Tom Watson

24/05/2009 7:29 AM

twenty years of schooling and they put you on the dayshift...


May 24, 2009
The Case for Working With Your Hands

The television show “Deadliest Catch” depicts commercial crab
fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, “Dirty Jobs,” shows all kinds of
grueling work; one episode featured a guy who inseminates turkeys for
a living. The weird fascination of these shows must lie partly in the
fact that such confrontations with material reality have become
exotically unfamiliar. Many of us do work that feels more surreal than
real. Working in an office, you often find it difficult to see any
tangible result from your efforts. What exactly have you accomplished
at the end of any given day? Where the chain of cause and effect is
opaque and responsibility diffuse, the experience of individual agency
can be elusive. “Dilbert,” “The Office” and similar portrayals of
cubicle life attest to the dark absurdism with which many Americans
have come to view their white-collar jobs.

Is there a more “real” alternative (short of inseminating turkeys)?

High-school shop-class programs were widely dismantled in the 1990s as
educators prepared students to become “knowledge workers.” The
imperative of the last 20 years to round up every warm body and send
it to college, then to the cubicle, was tied to a vision of the future
in which we somehow take leave of material reality and glide about in
a pure information economy. This has not come to pass. To begin with,
such work often feels more enervating than gliding. More
fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix
our cars, unclog our toilets, build our houses.

When we praise people who do work that is straightforwardly useful,
the praise often betrays an assumption that they had no other options.
We idealize them as the salt of the earth and emphasize the sacrifice
for others their work may entail. Such sacrifice does indeed occur —
the hazards faced by a lineman restoring power during a storm come to
mind. But what if such work answers as well to a basic human need of
the one who does it? I take this to be the suggestion of Marge
Piercy’s poem “To Be of Use,” which concludes with the lines “the
pitcher longs for water to carry/and a person for work that is real.”
Beneath our gratitude for the lineman may rest envy.

This seems to be a moment when the useful arts have an especially
compelling economic rationale. A car mechanics’ trade association
reports that repair shops have seen their business jump significantly
in the current recession: people aren’t buying new cars; they are
fixing the ones they have. The current downturn is likely to pass
eventually. But there are also systemic changes in the economy,
arising from information technology, that have the surprising effect
of making the manual trades — plumbing, electrical work, car repair —
more attractive as careers. The Princeton economist Alan Blinder
argues that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is
not between those with more or less education, but between those whose
services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their work
in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods more
secure against outsourcing to distant countries. As Blinder puts it,
“You can’t hammer a nail over the Internet.” Nor can the Indians fix
your car. Because they are in India.

If the goal is to earn a living, then, maybe it isn’t really true that
18-year-olds need to be imparted with a sense of panic about getting
into college (though they certainly need to learn). Some people are
hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own
inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to
build things or fix things. One shop teacher suggested to me that “in
schools, we create artificial learning environments for our children
that they know to be contrived and undeserving of their full attention
and engagement. Without the opportunity to learn through the hands,
the world remains abstract and distant, and the passions for learning
will not be engaged.”

A gifted young person who chooses to become a mechanic rather than to
accumulate academic credentials is viewed as eccentric, if not
self-destructive. There is a pervasive anxiety among parents that
there is only one track to success for their children. It runs through
a series of gates controlled by prestigious institutions. Further,
there is wide use of drugs to medicate boys, especially, against their
natural tendency toward action, the better to “keep things on track.”
I taught briefly in a public high school and would have loved to have
set up a Ritalin fogger in my classroom. It is a rare person, male or
female, who is naturally inclined to sit still for 17 years in school,
and then indefinitely at work.

The trades suffer from low prestige, and I believe this is based on a
simple mistake. Because the work is dirty, many people assume it is
also stupid. This is not my experience. I have a small business as a
motorcycle mechanic in Richmond, Va., which I started in 2002. I work
on Japanese and European motorcycles, mostly older bikes with some
“vintage” cachet that makes people willing to spend money on them. I
have found the satisfactions of the work to be very much bound up with
the intellectual challenges it presents. And yet my decision to go
into this line of work is a choice that seems to perplex many people.

After finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy at the University of
Chicago in 2000, I managed to stay on with a one-year postdoctoral
fellowship at the university’s Committee on Social Thought. The
academic job market was utterly bleak. In a state of professional
panic, I retreated to a makeshift workshop I set up in the basement of
a Hyde Park apartment building, where I spent the winter tearing down
an old Honda motorcycle and rebuilding it. The physicality of it, and
the clear specificity of what the project required of me, was a balm.
Stumped by a starter motor that seemed to check out in every way but
wouldn’t work, I started asking around at Honda dealerships. Nobody
had an answer; finally one service manager told me to call Fred
Cousins of Triple O Service. “If anyone can help you, Fred can.”

I called Fred, and he invited me to come to his independent
motorcycle-repair shop, tucked discreetly into an unmarked warehouse
on Goose Island. He told me to put the motor on a certain bench that
was free of clutter. He checked the electrical resistance through the
windings, as I had done, to confirm there was no short circuit or
broken wire. He spun the shaft that ran through the center of the
motor, as I had. No problem: it spun freely. Then he hooked it up to a
battery. It moved ever so slightly but wouldn’t spin. He grasped the
shaft, delicately, with three fingers, and tried to wiggle it side to
side. “Too much free play,” he said. He suggested that the problem was
with the bushing (a thick-walled sleeve of metal) that captured the
end of the shaft in the end of the cylindrical motor housing. It was
worn, so it wasn’t locating the shaft precisely enough. The shaft was
free to move too much side to side (perhaps a couple of hundredths of
an inch), causing the outer circumference of the rotor to bind on the
inner circumference of the motor housing when a current was applied.
Fred scrounged around for a Honda motor. He found one with the same
bushing, then used a “blind hole bearing puller” to extract it, as
well as the one in my motor. Then he gently tapped the new, or rather
newer, one into place. The motor worked! Then Fred gave me an
impromptu dissertation on the peculiar metallurgy of these Honda
starter-motor bushings of the mid-’70s. Here was a scholar.

Over the next six months I spent a lot of time at Fred’s shop,
learning, and put in only occasional appearances at the university.
This was something of a regression: I worked on cars throughout high
school and college, and one of my early jobs was at a Porsche repair
shop. Now I was rediscovering the intensely absorbing nature of the
work, and it got me thinking about possible livelihoods.

As it happened, in the spring I landed a job as executive director of
a policy organization in Washington. This felt like a coup. But
certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It
sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to
suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and
there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its
figurehead, I was making arguments I didn’t fully buy myself. Further,
my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain
cognitive style — that of the corporate world, from which he had
recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of
rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning. As I sat in
my K Street office, Fred’s life as an independent tradesman gave me an
image that I kept coming back to: someone who really knows what he is
doing, losing himself in work that is genuinely useful and has a
certain integrity to it. He also seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Seeing a motorcycle about to leave my shop under its own power,
several days after arriving in the back of a pickup truck, I don’t
feel tired even though I’ve been standing on a concrete floor all day.
Peering into the portal of his helmet, I think I can make out the
edges of a grin on the face of a guy who hasn’t ridden his bike in a
while. I give him a wave. With one of his hands on the throttle and
the other on the clutch, I know he can’t wave back. But I can hear his
salute in the exuberant “bwaaAAAAP!” of a crisp throttle, gratuitously
revved. That sound pleases me, as I know it does him. It’s a
ventriloquist conversation in one mechanical voice, and the gist of it
is “Yeah!”

After five months at the think tank, I’d saved enough money to buy
some tools I needed, and I quit and went into business fixing bikes.
My shop rate is $40 per hour. Other shops have rates as high as $70
per hour, but I tend to work pretty slowly. Further, only about half
the time I spend in the shop ends up being billable (I have no
employees; every little chore falls to me), so it usually works out
closer to $20 per hour — a modest but decent wage. The business goes
up and down; when it is down I have supplemented it with writing. The
work is sometimes frustrating, but it is never irrational.

And it frequently requires complex thinking. In fixing motorcycles you
come up with several imagined trains of cause and effect for manifest
symptoms, and you judge their likelihood before tearing anything down.
This imagining relies on a mental library that you develop. An
internal combustion engine can work in any number of ways, and
different manufacturers have tried different approaches. Each has its
own proclivities for failure. You also develop a library of sounds and
smells and feels. For example, the backfire of a too-lean fuel mixture
is subtly different from an ignition backfire.

As in any learned profession, you just have to know a lot. If the
motorcycle is 30 years old, from an obscure maker that went out of
business 20 years ago, its tendencies are known mostly through lore.
It would probably be impossible to do such work in isolation, without
access to a collective historical memory; you have to be embedded in a
community of mechanic-antiquarians. These relationships are maintained
by telephone, in a network of reciprocal favors that spans the
country. My most reliable source, Fred, has such an encyclopedic
knowledge of obscure European motorcycles that all I have been able to
offer him in exchange is deliveries of obscure European beer.

There is always a risk of introducing new complications when working
on old motorcycles, and this enters the diagnostic logic. Measured in
likelihood of screw-ups, the cost is not identical for all avenues of
inquiry when deciding which hypothesis to pursue. Imagine you’re
trying to figure out why a bike won’t start. The fasteners holding the
engine covers on 1970s-era Hondas are Phillips head, and they are
almost always rounded out and corroded. Do you really want to check
the condition of the starter clutch if each of eight screws will need
to be drilled out and extracted, risking damage to the engine case?
Such impediments have to be taken into account. The attractiveness of
any hypothesis is determined in part by physical circumstances that
have no logical connection to the diagnostic problem at hand. The
mechanic’s proper response to the situation cannot be anticipated by a
set of rules or algorithms.

There probably aren’t many jobs that can be reduced to rule-following
and still be done well. But in many jobs there is an attempt to do
just this, and the perversity of it may go unnoticed by those who
design the work process. Mechanics face something like this problem in
the factory service manuals that we use. These manuals tell you to be
systematic in eliminating variables, presenting an idealized image of
diagnostic work. But they never take into account the risks of working
on old machines. So you put the manual away and consider the facts
before you. You do this because ultimately you are responsible to the
motorcycle and its owner, not to some procedure.

Some diagnostic situations contain a lot of variables. Any given
symptom may have several possible causes, and further, these causes
may interact with one another and therefore be difficult to isolate.
In deciding how to proceed, there often comes a point where you have
to step back and get a larger gestalt. Have a cigarette and walk
around the lift. The gap between theory and practice stretches out in
front of you, and this is where it gets interesting. What you need now
is the kind of judgment that arises only from experience; hunches
rather than rules. For me, at least, there is more real thinking going
on in the bike shop than there was in the think tank.

Put differently, mechanical work has required me to cultivate
different intellectual habits. Further, habits of mind have an ethical
dimension that we don’t often think about. Good diagnosis requires
attentiveness to the machine, almost a conversation with it, rather
than assertiveness, as in the position papers produced on K Street.
Cognitive psychologists speak of “metacognition,” which is the
activity of stepping back and thinking about your own thinking. It is
what you do when you stop for a moment in your pursuit of a solution,
and wonder whether your understanding of the problem is adequate. The
slap of worn-out pistons hitting their cylinders can sound a lot like
loose valve tappets, so to be a good mechanic you have to be
constantly open to the possibility that you may be mistaken. This is a
virtue that is at once cognitive and moral. It seems to develop
because the mechanic, if he is the sort who goes on to become good at
it, internalizes the healthy functioning of the motorcycle as an
object of passionate concern. How else can you explain the elation he
gets when he identifies the root cause of some problem?

