

11/12/2004 2:02 PM

Dust collection supply at Lowes in MN

I just paid a visit to Minnesota's one and only Lowes which opened last
Monday. I grew up with Lowes in MD and had them available in GA, but
for the last two years, have had only HD. (As far as Borgs are
concerned.) Actually, there are four Rocklers, a Woodcraft, Seven
Corners Hardware, Harbor Freight, and a slew of other woodworking
supply places available locally.

Back to Lowes. They actually have ducting in 24 ga and 26 ga which, if
I'm not mistaken, ought to be sufficient for dust collection. I
recently purchased a bunch of spiral duct but needed some connnection
pieces. I picked up a few to see if they would suffice. They aren't as
impressive as the Spiral stuff, but worth a shot. The cool thing was
that they had the snap together ducting in 24" and 60" lengths and
various diameters.

Just in case anyone was looking. BTW, the prices aren't too bad.
Eric T