I want a 14" delta bandsaw and I want a deal. Last year I faintly
reember soem sweet deals at the October Woodworker show in Denver
(which is in November this year):
I faintly recall something like 10% off plus some accessories.
I asked Delta for the same deal now, rather than make me wait, and
they replied that I need to talk to the distributors. I found that
ToolKing is the Denver distributor that attends the sho and they said
"no -- I must wait for the show."
Does anyone know what delas they are giving this year? ....looks like
the first show is in Grand Rapids, Sept 17-19'th.
I'm particularly interested in the 28-248 with a mobile stand, fence,
and circle jig.
Sorry for the typo's:
delas shouls be deals.
sho is show
soem is some
[email protected] (Never Enough Money) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I want a 14" delta bandsaw and I want a deal. Last year I faintly
> reember soem sweet deals at the October Woodworker show in Denver
> (which is in November this year):
> http://www.thewoodworkerschoice.com/woodworkingshows.htm.
> I faintly recall something like 10% off plus some accessories.
> I asked Delta for the same deal now, rather than make me wait, and
> they replied that I need to talk to the distributors. I found that
> ToolKing is the Denver distributor that attends the sho and they said
> "no -- I must wait for the show."
> Does anyone know what delas they are giving this year? ....looks like
> the first show is in Grand Rapids, Sept 17-19'th.
> I'm particularly interested in the 28-248 with a mobile stand, fence,
> and circle jig.
Thanks Patrick,
I did figure out that ToolKing will be displaying delta tools at the
show. I asked for the same deal they'd offer at the show and they
refused. So, out of spite, I guess, I will purchase from some other
source -- perhaps my local hardware store -- McGuckin's.
I'l try calling the companies you listed below, too.
"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> >
> > I want a 14" delta bandsaw and I want a deal. Last year I faintly
> > reember soem sweet deals at the October Woodworker show in Denver
> > (which is in November this year):
> I was there - we have different memories. IIRC, the only sweet deal I saw
> was the DeWalt biscuit joiner for $99 from Woodcraft.
> Try calling ToolKing, ToolZone, Rockler and Woodcraft. Seems to me they had
> the booths.
> I also recall it being in November, but that's a dim recollection.
Never Enough Money wrote:
> I want a 14" delta bandsaw and I want a deal. Last year I faintly
> reember soem sweet deals at the October Woodworker show in Denver
> (which is in November this year):
> http://www.thewoodworkerschoice.com/woodworkingshows.htm.
This is a different link than before. Was the show always sponsored by
Woodworkers Choice? I also notice that the location for Chicago is
changing for 2005, in case anyone cares. Mark L.
> I faintly recall something like 10% off plus some accessories.
> I asked Delta for the same deal now, rather than make me wait, and
> they replied that I need to talk to the distributors. I found that
> ToolKing is the Denver distributor that attends the sho and they said
> "no -- I must wait for the show."
> Does anyone know what delas they are giving this year? ....looks like
> the first show is in Grand Rapids, Sept 17-19'th.
> I'm particularly interested in the 28-248 with a mobile stand, fence,
> and circle jig.
[email protected] (Never Enough Money) wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Thanks Patrick,
> I did figure out that ToolKing will be displaying delta tools at the
> show. I asked for the same deal they'd offer at the show and they
> refused. So, out of spite, I guess, I will purchase from some other
> source -- perhaps my local hardware store -- McGuckin's.
Often, the show deals are supported by some concessions from the factory.
This is also the case with the "10% off" days, which are available once or
twice a year at the Woodcraft and Rockler stores in my area.
If they offer the deal outside the 'window', they eat the entire discount
from their margins, which are slim to begin with.
When I've been tool shopping, I've always talked with the staff, to see
when one of these events might be coming up. They've generally been very
Good luck with your shopping!
"Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want a 14" delta bandsaw and I want a deal. Last year I faintly
> reember soem sweet deals at the October Woodworker show in Denver
> (which is in November this year):
I was there - we have different memories. IIRC, the only sweet deal I saw
was the DeWalt biscuit joiner for $99 from Woodcraft.
Try calling ToolKing, ToolZone, Rockler and Woodcraft. Seems to me they had
the booths.
I also recall it being in November, but that's a dim recollection.
"Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> source -- perhaps my local hardware store -- McGuckin's.
Ahhhh McGukin's. Thought for *sure* I'd have them stumped when I went
looking for a replacement hold-down doohickey for a DeStaco Toggle Clamp.
Stumped the first helper and was feeling pretty big in my britches. But
then, there they were, right underneath the clamps.
What's that word? Crestfallen? :)
Score: McGukin's: 63,542; Me: 0