This active concern for the motorcycle is reinforced by the social
aspects of the job. As is the case with many independent mechanics, my
business is based entirely on word of mouth. I sometimes barter
services with machinists and metal fabricators. This has a very
different feel than transactions with money; it situates me in a
community. The result is that I really don’t want to mess up anybody’s
motorcycle or charge more than a fair price. You often hear people
complain about mechanics and other tradespeople whom they take to be
dishonest or incompetent. I am sure this is sometimes justified. But
it is also true that the mechanic deals with a large element of

I once accidentally dropped a feeler gauge down into the crankcase of
a Kawasaki Ninja that was practically brand new, while performing its
first scheduled valve adjustment. I escaped a complete tear-down of
the motor only through an operation that involved the use of a
stethoscope, another pair of trusted hands and the sort of
concentration we associate with a bomb squad. When finally I laid my
fingers on that feeler gauge, I felt as if I had cheated death. I
don’t remember ever feeling so alive as in the hours that followed.

Often as not, however, such crises do not end in redemption. Moments
of elation are counterbalanced with failures, and these, too, are
vivid, taking place right before your eyes. With stakes that are often
high and immediate, the manual trades elicit heedful absorption in
work. They are punctuated by moments of pleasure that take place
against a darker backdrop: a keen awareness of catastrophe as an
always-present possibility. The core experience is one of individual
responsibility, supported by face-to-face interactions between
tradesman and customer.

Contrast the experience of being a middle manager. This is a stock
figure of ridicule, but the sociologist Robert Jackall spent years
inhabiting the world of corporate managers, conducting interviews, and
he poignantly describes the “moral maze” they feel trapped in. Like
the mechanic, the manager faces the possibility of disaster at any
time. But in his case these disasters feel arbitrary; they are
typically a result of corporate restructurings, not of physics. A
manager has to make many decisions for which he is accountable. Unlike
an entrepreneur with his own business, however, his decisions can be
reversed at any time by someone higher up the food chain (and there is
always someone higher up the food chain). It’s important for your
career that these reversals not look like defeats, and more generally
you have to spend a lot of time managing what others think of you.
Survival depends on a crucial insight: you can’t back down from an
argument that you initially made in straightforward language, with
moral conviction, without seeming to lose your integrity. So managers
learn the art of provisional thinking and feeling, expressed in
corporate doublespeak, and cultivate a lack of commitment to their own
actions. Nothing is set in concrete the way it is when you are, for
example, pouring concrete.

Those who work on the lower rungs of the information-age office
hierarchy face their own kinds of unreality, as I learned some time
ago. After earning a master’s degree in the early 1990s, I had a hard
time finding work but eventually landed a job in the Bay Area writing
brief summaries of academic journal articles, which were then sold on
CD-ROMs to subscribing libraries. When I got the phone call offering
me the job, I was excited. I felt I had grabbed hold of the passing
world — miraculously, through the mere filament of a classified ad —
and reeled myself into its current. My new bosses immediately took up
residence in my imagination, where I often surprised them with my
hidden depths. As I was shown to my cubicle, I felt a real sense of
being honored. It seemed more than spacious enough. It was my desk,
where I would think my thoughts — my unique contribution to a common
enterprise, in a real company with hundreds of employees. The
regularity of the cubicles made me feel I had found a place in the
order of things. I was to be a knowledge worker.

But the feel of the job changed on my first day. The company had
gotten its start by providing libraries with a subject index of
popular magazines like Sports Illustrated. Through a series of mergers
and acquisitions, it now found itself offering not just indexes but
also abstracts (that is, summaries), and of a very different kind of
material: scholarly works in the physical and biological sciences,
humanities, social sciences and law. Some of this stuff was simply
incomprehensible to anyone but an expert in the particular field
covered by the journal. I was reading articles in Classical Philology
where practically every other word was in Greek. Some of the
scientific journals were no less mysterious. Yet the categorical
difference between, say, Sports Illustrated and Nature Genetics seemed
not to have impressed itself on the company’s decision makers. In some
of the titles I was assigned, articles began with an abstract written
by the author. But even in such cases I was to write my own. The
reason offered was that unless I did so, there would be no “value
added” by our product. It was hard to believe I was going to add
anything other than error and confusion to such material. But then, I
hadn’t yet been trained.

My job was structured on the supposition that in writing an abstract
of an article there is a method that merely needs to be applied, and
that this can be done without understanding the text. I was actually
told this by the trainer, Monica, as she stood before a whiteboard,
diagramming an abstract. Monica seemed a perfectly sensible person and
gave no outward signs of suffering delusions. She didn’t insist too
much on what she was telling us, and it became clear she was in a
position similar to that of a veteran Soviet bureaucrat who must work
on two levels at once: reality and official ideology. The official
ideology was a bit like the factory service manuals I mentioned
before, the ones that offer procedures that mechanics often have to
ignore in order to do their jobs.

My starting quota, after finishing a week of training, was 15 articles
per day. By my 11th month at the company, my quota was up to 28
articles per day (this was the normal, scheduled increase). I was
always sleepy while at work, and I think this exhaustion was because I
felt trapped in a contradiction: the fast pace demanded complete focus
on the task, yet that pace also made any real concentration
impossible. I had to actively suppress my own ability to think,
because the more you think, the more the inadequacies in your
understanding of an author’s argument come into focus. This can only
slow you down. To not do justice to an author who had poured himself
into the subject at hand felt like violence against what was best in

The quota demanded, then, not just dumbing down but also a bit of
moral re-education, the opposite of the kind that occurs in the
heedful absorption of mechanical work. I had to suppress my sense of
responsibility to the article itself, and to others — to the author,
to begin with, as well as to the hapless users of the database, who
might naïvely suppose that my abstract reflected the author’s work.
Such detachment was made easy by the fact there was no immediate
consequence for me; I could write any nonsense whatever.

Now, it is probably true that every job entails some kind of
mutilation. I used to work as an electrician and had my own business
doing it for a while. As an electrician you breathe a lot of unknown
dust in crawl spaces, your knees get bruised, your neck gets strained
from looking up at the ceiling while installing lights or ceiling fans
and you get shocked regularly, sometimes while on a ladder. Your hands
are sliced up from twisting wires together, handling junction boxes
made out of stamped sheet metal and cutting metal conduit with a
hacksaw. But none of this damage touches the best part of yourself.

You might wonder: Wasn’t there any quality control? My supervisor
would periodically read a few of my abstracts, and I was sometimes
corrected and told not to begin an abstract with a dependent clause.
But I was never confronted with an abstract I had written and told
that it did not adequately reflect the article. The quality standards
were the generic ones of grammar, which could be applied without my
supervisor having to read the article at hand. Rather, my supervisor
and I both were held to a metric that was conjured by someone remote
from the work process — an absentee decision maker armed with a
(putatively) profit-maximizing calculus, one that took no account of
the intrinsic nature of the job. I wonder whether the resulting
perversity really made for maximum profits in the long term. Corporate
managers are not, after all, the owners of the businesses they run.

At lunch I had a standing arrangement with two other abstracters. One
was from my group, a laconic, disheveled man named Mike whom I liked
instantly. He did about as well on his quota as I did on mine, but it
didn’t seem to bother him too much. The other guy was from beyond the
partition, a meticulously groomed Liberian named Henry who said he had
worked for the C.I.A. He had to flee Liberia very suddenly one day and
soon found himself resettled near the office parks of Foster City,
Calif. Henry wasn’t going to sweat the quota. Come 12:30, the three of
us would hike to the food court in the mall. This movement was always
thrilling. It involved traversing several “campuses,” with ponds
frequented by oddly real seagulls, then the lunch itself, which I
always savored. (Marx writes that under conditions of estranged labor,
man “no longer feels himself to be freely active in any but his animal
functions.”) Over his burrito, Mike would recount the outrageous
things he had written in his abstracts. I could see my own future in
such moments of sabotage — the compensating pleasures of a cubicle
drone. Always funny and gentle, Mike confided one day that he was
doing quite a bit of heroin. On the job. This actually made some

How was it that I, once a proudly self-employed electrician, had ended
up among these walking wounded, a “knowledge worker” at a salary of
$23,000? I had a master’s degree, and it needed to be used. The
escalating demand for academic credentials in the job market gives the
impression of an ever-more-knowledgeable society, whose members
perform cognitive feats their unschooled parents could scarcely
conceive of. On paper, my abstracting job, multiplied a millionfold,
is precisely what puts the futurologist in a rapture: we are getting
to be so smart! Yet my M.A. obscures a more real stupidification of
the work I secured with that credential, and a wage to match. When I
first got the degree, I felt as if I had been inducted to a certain
order of society. But despite the beautiful ties I wore, it turned out
to be a more proletarian existence than I had known as an electrician.
In that job I had made quite a bit more money. I also felt free and
active, rather than confined and stultified.

A good job requires a field of action where you can put your best
capacities to work and see an effect in the world. Academic
credentials do not guarantee this.

Nor can big business or big government — those idols of the right and
the left — reliably secure such work for us. Everyone is rightly
concerned about economic growth on the one hand or unemployment and
wages on the other, but the character of work doesn’t figure much in
political debate. Labor unions address important concerns like
workplace safety and family leave, and management looks for greater
efficiency, but on the nature of the job itself, the dominant
political and economic paradigms are mute. Yet work forms us, and
deforms us, with broad public consequences.

The visceral experience of failure seems to have been edited out of
the career trajectories of gifted students. It stands to reason, then,
that those who end up making big decisions that affect all of us don’t
seem to have much sense of their own fallibility, and of how badly
things can go wrong even with the best of intentions (like when I
dropped that feeler gauge down into the Ninja). In the boardrooms of
Wall Street and the corridors of Pennsylvania Avenue, I don’t think
you’ll see a yellow sign that says “Think Safety!” as you do on job
sites and in many repair shops, no doubt because those who sit on the
swivel chairs tend to live remote from the consequences of the
decisions they make. Why not encourage gifted students to learn a
trade, if only in the summers, so that their fingers will be crushed
once or twice before they go on to run the country?

There is good reason to suppose that responsibility has to be
installed in the foundation of your mental equipment — at the level of
perception and habit. There is an ethic of paying attention that
develops in the trades through hard experience. It inflects your
perception of the world and your habitual responses to it. This is due
to the immediate feedback you get from material objects and to the
fact that the work is typically situated in face-to-face interactions
between tradesman and customer.

An economy that is more entrepreneurial, less managerial, would be
less subject to the kind of distortions that occur when corporate
managers’ compensation is tied to the short-term profit of distant
shareholders. For most entrepreneurs, profit is at once a more
capacious and a more concrete thing than this. It is a calculation in
which the intrinsic satisfactions of work count — not least, the
exercise of your own powers of reason.

Ultimately it is enlightened self-interest, then, not a harangue about
humility or public-spiritedness, that will compel us to take a fresh
look at the trades. The good life comes in a variety of forms. This
variety has become difficult to see; our field of aspiration has
narrowed into certain channels. But the current perplexity in the
economy seems to be softening our gaze. Our peripheral vision is
perhaps recovering, allowing us to consider the full range of lives
worth choosing. For anyone who feels ill suited by disposition to
spend his days sitting in an office, the question of what a good job
looks like is now wide open.

Matthew B. Crawford lives in Richmond, Va. His book, “Shop Class as
Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work,” from which this essay
is adapted, will be published this week by Penguin Press.

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Tom Watson

This topic has 36 replies


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 4:34 PM

"Ed Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote
> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> Even with a good home inspector, it's still a bit of a crap-shoot. They
>> are at least methodical going through the home so will catch the obvious
>> stuff, but don't get everything and sometimes miss things.
> I'm still amazed at the whole home inspector thing. I've done my own
> inspecting and maybe brought along my FIL for some help. I guess it is
> needed for the mechanically inept though. I've read where inspectors have
> missed a lot of big items and the contract says they have no liability if
> they do.
I know. One house I bought was supposed to have a "nearly new electrical
system". It turns out that meant that the main box was replaced. Same old
electrical system.

