't much busied himself with the
task of photographing and uploading - much to our loss.

I've seen his Rice Bed, some months back, and it is a Bloody Work of
Art. (his photography sucks but maybe Charlie Self can help him out a

This is the kind of man that we can all benefit from listening to. He
doesn't sweat about the toolage and the twittering 'bout scary this
and that - he's a flat out furniture maker who respects his trade and
is mindful of his antecedents.

I hope he learns to take decent pictures and starts putting a ton of
them up.

Smart Man. Nice Man. Long Time Wrecker.

We could learn a lot.

(hope you don't mind me saying all of this, Mike.)

Regards, Tom
Tom Watson - Woodworker
Gulph Mills, Pennsylvania