And one day when walking into the basement, I noticed something dripping
from the flourescent lights. I turned off the lights and popped the cover
to look. The ballast was melting!! I freaked out and immediately went out
and bought a replacement and installed it.

Having calmed down by that time, I inspected the other lights as well. They
all were in various stages of dieing. So I replaced ALL the ballasts in the
whole basement. If I hadn't been alert and reacted appropriately, the house
would have burned down. And this was in a house with a "nearly new
electrical system".


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 6:14 PM

"Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Charlie Self" wrote:
> =================================
> I don't have a clue as to an answer, but I do know we need top
> tradespeople in almost all fields. The pay in many is now almost as
> bad as that for schoolteachers, though, so improvement in skills is
> less likely.
> ================================
> SFWIW, because of his interest in all things cars, and lack of
> available trained personnel, Jay Leno has established some
> scholarships for mechanics to work on his car collection.
> Evidently it is possible to earn $100+K as a properly trained mechanic
> these days.
And it doesn't matter what the Wall Strteet boys do either. You still need
your car fixed.



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 11:46 AM

Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Ed Pawlowski wrote:


>> They never check things
>> like mechanical systems, of course.
> But you have to deal with CD shelf everyday, the mechanical systems
> are
> just there and alway work well, right?

Interesting how people won't buy a car without a test drive, but only get
to spend a few hours with a house that costs 10x as much and is expected
to last 5-10 times as long.

The new water heater was covered by home warranty, but the new dryer was
not. I don't remember if the new well pump was done within the home
warranty period...

"The potential difference between the top and bottom of a tree is the
reason why all trees have to be grounded..." -- Bored Borg on

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at)



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

27/05/2009 7:09 PM

On Wed, 27 May 2009 07:01:55 -0700 (PDT), Glenn Lyford
<[email protected]> wrote:

>> It really is funny to see the reasons they reject homes [...]  
>> What gets me is the number of people who reject homes because
>> of the appliances.
>Or the color of the walls or carpets.


>Just as scary to me are the realtors who insist on staging a house to
>the nth degree, like people can't figure out that a room can be used
>as a bedroom, because there currently isn't a bed in it, or that one
>end of the kitchen can be used for dining because it doesn't have a
>table? Or even more sadly, that experience has proved them right...

I agree with them to a point. At least I've found it easier to look
at homes that are furnished than ones that aren't. Even though I
brought a laser tape measure with me when we were house hunting, it
was easier to judge the size of furnished rooms than unfurnished.

The big thing they drive home is neutral colors and to "de-junkify".
In those I agree 100%. I'd add *NO F-ING WALLPAPER*. After my last
house, I *hate* wallpaper.


Charlie Self

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 2:28 PM

On May 24, 7:29=A0am, Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> May 24, 2009
> The Case for Working With Your Hands
> The television show =93Deadliest Catch=94 depicts commercial crab
> fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, =93Dirty Jobs,=94 shows all kinds o=
> grueling work; one episode featured a guy who inseminates turkeys for
> a living. The weird fascination of these shows must lie partly in the
> fact that such confrontations with material reality have become
> exotically unfamiliar. Many of us do work that feels more surreal than
> real. Working in an office, you often find it difficult to see any
> tangible result from your efforts. What exactly have you accomplished
> at the end of any given day? Where the chain of cause and effect is
> opaque and responsibility diffuse, the experience of individual agency
> can be elusive. =93Dilbert,=94 =93The Office=94 and similar portrayals of
> cubicle life attest to the dark absurdism with which many Americans
> have come to view their white-collar jobs.
> Is there a more =93real=94 alternative (short of inseminating turkeys)?
> High-school shop-class programs were widely dismantled in the 1990s as
> educators prepared students to become =93knowledge workers.=94 The
> imperative of the last 20 years to round up every warm body and send
> it to college, then to the cubicle, was tied to a vision of the future
> in which we somehow take leave of material reality and glide about in
> a pure information economy. This has not come to pass. To begin with,
> such work often feels more enervating than gliding. More
> fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix
> our cars, unclog our toilets, build our houses.
> When we praise people who do work that is straightforwardly useful,
> the praise often betrays an assumption that they had no other options.
> We idealize them as the salt of the earth and emphasize the sacrifice
> for others their work may entail. Such sacrifice does indeed occur =97
> the hazards faced by a lineman restoring power during a storm come to
> mind. But what if such work answers as well to a basic human need of
> the one who does it? I take this to be the suggestion of Marge
> Piercy=92s poem =93To Be of Use,=94 which concludes with the lines =93the
> pitcher longs for water to carry/and a person for work that is real.=94
> Beneath our gratitude for the lineman may rest envy.
> This seems to be a moment when the useful arts have an especially
> compelling economic rationale. A car mechanics=92 trade association
> reports that repair shops have seen their business jump significantly
> in the current recession: people aren=92t buying new cars; they are
> fixing the ones they have. The current downturn is likely to pass
> eventually. But there are also systemic changes in the economy,
> arising from information technology, that have the surprising effect
> of making the manual trades =97 plumbing, electrical work, car repair =97
> more attractive as careers. The Princeton economist Alan Blinder
> argues that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is
> not between those with more or less education, but between those whose
> services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their work
> in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods more
> secure against outsourcing to distant countries. As Blinder puts it,
> =93You can=92t hammer a nail over the Internet.=94 Nor can the Indians fi=
> your car. Because they are in India.
> If the goal is to earn a living, then, maybe it isn=92t really true that
> 18-year-olds need to be imparted with a sense of panic about getting
> into college (though they certainly need to learn). Some people are
> hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own
> inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to
> build things or fix things. One shop teacher suggested to me that =93in
> schools, we create artificial learning environments for our children
> that they know to be contrived and undeserving of their full attention
> and engagement. Without the opportunity to learn through the hands,
> the world remains abstract and distant, and the passions for learning
> will not be engaged.=94
> A gifted young person who chooses to become a mechanic rather than to
> accumulate academic credentials is viewed as eccentric, if not
> self-destructive. There is a pervasive anxiety among parents that
> there is only one track to success for their children. It runs through
> a series of gates controlled by prestigious institutions. Further,
> there is wide use of drugs to medicate boys, especially, against their
> natural tendency toward action, the better to =93keep things on track.=94
> I taught briefly in a public high school and would have loved to have
> set up a Ritalin fogger in my classroom. It is a rare person, male or
> female, who is naturally inclined to sit still for 17 years in school,
> and then indefinitely at work.
> The trades suffer from low prestige, and I believe this is based on a
> simple mistake. Because the work is dirty, many people assume it is
> also stupid. This is not my experience. I have a small business as a
> motorcycle mechanic in Richmond, Va., which I started in 2002. I work
> on Japanese and European motorcycles, mostly older bikes with some
> =93vintage=94 cachet that makes people willing to spend money on them. I
> have found the satisfactions of the work to be very much bound up with
> the intellectual challenges it presents. And yet my decision to go
> into this line of work is a choice that seems to perplex many people.
> After finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy at the University of
> Chicago in 2000, I managed to stay on with a one-year postdoctoral
> fellowship at the university=92s Committee on Social Thought. The
> academic job market was utterly bleak. In a state of professional
> panic, I retreated to a makeshift workshop I set up in the basement of
> a Hyde Park apartment building, where I spent the winter tearing down
> an old Honda motorcycle and rebuilding it. The physicality of it, and
> the clear specificity of what the project required of me, was a balm.
> Stumped by a starter motor that seemed to check out in every way but
> wouldn=92t work, I started asking around at Honda dealerships. Nobody
> had an answer; finally one service manager told me to call Fred
> Cousins of Triple O Service. =93If anyone can help you, Fred can.=94
> I called Fred, and he invited me to come to his independent
> motorcycle-repair shop, tucked discreetly into an unmarked warehouse
> on Goose Island. He told me to put the motor on a certain bench that
> was free of clutter. He checked the electrical resistance through the
> windings, as I had done, to confirm there was no short circuit or
> broken wire. He spun the shaft that ran through the center of the
> motor, as I had. No problem: it spun freely. Then he hooked it up to a
> battery. It moved ever so slightly but wouldn=92t spin. He grasped the
> shaft, delicately, with three fingers, and tried to wiggle it side to
> side. =93Too much free play,=94 he said. He suggested that the problem wa=
> with the bushing (a thick-walled sleeve of metal) that captured the
> end of the shaft in the end of the cylindrical motor housing. It was
> worn, so it wasn=92t locating the shaft precisely enough. The shaft was
> free to move too much side to side (perhaps a couple of hundredths of
> an inch), causing the outer circumference of the rotor to bind on the
> inner circumference of the motor housing when a current was applied.
> Fred scrounged around for a Honda motor. He found one with the same
> bushing, then used a =93blind hole bearing puller=94 to extract it, as
> well as the one in my motor. Then he gently tapped the new, or rather
> newer, one into place. The motor worked! Then Fred gave me an
> impromptu dissertation on the peculiar metallurgy of these Honda
> starter-motor bushings of the mid-=9270s. Here was a scholar.
> Over the next six months I spent a lot of time at Fred=92s shop,
> learning, and put in only occasional appearances at the university.
> This was something of a regression: I worked on cars throughout high
> school and college, and one of my early jobs was at a Porsche repair
> shop. Now I was rediscovering the intensely absorbing nature of the
> work, and it got me thinking about possible livelihoods.
> As it happened, in the spring I landed a job as executive director of
> a policy organization in Washington. This felt like a coup. But
> certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It
> sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to
> suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and
> there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its
> figurehead, I was making arguments I didn=92t fully buy myself. Further,
> my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain
> cognitive style =97 that of the corporate world, from which he had
> recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of
> rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning. As I sat in
> my K Street office, Fred=92s life as an independent tradesman gave me an
> image that I kept coming back to: someone who really knows what he is
> doing, losing himself in work that is genuinely useful and has a
> certain integrity to it. He also seemed to be having a lot of fun.
> Seeing a motorcycle about to leave my shop under its own power,
> several days after arriving in the back of a pickup truck, I don=92t
> feel tired even though I=92ve been standing on a concrete floor all day.
> Peering into the portal of his helmet, I think I can make out the
> edges of a grin on the face of a guy who hasn=92t ridden his bike in a
> while. I give him a wave. With one of his hands on the throttle and
> the other on the clutch, I know he can=92t wave back. But I can hear his
> salute in the exuberant =93bwaaAAAAP!=94 of a crisp throttle, gratuitousl=
> revved. That sound pleases me, as I know it does him. It=92s a
> ventriloquist conversation in one mechanical voice, and the gist of it
> is =93Yeah!=94
> After five months at the ...
> read more =BB

Unfortunately, as basic farm style skills have atrophied in the
general population, fewer and fewer people are even interested in
learning how to do trades jobs. Schools started two-tracking about the
time I got to HS, academic and shop. Shop was for the dummies. My
mother had big dreams for me, based on engineering of some type (both
my paernts came directly from farm familes) I think being the primary
goal. Yeah, math skills meant I'd never be an engineer. My
interests leaned more to following the old man's "profession," auto
mechanic, aka grease monkey back then.

Instead, I joined the Marines and ended up playing with expensive
aircraft with the props on top.

From there it was a straight jump to...yeah, right. After drifitng for
a couple years, I went to college, and ended up doing most of my
writing work on motorcycles, cars and woodworking, with stops at home
building and remodeling, while living in the country.

I don't have a clue as to an answer, but I do know we need top
tradespeople in almost all fields. The pay in many is now almost as
bad as that for schoolteachers, though, so improvement in skills is
less likely.


Old Guy

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 5:05 AM


Hear, hear!

I tooks shop classes in HS, but could only fit a few of them into the
curriculum. I loved 'em. I went on to earn a scholarship to MIT and
a degree in architecture.

I recently retired after teaching architectural drafting for 15 years
at a local techincal college. My take is similar to yours. People
who can do skilled technical things are essential to our economy, and
the well qualified technician will do well.

But, I taught with a lot of folks who had come up through the old
trade school system, who mourned that any time not spent pulling
wrenches was wasted. If a course was designated as "General
Education" it was looked on as having no value to the students, and a
foolish waste of time..

They didn't realize that the old type of jobs that they used to train
students for in the 70's were gone. Now plumbers, car mechanics,
farmners, cooks have to have a new level of expertise. Not only do
they have to do the skilled work, they have to understand front line
management, how to write an acceptable business letter, how the
economy works, a bit about how the international economy works, or
they were limiting themselves. If they only knew the technical stuff,
they could be replaced at any time by a kid fresh out of two year

So, I couldn't agree more that no everyone needs to go to college. An
interesting statistic, high schools focus their curriculum on college,
only about 50% of their students ever go on to any college, and only
about 50% of those folks ever complete a 4 year degree. The other
75% of graduates have to somehow get what they need around the edges
of what the educators say is important. Maybe that's why high schools
are in trouble????

But the old HS shop classes died becase they too were obselete. I
loved them, but I could never support a family on what I learned in
two semesters of woodworking, or of metal shop or of graphic arts in

I don't have any answers, but I do know that an attempt to bring back
the past where lots of people did specialty, technical work AND
NOTHING ELSE are gone, and will not return.

Those who lead us in education have got a LOT of work to to to fine a
model that fits the 21st century.

Happy Memorial Day

Old Guy

On May 24, 6:29=A0am, Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> May 24, 2009
> The Case for Working With Your Hands
> The television show =93Deadliest Catch=94 depicts commercial crab
> fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, =93Dirty Jobs,=94 shows all kinds o=
> grueling work; one episode featured a guy who inseminates turkeys for
> a living. The weird fascination of these shows must lie partly in the
> fact that such confrontations with material reality have become
> exotically unfamiliar. Many of us do work that feels more surreal than
> real. Working in an office, you often find it difficult to see any
> tangible result from your efforts. What exactly have you accomplished
> at the end of any given day? Where the chain of cause and effect is
> opaque and responsibility diffuse, the experience of individual agency
> can be elusive. =93Dilbert,=94 =93The Office=94 and similar portrayals of
> cubicle life attest to the dark absurdism with which many Americans
> have come to view their white-collar jobs.
> Is there a more =93real=94 alternative (short of inseminating turkeys)?
> High-school shop-class programs were widely dismantled in the 1990s as
> educators prepared students to become =93knowledge workers.=94 The
> imperative of the last 20 years to round up every warm body and send
> it to college, then to the cubicle, was tied to a vision of the future
> in which we somehow take leave of material reality and glide about in
> a pure information economy. This has not come to pass. To begin with,
> such work often feels more enervating than gliding. More
> fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix
> our cars, unclog our toilets, build our houses.
> When we praise people who do work that is straightforwardly useful,
> the praise often betrays an assumption that they had no other options.
> We idealize them as the salt of the earth and emphasize the sacrifice
> for others their work may entail. Such sacrifice does indeed occur =97
> the hazards faced by a lineman restoring power during a storm come to
> mind. But what if such work answers as well to a basic human need of
> the one who does it? I take this to be the suggestion of Marge
> Piercy=92s poem =93To Be of Use,=94 which concludes with the lines =93the
> pitcher longs for water to carry/and a person for work that is real.=94
> Beneath our gratitude for the lineman may rest envy.
> This seems to be a moment when the useful arts have an especially
> compelling economic rationale. A car mechanics=92 trade association
> reports that repair shops have seen their business jump significantly
> in the current recession: people aren=92t buying new cars; they are
> fixing the ones they have. The current downturn is likely to pass
> eventually. But there are also systemic changes in the economy,
> arising from information technology, that have the surprising effect
> of making the manual trades =97 plumbing, electrical work, car repair =97
> more attractive as careers. The Princeton economist Alan Blinder
> argues that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is
> not between those with more or less education, but between those whose
> services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their work
> in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods more
> secure against outsourcing to distant countries. As Blinder puts it,
> =93You can=92t hammer a nail over the Internet.=94 Nor can the Indians fi=
> your car. Because they are in India.
> If the goal is to earn a living, then, maybe it isn=92t really true that
> 18-year-olds need to be imparted with a sense of panic about getting
> into college (though they certainly need to learn). Some people are
> hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own
> inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to
> build things or fix things. One shop teacher suggested to me that =93in
> schools, we create artificial learning environments for our children
> that they know to be contrived and undeserving of their full attention
> and engagement. Without the opportunity to learn through the hands,
> the world remains abstract and distant, and the passions for learning
> will not be engaged.=94
> A gifted young person who chooses to become a mechanic rather than to
> accumulate academic credentials is viewed as eccentric, if not
> self-destructive. There is a pervasive anxiety among parents that
> there is only one track to success for their children. It runs through
> a series of gates controlled by prestigious institutions. Further,
> there is wide use of drugs to medicate boys, especially, against their
> natural tendency toward action, the better to =93keep things on track.=94
> I taught briefly in a public high school and would have loved to have
> set up a Ritalin fogger in my classroom. It is a rare person, male or
> female, who is naturally inclined to sit still for 17 years in school,
> and then indefinitely at work.
> The trades suffer from low prestige, and I believe this is based on a
> simple mistake. Because the work is dirty, many people assume it is
> also stupid. This is not my experience. I have a small business as a
> motorcycle mechanic in Richmond, Va., which I started in 2002. I work
> on Japanese and European motorcycles, mostly older bikes with some
> =93vintage=94 cachet that makes people willing to spend money on them. I
> have found the satisfactions of the work to be very much bound up with
> the intellectual challenges it presents. And yet my decision to go
> into this line of work is a choice that seems to perplex many people.
> After finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy at the University of
> Chicago in 2000, I managed to stay on with a one-year postdoctoral
> fellowship at the university=92s Committee on Social Thought. The
> academic job market was utterly bleak. In a state of professional
> panic, I retreated to a makeshift workshop I set up in the basement of
> a Hyde Park apartment building, where I spent the winter tearing down
> an old Honda motorcycle and rebuilding it. The physicality of it, and
> the clear specificity of what the project required of me, was a balm.
> Stumped by a starter motor that seemed to check out in every way but
> wouldn=92t work, I started asking around at Honda dealerships. Nobody
> had an answer; finally one service manager told me to call Fred
> Cousins of Triple O Service. =93If anyone can help you, Fred can.=94
> I called Fred, and he invited me to come to his independent
> motorcycle-repair shop, tucked discreetly into an unmarked warehouse
> on Goose Island. He told me to put the motor on a certain bench that
> was free of clutter. He checked the electrical resistance through the
> windings, as I had done, to confirm there was no short circuit or
> broken wire. He spun the shaft that ran through the center of the
> motor, as I had. No problem: it spun freely. Then he hooked it up to a
> battery. It moved ever so slightly but wouldn=92t spin. He grasped the
> shaft, delicately, with three fingers, and tried to wiggle it side to
> side. =93Too much free play,=94 he said. He suggested that the problem wa=
> with the bushing (a thick-walled sleeve of metal) that captured the
> end of the shaft in the end of the cylindrical motor housing. It was
> worn, so it wasn=92t locating the shaft precisely enough. The shaft was
> free to move too much side to side (perhaps a couple of hundredths of
> an inch), causing the outer circumference of the rotor to bind on the
> inner circumference of the motor housing when a current was applied.
> Fred scrounged around for a Honda motor. He found one with the same
> bushing, then used a =93blind hole bearing puller=94 to extract it, as
> well as the one in my motor. Then he gently tapped the new, or rather
> newer, one into place. The motor worked! Then Fred gave me an
> impromptu dissertation on the peculiar metallurgy of these Honda
> starter-motor bushings of the mid-=9270s. Here was a scholar.
> Over the next six months I spent a lot of time at Fred=92s shop,
> learning, and put in only occasional appearances at the university.
> This was something of a regression: I worked on cars throughout high
> school and college, and one of my early jobs was at a Porsche repair
> shop. Now I was rediscovering the intensely absorbing nature of the
> work, and it got me thinking about possible livelihoods.
> As it happened, in the spring I landed a job as executive director of
> a policy organization in Washington. This felt like a coup. But
> certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It
> sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to
> suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and
> there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its
> figurehead, I was making arguments I didn=92t fully buy myself. Further,
> my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain
> cognitive style =97 that of the corporate world, from which he had
> recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of
> rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning. As I sat in
> my K Street office, Fred=92s life as an independent tradesman gave me an
> image that I kept coming back to: someone who really knows what he is
> doing, losing himself in work that is genuinely useful and has a
> certain integrity to it. He also seemed to be having a lot of fun.
> Seeing a motorcycle about to leave my shop under its own power,
> several days after arriving in the back of a pickup truck, I don=92t
> feel tired even though I=92ve been standing on a concrete floor all day.
> Peering into the portal of his helmet, I think I can make out the
> edges of a grin on the face of a guy who hasn=92t ridden his bike in a
> while. I give him a wave. With one of his hands on the throttle and
> the other on the clutch, I know he can=92t wave back. But I can hear his
> salute in the exuberant =93bwaaAAAAP!=94 of a crisp throttle, gratuitousl=
> revved. That sound pleases me, as I know it does him. It=92s a
> ventriloquist conversation in one mechanical voice, and the gist of it
> is =93Yeah!=94
> After five months at the think tank, I=92d saved enough money to buy
> some tools I needed, and I quit and went into business fixing bikes.
> My shop rate is $40 per hour. Other shops have rates as high as $70
> per hour, but I tend to work pretty slowly. Further, only about half
> the time I spend in the shop ends up being billable (I have no
> employees; every little chore falls to me), so it usually works out
> closer to $20 per hour =97 a modest but decent wage. The business goes
> up and down; when it is down I have supplemented it with writing. The
> work is sometimes frustrating, but it is never irrational.
> And it frequently requires complex thinking. In fixing motorcycles you
> come up with several imagined trains of cause and effect for manifest
> symptoms, and you judge their likelihood before tearing anything down.
> This imagining relies on a mental library that you develop. An
> internal combustion engine can work in any number of ways, and
> different manufacturers have tried different approaches. Each has its
> own proclivities for failure. You also develop a library of sounds and
> smells and feels. For example, the backfire of a too-lean fuel mixture
> is subtly different from an ignition backfire.
> As in any learned profession, you just have to know a lot. If the
> motorcycle is 30 years old, from an obscure maker that went out of
> business 20 years ago, its tendencies are known mostly through lore.
> It would probably be impossible to do such work in isolation, without
> access to a collective historical memory; you have to be embedded in a
> community of mechanic-antiquarians. These relationships are maintained
> by telephone, in a network of reciprocal favors that spans the
> country. My most reliable source, Fred, has such an encyclopedic
> knowledge of obscure European motorcycles that all I have been able to
> offer him in exchange is deliveries of obscure European beer.
> There is always a risk of introducing new complications when working
> on old motorcycles, and this enters the diagnostic logic. Measured in
> likelihood of screw-ups, the cost is not identical for all avenues of
> inquiry when deciding which hypothesis to pursue. Imagine you=92re
> trying to figure out why a bike won=92t start. The fasteners holding the
> engine covers on 1970s-era Hondas are Phillips head, and they are
> almost always rounded out and corroded. Do you really want to check
> the condition of the starter clutch if each of eight screws will need
> to be drilled out and extracted, risking damage to the engine case?
> Such impediments have to be taken into account. The attractiveness of
> any hypothesis is determined in part by physical circumstances that
> have no logical connection to the diagnostic problem at hand. The
> mechanic=92s proper response to the situation cannot be anticipated by a
> set of rules or algorithms.
> There probably aren=92t many jobs that can be reduced to rule-following
> and still be done well. But in many jobs there is an attempt to do
> just this, and the perversity of it may go unnoticed by those who
> design the work process. Mechanics face something like this problem in
> the factory service manuals that we use. These manuals tell you to be
> systematic in eliminating variables, presenting an idealized image of
> diagnostic work. But they never take into account the risks of working
> on old machines. So you put the manual away and consider the facts
> before you. You do this because ultimately you are responsible to the
> motorcycle and its owner, not to some procedure.
> Some diagnostic situations contain a lot of variables. Any given
> symptom may have several possible causes, and further, these causes
> may interact with one another and therefore be difficult to isolate.
> In deciding how to proceed, there often comes a point where you have
> to step back and get a larger gestalt. Have a cigarette and walk
> around the lift. The gap between theory and practice stretches out in
> front of you, and this is where it gets interesting. What you need now
> is the kind of judgment that arises only from experience; hunches
> rather than rules. For me, at least, there is more real thinking going
> on in the bike shop than there was in the think tank.
> Put differently, mechanical work has required me to cultivate
> different intellectual habits. Further, habits of mind have an ethical
> dimension that we don=92t often think about. Good diagnosis requires
> attentiveness to the machine, almost a conversation with it, rather
> than assertiveness, as in the position papers produced on K Street.
> Cognitive psychologists speak of =93metacognition,=94 which is the
> activity of stepping back and thinking about your own thinking. It is
> what you do when you stop for a moment in your pursuit of a solution,
> and wonder whether your understanding of the problem is adequate. The
> slap of worn-out pistons hitting their cylinders can sound a lot like
> loose valve tappets, so to be a good mechanic you have to be
> constantly open to the possibility that you may be mistaken. This is a
> virtue that is at once cognitive and moral. It seems to develop
> because the mechanic, if he is the sort who goes on to become good at
> it, internalizes the healthy functioning of the motorcycle as an
> object of passionate concern. How else can you explain the elation he
> gets when he identifies the root cause of some problem?
> This active concern for the motorcycle is reinforced by the social
> aspects of the job. As is the case with many independent mechanics, my
> business is based entirely on word of mouth. I sometimes barter
> services with machinists and metal fabricators. This has a very
> different feel than transactions with money; it situates me in a
> community. The result is that I really don=92t want to mess up anybody=92=
> motorcycle or charge more than a fair price. You often hear people
> complain about mechanics and other tradespeople whom they take to be
> dishonest or incompetent. I am sure this is sometimes justified. But
> it is also true that the mechanic deals with a large element of
> chance.
> I once accidentally dropped a feeler gauge down into the crankcase of
> a Kawasaki Ninja that was practically brand new, while performing its
> first scheduled valve adjustment. I escaped a complete tear-down of
> the motor only through an operation that involved the use of a
> stethoscope, another pair of trusted hands and the sort of
> concentration we associate with a bomb squad. When finally I laid my
> fingers on that feeler gauge, I felt as if I had cheated death. I
> don=92t remember ever feeling so alive as in the hours that followed.
> Often as not, however, such crises do not end in redemption. Moments
> of elation are counterbalanced with failures, and these, too, are
> vivid, taking place right before your eyes. With stakes that are often
> high and immediate, the manual trades elicit heedful absorption in
> work. They are punctuated by moments of pleasure that take place
> against a darker backdrop: a keen awareness of catastrophe as an
> always-present possibility. The core experience is one of individual
> responsibility, supported by face-to-face interactions between
> tradesman and customer.
> Contrast the experience of being a middle manager. This is a stock
> figure of ridicule, but the sociologist Robert Jackall spent years
> inhabiting the world of corporate managers, conducting interviews, and
> he poignantly describes the =93moral maze=94 they feel trapped in. Like
> the mechanic, the manager faces the possibility of disaster at any
> time. But in his case these disasters feel arbitrary; they are
> typically a result of corporate restructurings, not of physics. A
> manager has to make many decisions for which he is accountable. Unlike
> an entrepreneur with his own business, however, his decisions can be
> reversed at any time by someone higher up the food chain (and there is
> always someone higher up the food chain). It=92s important for your
> career that these reversals not look like defeats, and more generally
> you have to spend a lot of time managing what others think of you.
> Survival depends on a crucial insight: you can=92t back down from an
> argument that you initially made in straightforward language, with
> moral conviction, without seeming to lose your integrity. So managers
> learn the art of provisional thinking and feeling, expressed in
> corporate doublespeak, and cultivate a lack of commitment to their own
> actions. Nothing is set in concrete the way it is when you are, for
> example, pouring concrete.
> Those who work on the lower rungs of the information-age office
> hierarchy face their own kinds of unreality, as I learned some time
> ago. After earning a master=92s degree in the early 1990s, I had a hard
> time finding work but eventually landed a job in the Bay Area writing
> brief summaries of academic journal articles, which were then sold on
> CD-ROMs to subscribing libraries. When I got the phone call offering
> me the job, I was excited. I felt I had grabbed hold of the passing
> world =97 miraculously, through the mere filament of a classified ad =97
> and reeled myself into its current. My new bosses immediately took up
> residence in my imagination, where I often surprised them with my
> hidden depths. As I was shown to my cubicle, I felt a real sense of
> being honored. It seemed more than spacious enough. It was my desk,
> where I would think my thoughts =97 my unique contribution to a common
> enterprise, in a real company with hundreds of employees. The
> regularity of the cubicles made me feel I had found a place in the
> order of things. I was to be a knowledge worker.
> But the feel of the job changed on my first day. The company had
> gotten its start by providing libraries with a subject index of
> popular magazines like Sports Illustrated. Through a series of mergers
> and acquisitions, it now found itself offering not just indexes but
> also abstracts (that is, summaries), and of a very different kind of
> material: scholarly works in the physical and biological sciences,
> humanities, social sciences and law. Some of this stuff was simply
> incomprehensible to anyone but an expert in the particular field
> covered by the journal. I was reading articles in Classical Philology
> where practically every other word was in Greek. Some of the
> scientific journals were no less mysterious. Yet the categorical
> difference between, say, Sports Illustrated and Nature Genetics seemed
> not to have impressed itself on the company=92s decision makers. In some
> of the titles I was assigned, articles began with an abstract written
> by the author. But even in such cases I was to write my own. The
> reason offered was that unless I did so, there would be no =93value
> added=94 by our product. It was hard to believe I was going to add
> anything other than error and confusion to such material. But then, I
> hadn=92t yet been trained.
> My job was structured on the supposition that in writing an abstract
> of an article there is a method that merely needs to be applied, and
> that this can be done without understanding the text. I was actually
> told this by the trainer, Monica, as she stood before a whiteboard,
> diagramming an abstract. Monica seemed a perfectly sensible person and
> gave no outward signs of suffering delusions. She didn=92t insist too
> much on what she was telling us, and it became clear she was in a
> position similar to that of a veteran Soviet bureaucrat who must work
> on two levels at once: reality and official ideology. The official
> ideology was a bit like the factory service manuals I mentioned
> before, the ones that offer procedures that mechanics often have to
> ignore in order to do their jobs.
> My starting quota, after finishing a week of training, was 15 articles
> per day. By my 11th month at the company, my quota was up to 28
> articles per day (this was the normal, scheduled increase). I was
> always sleepy while at work, and I think this exhaustion was because I
> felt trapped in a contradiction: the fast pace demanded complete focus
> on the task, yet that pace also made any real concentration
> impossible. I had to actively suppress my own ability to think,
> because the more you think, the more the inadequacies in your
> understanding of an author=92s argument come into focus. This can only
> slow you down. To not do justice to an author who had poured himself
> into the subject at hand felt like violence against what was best in
> myself.
> The quota demanded, then, not just dumbing down but also a bit of
> moral re-education, the opposite of the kind that occurs in the
> heedful absorption of mechanical work. I had to suppress my sense of
> responsibility to the article itself, and to others =97 to the author,
> to begin with, as well as to the hapless users of the database, who
> might na=EFvely suppose that my abstract reflected the author=92s work.
> Such detachment was made easy by the fact there was no immediate
> consequence for me; I could write any nonsense whatever.
> Now, it is probably true that every job entails some kind of
> mutilation. I used to work as an electrician and had my own business
> doing it for a while. As an electrician you breathe a lot of unknown
> dust in crawl spaces, your knees get bruised, your neck gets strained
> from looking up at the ceiling while installing lights or ceiling fans
> and you get shocked regularly, sometimes while on a ladder. Your hands
> are sliced up from twisting wires together, handling junction boxes
> made out of stamped sheet metal and cutting metal conduit with a
> hacksaw. But none of this damage touches the best part of yourself.
> You might wonder: Wasn=92t there any quality control? My supervisor
> would periodically read a few of my abstracts, and I was sometimes
> corrected and told not to begin an abstract with a dependent clause.
> But I was never confronted with an abstract I had written and told
> that it did not adequately reflect the article. The quality standards
> were the generic ones of grammar, which could be applied without my
> supervisor having to read the article at hand. Rather, my supervisor
> and I both were held to a metric that was conjured by someone remote
> from the work process =97 an absentee decision maker armed with a
> (putatively) profit-maximizing calculus, one that took no account of
> the intrinsic nature of the job. I wonder whether the resulting
> perversity really made for maximum profits in the long term. Corporate
> managers are not, after all, the owners of the businesses they run.
> At lunch I had a standing arrangement with two other abstracters. One
> was from my group, a laconic, disheveled man named Mike whom I liked
> instantly. He did about as well on his quota as I did on mine, but it
> didn=92t seem to bother him too much. The other guy was from beyond the
> partition, a meticulously groomed Liberian named Henry who said he had
> worked for the C.I.A. He had to flee Liberia very suddenly one day and
> soon found himself resettled near the office parks of Foster City,
> Calif. Henry wasn=92t going to sweat the quota. Come 12:30, the three of
> us would hike to the food court in the mall. This movement was always
> thrilling. It involved traversing several =93campuses,=94 with ponds
> frequented by oddly real seagulls, then the lunch itself, which I
> always savored. (Marx writes that under conditions of estranged labor,
> man =93no longer feels himself to be freely active in any but his animal
> functions.=94) Over his burrito, Mike would recount the outrageous
> things he had written in his abstracts. I could see my own future in
> such moments of sabotage =97 the compensating pleasures of a cubicle
> drone. Always funny and gentle, Mike confided one day that he was
> doing quite a bit of heroin. On the job. This actually made some
> sense.
> How was it that I, once a proudly self-employed electrician, had ended
> up among these walking wounded, a =93knowledge worker=94 at a salary of
> $23,000? I had a master=92s degree, and it needed to be used. The
> escalating demand for academic credentials in the job market gives the
> impression of an ever-more-knowledgeable society, whose members
> perform cognitive feats their unschooled parents could scarcely
> conceive of. On paper, my abstracting job, multiplied a millionfold,
> is precisely what puts the futurologist in a rapture: we are getting
> to be so smart! Yet my M.A. obscures a more real stupidification of
> the work I secured with that credential, and a wage to match. When I
> first got the degree, I felt as if I had been inducted to a certain
> order of society. But despite the beautiful ties I wore, it turned out
> to be a more proletarian existence than I had known as an electrician.
> In that job I had made quite a bit more money. I also felt free and
> active, rather than confined and stultified.
> A good job requires a field of action where you can put your best
> capacities to work and see an effect in the world. Academic
> credentials do not guarantee this.
> Nor can big business or big government =97 those idols of the right and
> the left =97 reliably secure such work for us. Everyone is rightly
> concerned about economic growth on the one hand or unemployment and
> wages on the other, but the character of work doesn=92t figure much in
> political debate. Labor unions address important concerns like
> workplace safety and family leave, and management looks for greater
> efficiency, but on the nature of the job itself, the dominant
> political and economic paradigms are mute. Yet work forms us, and
> deforms us, with broad public consequences.
> The visceral experience of failure seems to have been edited out of
> the career trajectories of gifted students. It stands to reason, then,
> that those who end up making big decisions that affect all of us don=92t
> seem to have much sense of their own fallibility, and of how badly
> things can go wrong even with the best of intentions (like when I
> dropped that feeler gauge down into the Ninja). In the boardrooms of
> Wall Street and the corridors of Pennsylvania Avenue, I don=92t think
> you=92ll see a yellow sign that says =93Think Safety!=94 as you do on job
> sites and in many repair shops, no doubt because those who sit on the
> swivel chairs tend to live remote from the consequences of the
> decisions they make. Why not encourage gifted students to learn a
> trade, if only in the summers, so that their fingers will be crushed
> once or twice before they go on to run the country?
> There is good reason to suppose that responsibility has to be
> installed in the foundation of your mental equipment =97 at the level of
> perception and habit. There is an ethic of paying attention that
> develops in the trades through hard experience. It inflects your
> perception of the world and your habitual responses to it. This is due
> to the immediate feedback you get from material objects and to the
> fact that the work is typically situated in face-to-face interactions
> between tradesman and customer.
> An economy that is more entrepreneurial, less managerial, would be
> less subject to the kind of distortions that occur when corporate
> managers=92 compensation is tied to the short-term profit of distant
> shareholders. For most entrepreneurs, profit is at once a more
> capacious and a more concrete thing than this. It is a calculation in
> which the intrinsic satisfactions of work count =97 not least, the
> exercise of your own powers of reason.
> Ultimately it is enlightened self-interest, then, not a harangue about
> humility or public-spiritedness, that will compel us to take a fresh
> look at the trades. The good life comes in a variety of forms. This
> variety has become difficult to see; our field of aspiration has
> narrowed into certain channels. But the current perplexity in the
> economy seems to be softening our gaze. Our peripheral vision is
> perhaps recovering, allowing us to consider the full range of lives
> worth choosing. For anyone who feels ill suited by disposition to
> spend his days sitting in an office, the question of what a good job
> looks like is now wide open.
> Matthew B. Crawford lives in Richmond, Va. His book, =93Shop Class as
> Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work,=94 from which this essay
> is adapted, will be published this week by Penguin Press.
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> Regards,
> Tom Watson


Glenn Lyford

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

27/05/2009 7:01 AM

>=A0It really is funny to see the reasons they reject homes [...] =A0
> What gets me is the number of people who reject homes because
> of the appliances.

Or the color of the walls or carpets.

Just as scary to me are the realtors who insist on staging a house to
the nth degree, like people can't figure out that a room can be used
as a bedroom, because there currently isn't a bed in it, or that one
end of the kitchen can be used for dining because it doesn't have a
table? Or even more sadly, that experience has proved them right...

--Glenn Lyford


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 4:29 AM

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote:

> In the right places, a handyman can do well since so many college
> grads have no idea which end of a screwdriver to use, let alone know
> which way to turn it.

Remember the story about the doctor who called a plumber to unclog a

Plumber completed the job in less than 10 minutes and gave the doctor
a bill for $125.

Doctor was shocked and said, "I'm a DOCTOR and I charge less than

Plumber replied, "I know, that's why I quit being a DOCTOR."




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 2:39 PM

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> Even with a good home inspector, it's still a bit of a crap-shoot. They
>> are at least methodical going through the home so will catch the obvious
>> stuff, but don't get everything and sometimes miss things.
> I'm still amazed at the whole home inspector thing. I've done my own
> inspecting and maybe brought along my FIL for some help. I guess it is
> needed for the mechanically inept though. I've read where inspectors have
> missed a lot of big items and the contract says they have no liability if
> they do.
The one encounter with an inspector was when we were selling our
flatland house. The buyer wanted an inspection, the results of which
made me laugh initially and ultimately led me to put the house back on
the market. The inspector was a class A fenderhead. The finding that
set me off was a back bedroom which had two problems:
1. A dead electrical outlet.
2. An electric switch that did not operate anything.

Yup. The switch controlled the outlet. The buyer came back and bought
the place "as is".



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 7:38 AM

On May 24, 8:05=A0am, Old Guy <[email protected]> wrote:
> Tom:
> Hear, hear!
> I tooks shop classes in HS, but could only fit a few of them into the
> curriculum. I loved 'em. =A0 I went on to earn a scholarship to MIT and
> a degree in architecture.

My HS didn't have a shop. It's one of my serious issues with that
part of my education. I was so jealous of my older brother coming
home from his HS with turned lamps and the like. In college I lived
in the 'tute's shops. When did you get out?

> So, I couldn't agree more that no everyone needs to go to college. =A0An
> interesting statistic, high schools focus their curriculum on college,
> only about 50% of their students ever go on to any college, and only
> about 50% of those folks ever complete a 4 year degree. =A0 The other
> 75% of graduates have to somehow get what they need around the edges
> of what the educators say is important. =A0Maybe that's why high schools
> are in trouble????

Well, the stats are a bit different around here. Many HSs have 85
percent, or more, go on to college. Funny thing - I still agree with
your assessment.

Square peg in a round hole...

> But the old HS shop classes died becase they too were obselete. =A0I
> loved them, but I could never support a family on what I learned in
> two semesters of woodworking, or of metal shop or of graphic arts in
> HS.
> I don't have any answers, but I do know that an attempt to bring back
> the past where lots of people did specialty, technical work AND
> NOTHING ELSE are gone, and will not return.

I'm not so sure about that part. With the population growth on the
planet being what it is, it's a safe bet that not everyone will be
investment bankers and writing software.

> Those who lead us in education have got a LOT of work to to to fine a
> model that fits the 21st century.

Actually you only have to read a bit of history to get the models you
need - or at least the quotes that the models will be derived from.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. - Milton
If you don't love your work, whatever it is, it ain't heaven. If you
love your work, Hell _is_ heaven (at least most of the time).

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a
humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because
philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor
good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. -
John W. Gardner

If you haven't read this book, you should:
I'm halfway through it, and I really can't recommend it highly
enough. I won't go into it, but if you make or appreciate
craftsmanship, it's a must read.
Next stop is Pye's book on design.




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

26/05/2009 7:55 AM

On May 26, 1:38=A0am, Tim Douglass <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 May 2009 RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Well school teachers around here do pretty damn well for themselves.
> >Average Teacher Salary: =A0 =A0 $82,520
> >That's the _average_.
> Where are you? Around here the average is more like half that and the
> very top is less than that.

Long Island, NY There are a number of school districts around here
that are up in that range.



"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 9:08 PM

"Lee Michaels" wrote:

> And one day when walking into the basement, I noticed something
> dripping from the flourescent lights. I turned off the lights and
> popped the cover to look. The ballast was melting!! I freaked out
> and immediately went out and bought a replacement and installed it.

Those ballasts predated "Class P" ballasts which were being supplied
in the 60's.

Class P ballasts contain a cutout to take the ballast off line before
they can "drip"

The "dripping" was the insulating oil in the capacitor in the ballast.

That oil was a chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) which is very nasty stuff
and taken off the market in the 70's.

Created the start of the environmental clean up industry since almost
every oil filled transformer, capacitor, etc contained it.




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 12:38 PM

On Mon, 25 May 2009 00:15:35 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski" <[email protected]>

>"LD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> I agree with the essay. I didn't realize shop classes were largely
>> dismantled in the 1990s, but I'm not surprised. I think it's
>> definitely a bad thing. There will be a backlash to all this
>> concentration on "information workers."
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Don't think I'd call it a backlash, but certainly a lot of Unintended
>> Consequences.
>In the right places, a handyman can do well since so many college grads have
>no idea which end of a screwdriver to use, let alone know which way to turn

My FIL (middle school teacher) was one of those who should have been
legally barred from owning a screwdriver. OTOH, my father (a EE
professor) designed and built much of their house himself.

>My wife was watching one of those House buying shows on HGTV today. A
>couple was looking at a $400k+ home and the guy wanted to reject it because
>the shelf that would hold his CDs was not right. They never check things
>like mechanical systems, of course.

We're regular HGTV watchers (she's watching it now). It really is
funny to see the reasons they reject homes, though we're pretty good a
guessing which home they'll buy anyway. What gets me is the number of
people who reject homes because of the appliances. My wife didn't
like the appliances in this house either, so I'll have to replace them
soon (dishwasher already done).


"Ed Pawlowski"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 12:15 AM

"LD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I agree with the essay. I didn't realize shop classes were largely
> dismantled in the 1990s, but I'm not surprised. I think it's
> definitely a bad thing. There will be a backlash to all this
> concentration on "information workers."
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't think I'd call it a backlash, but certainly a lot of Unintended
> Consequences.

In the right places, a handyman can do well since so many college grads have
no idea which end of a screwdriver to use, let alone know which way to turn

My wife was watching one of those House buying shows on HGTV today. A
couple was looking at a $400k+ home and the guy wanted to reject it because
the shelf that would hold his CDs was not right. They never check things
like mechanical systems, of course.



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 8:37 PM

On May 24, 7:18=A0pm, "LD" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> Great essay. Thanks
> His book is available for pre-order at Amazon for $15.57.

I agree with the essay. I didn't realize shop classes were largely
dismantled in the 1990s, but I'm not surprised. I think it's
definitely a bad thing. There will be a backlash to all this
concentration on "information workers."



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 3:15 PM

On May 25, 5:28=A0pm, Charlie Self <[email protected]> wrote:
> On May 24, 7:29=A0am, Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------=
> > May 24, 2009
> > The Case for Working With Your Hands
> > The television show =93Deadliest Catch=94 depicts commercial crab
> > fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, =93Dirty Jobs,=94 shows all kinds=
> > grueling work; one episode featured a guy who inseminates turkeys for
> > a living. The weird fascination of these shows must lie partly in the
> > fact that such confrontations with material reality have become
> > exotically unfamiliar. Many of us do work that feels more surreal than
> > real. Working in an office, you often find it difficult to see any
> > tangible result from your efforts. What exactly have you accomplished
> > at the end of any given day? Where the chain of cause and effect is
> > opaque and responsibility diffuse, the experience of individual agency
> > can be elusive. =93Dilbert,=94 =93The Office=94 and similar portrayals =
> > cubicle life attest to the dark absurdism with which many Americans
> > have come to view their white-collar jobs.
> > Is there a more =93real=94 alternative (short of inseminating turkeys)?
> > High-school shop-class programs were widely dismantled in the 1990s as
> > educators prepared students to become =93knowledge workers.=94 The
> > imperative of the last 20 years to round up every warm body and send
> > it to college, then to the cubicle, was tied to a vision of the future
> > in which we somehow take leave of material reality and glide about in
> > a pure information economy. This has not come to pass. To begin with,
> > such work often feels more enervating than gliding. More
> > fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix
> > our cars, unclog our toilets, build our houses.
> > When we praise people who do work that is straightforwardly useful,
> > the praise often betrays an assumption that they had no other options.
> > We idealize them as the salt of the earth and emphasize the sacrifice
> > for others their work may entail. Such sacrifice does indeed occur =97
> > the hazards faced by a lineman restoring power during a storm come to
> > mind. But what if such work answers as well to a basic human need of
> > the one who does it? I take this to be the suggestion of Marge
> > Piercy=92s poem =93To Be of Use,=94 which concludes with the lines =93t=
> > pitcher longs for water to carry/and a person for work that is real.=94
> > Beneath our gratitude for the lineman may rest envy.
> > This seems to be a moment when the useful arts have an especially
> > compelling economic rationale. A car mechanics=92 trade association
> > reports that repair shops have seen their business jump significantly
> > in the current recession: people aren=92t buying new cars; they are
> > fixing the ones they have. The current downturn is likely to pass
> > eventually. But there are also systemic changes in the economy,
> > arising from information technology, that have the surprising effect
> > of making the manual trades =97 plumbing, electrical work, car repair =
> > more attractive as careers. The Princeton economist Alan Blinder
> > argues that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is
> > not between those with more or less education, but between those whose
> > services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their work
> > in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods more
> > secure against outsourcing to distant countries. As Blinder puts it,
> > =93You can=92t hammer a nail over the Internet.=94 Nor can the Indians =
> > your car. Because they are in India.
> > If the goal is to earn a living, then, maybe it isn=92t really true tha=
> > 18-year-olds need to be imparted with a sense of panic about getting
> > into college (though they certainly need to learn). Some people are
> > hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own
> > inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to
> > build things or fix things. One shop teacher suggested to me that =93in
> > schools, we create artificial learning environments for our children
> > that they know to be contrived and undeserving of their full attention
> > and engagement. Without the opportunity to learn through the hands,
> > the world remains abstract and distant, and the passions for learning
> > will not be engaged.=94
> > A gifted young person who chooses to become a mechanic rather than to
> > accumulate academic credentials is viewed as eccentric, if not
> > self-destructive. There is a pervasive anxiety among parents that
> > there is only one track to success for their children. It runs through
> > a series of gates controlled by prestigious institutions. Further,
> > there is wide use of drugs to medicate boys, especially, against their
> > natural tendency toward action, the better to =93keep things on track.=
> > I taught briefly in a public high school and would have loved to have
> > set up a Ritalin fogger in my classroom. It is a rare person, male or
> > female, who is naturally inclined to sit still for 17 years in school,
> > and then indefinitely at work.
> > The trades suffer from low prestige, and I believe this is based on a
> > simple mistake. Because the work is dirty, many people assume it is
> > also stupid. This is not my experience. I have a small business as a
> > motorcycle mechanic in Richmond, Va., which I started in 2002. I work
> > on Japanese and European motorcycles, mostly older bikes with some
> > =93vintage=94 cachet that makes people willing to spend money on them. =
> > have found the satisfactions of the work to be very much bound up with
> > the intellectual challenges it presents. And yet my decision to go
> > into this line of work is a choice that seems to perplex many people.
> > After finishing a Ph.D. in political philosophy at the University of
> > Chicago in 2000, I managed to stay on with a one-year postdoctoral
> > fellowship at the university=92s Committee on Social Thought. The
> > academic job market was utterly bleak. In a state of professional
> > panic, I retreated to a makeshift workshop I set up in the basement of
> > a Hyde Park apartment building, where I spent the winter tearing down
> > an old Honda motorcycle and rebuilding it. The physicality of it, and
> > the clear specificity of what the project required of me, was a balm.
> > Stumped by a starter motor that seemed to check out in every way but
> > wouldn=92t work, I started asking around at Honda dealerships. Nobody
> > had an answer; finally one service manager told me to call Fred
> > Cousins of Triple O Service. =93If anyone can help you, Fred can.=94
> > I called Fred, and he invited me to come to his independent
> > motorcycle-repair shop, tucked discreetly into an unmarked warehouse
> > on Goose Island. He told me to put the motor on a certain bench that
> > was free of clutter. He checked the electrical resistance through the
> > windings, as I had done, to confirm there was no short circuit or
> > broken wire. He spun the shaft that ran through the center of the
> > motor, as I had. No problem: it spun freely. Then he hooked it up to a
> > battery. It moved ever so slightly but wouldn=92t spin. He grasped the
> > shaft, delicately, with three fingers, and tried to wiggle it side to
> > side. =93Too much free play,=94 he said. He suggested that the problem =
> > with the bushing (a thick-walled sleeve of metal) that captured the
> > end of the shaft in the end of the cylindrical motor housing. It was
> > worn, so it wasn=92t locating the shaft precisely enough. The shaft was
> > free to move too much side to side (perhaps a couple of hundredths of
> > an inch), causing the outer circumference of the rotor to bind on the
> > inner circumference of the motor housing when a current was applied.
> > Fred scrounged around for a Honda motor. He found one with the same
> > bushing, then used a =93blind hole bearing puller=94 to extract it, as
> > well as the one in my motor. Then he gently tapped the new, or rather
> > newer, one into place. The motor worked! Then Fred gave me an
> > impromptu dissertation on the peculiar metallurgy of these Honda
> > starter-motor bushings of the mid-=9270s. Here was a scholar.
> > Over the next six months I spent a lot of time at Fred=92s shop,
> > learning, and put in only occasional appearances at the university.
> > This was something of a regression: I worked on cars throughout high
> > school and college, and one of my early jobs was at a Porsche repair
> > shop. Now I was rediscovering the intensely absorbing nature of the
> > work, and it got me thinking about possible livelihoods.
> > As it happened, in the spring I landed a job as executive director of
> > a policy organization in Washington. This felt like a coup. But
> > certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It
> > sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to
> > suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and
> > there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its
> > figurehead, I was making arguments I didn=92t fully buy myself. Further=
> > my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain
> > cognitive style =97 that of the corporate world, from which he had
> > recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of
> > rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning. As I sat in
> > my K Street office, Fred=92s life as an independent tradesman gave me a=
> > image that I kept coming back to: someone who really knows what he is
> > doing, losing himself in work that is genuinely useful and has a
> > certain integrity to it. He also seemed to be having a lot of fun.
> > Seeing a motorcycle about to leave my shop under its own power,
> > several days after arriving in the back of a pickup truck, I don=92t
> > feel tired even though I=92ve been standing on a concrete floor all day=
> > Peering into the portal of his helmet, I think I can make out the
> > edges of a grin on the face of a guy who hasn=92t ridden his bike in a
> > while. I give him a wave. With one of his hands on the throttle and
> > the other on the clutch, I know he can=92t wave back. But I can hear hi=
> > salute in the exuberant =93bwaaAAAAP!=94 of a crisp throttle, gratuitou=
> > revved. That sound pleases me, as I know it does him. It=92s a
> > ventriloquist conversation in one mechanical voice, and the gist of it
> > is =93Yeah!=94
> > After five months at the ...
> > read more =BB
> Unfortunately, as basic farm style skills have atrophied in the
> general population, fewer and fewer people are even interested in
> learning how to do trades jobs. Schools started two-tracking about the
> time I got to HS, academic and shop. Shop was for the dummies. My
> mother had big dreams for me, based on engineering of some type (both
> my paernts came directly from farm familes) I think being the primary
> goal. Yeah, math skills meant I'd never be an engineer. My
> interests leaned more to following the old man's "profession," auto
> mechanic, aka grease monkey back then.
> Instead, I joined the Marines and ended up playing with expensive
> aircraft with the props on top.
> From there it was a straight jump to...yeah, right. After drifitng for
> a couple years, I went to college, and ended up doing most of my
> writing work on motorcycles, cars and woodworking, with stops at home
> building and remodeling, while living in the country.
> I don't have a clue as to an answer, but I do know we need top
> tradespeople in almost all fields. The pay in many is now almost as
> bad as that for schoolteachers, though, so improvement in skills is
> less likely.

Well school teachers around here do pretty damn well for themselves.
Average Teacher Salary: $82,520
That's the _average_.




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

26/05/2009 8:45 AM

Tim Douglass wrote:
> On Mon, 25 May 2009 15:15:45 -0700 (PDT), RicodJour
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Well school teachers around here do pretty damn well for themselves.
>> Average Teacher Salary: $82,520
>> That's the _average_.
> Where are you? Around here the average is more like half that and the
> very top is less than that.
> Tim Douglass
> Warning: Spelling errors in this message are the product of a poor school system. Pay teachures more than athletes.
Ummm. Tim, you have a misspelled word in your sig: it should be
*athaletes*. :-)


"John Grossbohlin"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 3:45 PM

"Ed Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> Even with a good home inspector, it's still a bit of a crap-shoot. They
>> are at least methodical going through the home so will catch the obvious
>> stuff, but don't get everything and sometimes miss things.
> I'm still amazed at the whole home inspector thing. I've done my own
> inspecting and maybe brought along my FIL for some help. I guess it is
> needed for the mechanically inept though. I've read where inspectors have
> missed a lot of big items and the contract says they have no liability if
> they do.

I've seen this first hand... one associate of mine showed me his recently
purchased home. I was there to help him install some new lights in his
unfinished basement so talking about the house was an open to discussion. As
we walked into his under the house garage red flares went up... missing
ceiling drywall in the garage... black floor joists and subfloor above. What
took some $20K to repair was listed as "loose tiles in shower." They were
loose alright... the studs in the wall between the back to back bathrooms
stopped a good foot from the floor as they were rotted away, as was the
sub-floor and tops of the floor joists. None of the damage visible from the
basement garage was noted.

Before I left another $10K in material structural and mechanical system
problems were noted and the "will need roof in 5 years" roof needed
immediate replacement as there were holes in it. The cantilevered rear
screen porch had bowed the interior floor and wall so badly that the door
between the kitchen and family room was about an inch out of plumb. There
was no vent on the washer drain so the kitchen sink gurgled, water was
running into the house due grading problems. Rodents had chewed all the
insulation off wiring such that the bare copper was showing...

I didn't have to open up any walls or remove anything to see the damage so
the inspector couldn't use the "hidden damage" argument. No recourse with
the inspector... poor homeowner ended up having a breakdown and spent two
weeks institutionalized. He bought at the top of the market, spent another
$35+K fixing the house and sold it for a loss as he couldn't bear to live in
the place after making such a bad mistake... Even in today's market you
could double those numbers and the house recently changed hands for a little
over double what the guy paid.



Mark & Juanita

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 10:46 AM

Puckdropper <puckdropper(at)yahoo(dot)com> wrote:

> Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> *snip*
>>> They never check things
>>> like mechanical systems, of course.
>> But you have to deal with CD shelf everyday, the mechanical systems
>> are
>> just there and alway work well, right?
> Interesting how people won't buy a car without a test drive, but only get
> to spend a few hours with a house that costs 10x as much and is expected
> to last 5-10 times as long.

Even with a good home inspector, it's still a bit of a crap-shoot. They
are at least methodical going through the home so will catch the obvious
stuff, but don't get everything and sometimes miss things.

> The new water heater was covered by home warranty, but the new dryer was
> not. I don't remember if the new well pump was done within the home
> warranty period...
> Puckdropper

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


"John Grossbohlin"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 8:53 AM

"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> May 24, 2009
> The Case for Working With Your Hands

Anyone with an interest in this should be following Doug Stowe's blog...
Wisdom of the Hands.

Doug brings up a lot of related items and discusses the Sloyd philosophy of
training. Always interesting!



"Ed Pawlowski"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

26/05/2009 5:59 AM

"Tim Douglass" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 25 May 2009 15:15:45 -0700 (PDT), RicodJour
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Well school teachers around here do pretty damn well for themselves.
>>Average Teacher Salary: $82,520
>>That's the _average_.
> Where are you? Around here the average is more like half that and the
> very top is less than that.

You can hit that in CT. One school district also has 20 sick days, 5
personal days, plus the usual holidays. Many families live on far less than
teacher salaries these days.


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 9:30 PM

Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> "LD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> I agree with the essay. I didn't realize shop classes were largely
>> dismantled in the 1990s, but I'm not surprised. I think it's
>> definitely a bad thing. There will be a backlash to all this
>> concentration on "information workers."
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Don't think I'd call it a backlash, but certainly a lot of Unintended
>> Consequences.
> In the right places, a handyman can do well since so many college grads
> have no idea which end of a screwdriver to use, let alone know which way
> to turn it.
> My wife was watching one of those House buying shows on HGTV today. A
> couple was looking at a $400k+ home and the guy wanted to reject it
> because
> the shelf that would hold his CDs was not right.

You really have to wonder sometimes. How do people grow up not learning
that kind of stuff?

> They never check things
> like mechanical systems, of course.

But you have to deal with CD shelf everyday, the mechanical systems are
just there and alway work well, right?

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 8:49 AM

On May 24, 11:25=A0am, notbob <[email protected]> wrote:
> BTW, in case it escapes you, we're having this discussion on the "interne=

Very perspicacious of you to notice, but your point eludes me. What
does how we communicate for fun have to do with the topic at hand?
Were nails driven by telephone, telegraph, signal fires or pigeons in
earlier days?

I know you are trying to say something - the double exclamation and
all-caps are an indication it is important to you - so what is it?




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

26/05/2009 9:09 AM

On May 26, 11:45=A0am, jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:
> Tim Douglass wrote:
> > Warning: Spelling errors in this message are the product of a poor scho=
ol system. Pay teachures more than athletes.
> Ummm. =A0Tim, you have a misspelled word in your sig: =A0it should be
> *athaletes*. =A0:-)

U mus b unedumucated! At leats meens at a minimunum.




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 9:14 AM

notbob wrote:

> No, the romantic image of the "craftsman" is all well and good and very
> comforting to us geezers, but that New England Workshop crap is a lotta
> hooey. You either get a toolbox full of battery powered screwguns, saws,
> and nailers to go with your digital squares and laser levels or you're
> outta business.
> BTW, in case it escapes you, we're having this discussion on the
> "internet". HELLO!!
> nb
Hmmmm, sorry your career choices didn't go as well as you would have liked.
I'm retired from a business I started in 1976 and did well at. After
retiring I realized I needed to do something and since I built my own house
and have construction knowledge, decided to get into the "fix it" business.
I don't really advertise except on the internet and I'm busier then ever.
I'm not cheap and I think people have finally realized to a point,"you get
what you pay for". Meaning lots of folks are getting tired of shoddy
workmanship by illegals and are willing to pay to get it done right. I
don't mind following Jose and JosB and fix their work for double what it
would have originally cost. My belief is the Craftsman are making a come
back. But then I truly enjoy what I do!

"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Running Mandriva release 2008.0 free-i586 using KDE on i586
Website Address



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 10:58 AM

notbob wrote:

> On 2009-05-24, evodawg <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hmmmm, sorry your career choices didn't go as well as you would have
>> liked.
> Try rereading my post.

I will, obviously I missed something

>> what you pay for". Meaning lots of folks are getting tired of shoddy
>> workmanship by illegals and are willing to pay to get it done right.
> I agree there does seem to be a backlash against shoddy workmanship.
> Hopefully it will continue. Time magazine ran an article about how more
> companies in critical industries are bringing jobs back home and
> manufacturing is actually increasing. Too bad they didn't see this 20 yrs
> ago. And don't give me this crap about hi-tech being a lost horizon.
> Those laser/digital tools we all drool over didn't come from craftsmen
> reminiscing over the good ol' days.

I have no laser or digital tools, although I have thought about the Bosch
laser measurement tool. Forgot what they call it.

>> would have originally cost. My belief is the Craftsman are making a come
>> back. But then I truly enjoy what I do!
> That's great, and I'm not saying there is no place for craftmanship.
> There is, but one question: Could you do this if you were young and trying
> to buy
> a house and support a family? Not bloody likely. You're able to do what
> you like cuz you have worked hard to be in this situation. I dare say you
> are the exception rather than the rule.
I'd say you'd be right if referring to a couple of years ago when the
average home cost upwards of 1/2 a million. But I know of a few yutes that
are making a good go of it. I and others that are worth it charge $50./hr
or will estimate a job depending on how large it is. You just need to
attract customers that have money and don't mind paying for top quality
work and not the regular china buying public that expect everything for
nothing and gets nothing.

Your point well taken. But it's increasing because most growing up today
can't and have never thought on how to do this myself or don't/won't make
the time. You would not believe how many housewives have said I have a dumb
ass for a husband when it comes to building or fixing anything! Thank God
for them.

"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Running Mandriva release 2008.0 free-i586 using KDE on i586
Website Address


[email protected] (Larry W)

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

27/05/2009 2:01 AM

Good article, perhaps in the future it would be more appropriate
to just post a link to th original copyrighted material.

There are no stupid questions, but there are lots of stupid answers.

Larry Wasserman - Baltimore Maryland - lwasserm(a)sdf. lonestar. org


Tim Douglass

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 10:38 PM

On Mon, 25 May 2009 15:15:45 -0700 (PDT), RicodJour
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Well school teachers around here do pretty damn well for themselves.
>Average Teacher Salary: $82,520
>That's the _average_.

Where are you? Around here the average is more like half that and the
very top is less than that.

Tim Douglass

Warning: Spelling errors in this message are the product of a poor school system. Pay teachures more than athletes.



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 3:59 AM

"karmstrn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
On May 24, 7:18 pm, "LD" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> Great essay. Thanks
> His book is available for pre-order at Amazon for $15.57.

I agree with the essay. I didn't realize shop classes were largely
dismantled in the 1990s, but I'm not surprised. I think it's
definitely a bad thing. There will be a backlash to all this
concentration on "information workers."


Don't think I'd call it a backlash, but certainly a lot of Unintended


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 10:04 PM

"Charlie Self" wrote:

I don't have a clue as to an answer, but I do know we need top
tradespeople in almost all fields. The pay in many is now almost as
bad as that for schoolteachers, though, so improvement in skills is
less likely.

SFWIW, because of his interest in all things cars, and lack of
available trained personnel, Jay Leno has established some
scholarships for mechanics to work on his car collection.

Evidently it is possible to earn $100+K as a properly trained mechanic
these days.



"Ed Pawlowski"

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 2:15 PM

"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Even with a good home inspector, it's still a bit of a crap-shoot. They
> are at least methodical going through the home so will catch the obvious
> stuff, but don't get everything and sometimes miss things.

I'm still amazed at the whole home inspector thing. I've done my own
inspecting and maybe brought along my FIL for some help. I guess it is
needed for the mechanically inept though. I've read where inspectors have
missed a lot of big items and the contract says they have no liability if
they do.



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 11:34 PM

jo4hn wrote:

> The one encounter with an inspector was when we were selling our
> flatland house. The buyer wanted an inspection, the results of which
> made me laugh initially and ultimately led me to put the house back on
> the market. The inspector was a class A fenderhead. The finding that
> set me off was a back bedroom which had two problems:
> 1. A dead electrical outlet.
> 2. An electric switch that did not operate anything.
> Yup. The switch controlled the outlet. The buyer came back and bought
> the place "as is".
> grumble,
> jo4hn

Seen this a number of times with inspectors and 3 way switches that
operate lights on two levels, like balconies and porches ...

Last update: 10/22/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)


Tom Watson

in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

27/05/2009 9:26 AM

On Wed, 27 May 2009 02:01:26 +0000 (UTC),
[email protected] (Larry W) wrote:

>Good article, perhaps in the future it would be more appropriate
>to just post a link to th original copyrighted material.

This is why no one likes you. (:-T)

Go buy the book it was excerpted from.


Tom Watson



in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 3:25 PM

On 2009-05-24, Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:

> May 24, 2009
> The Case for Working With Your Hands

Posting the link would have been sufficient:

This was posted in slashdot with this comment:

"Princeton economist Alan Blinder argues that the crucial distinction in the
emerging labor market is not between those with more or less education, but
between those whose services can be delivered over a wire and those who must
do their work in person or on site. The latter will find their livelihoods
more secure against outsourcing to distant countries. As Blinder puts it,
'You can't hammer a nail over the Internet'"


I cut my mechanical teeth as a self-taught motorcycle mechanic. Bad choice.
Shops charged $40 hr and paid their mechanics $3.50. There was no future
cuz every kid in high school would work for practically nothing, just to be
around bikes.

When I got out of the service, it wasn't much better. I dug ditches,
cooked, whatever. All my friends were in the trades, so I tried that. After
being screwed outta 20% of owed wages by a crooked contractor, I abandoned
that path. I finally went to school to learn machining and became a
mechanical tech in Silicon Valley. Made a good living for about 20 yrs
while all my friends in the trades were driven out by illegals.

By 1995, the only two people I knew still in the trades were both master
carpenter/foremen and frustrated alcoholics making barely $5 hr more than
they had back as journeymen back in the late 70s. This building 5 million
dollar homes! This may not be the case in Heartland America, but in the
West, the takeover by illegals started back in the 70s and by 2000, you
spoke Spanish, settled for the same wage paid in 1978, or you were in
another occupation.

I went on to become a CAD designer (carpet commando /w cube) and retired at
age 50. My fortunes have not been so kind, since then, but that's another
story and I don't regret my choices. Machinists in this country have gone
the way of the trades, either dead, shipped overseas, or replaced by
illegals babysitting robots. I can't give away my machinist tools! Even
auto mechanics are having to go to school to deal with the newer computer
driven automobile systems.

No, the romantic image of the "craftsman" is all well and good and very
comforting to us geezers, but that New England Workshop crap is a lotta
hooey. You either get a toolbox full of battery powered screwguns, saws,
and nailers to go with your digital squares and laser levels or you're outta

BTW, in case it escapes you, we're having this discussion on the "internet".




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

24/05/2009 4:49 PM

On 2009-05-24, evodawg <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hmmmm, sorry your career choices didn't go as well as you would have liked.

Try rereading my post.

> what you pay for". Meaning lots of folks are getting tired of shoddy
> workmanship by illegals and are willing to pay to get it done right.

I agree there does seem to be a backlash against shoddy workmanship.
Hopefully it will continue. Time magazine ran an article about how more
companies in critical industries are bringing jobs back home and
manufacturing is actually increasing. Too bad they didn't see this 20 yrs
ago. And don't give me this crap about hi-tech being a lost horizon. Those
laser/digital tools we all drool over didn't come from craftsmen reminiscing
over the good ol' days.

> would have originally cost. My belief is the Craftsman are making a come
> back. But then I truly enjoy what I do!

That's great, and I'm not saying there is no place for craftmanship. There
is, but one question: Could you do this if you were young and trying to buy
a house and support a family? Not bloody likely. You're able to do what
you like cuz you have worked hard to be in this situation. I dare say you
are the exception rather than the rule.




in reply to Tom Watson on 24/05/2009 7:29 AM

25/05/2009 12:18 AM

"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

Great essay. Thanks

His book is available for pre-order at Amazon for $15.57.

You’ve reached the end of replies