

23/08/2004 4:29 PM

New Zealand Wreckers?

We have a member of our local wood workers group (North Texas Woodworkers
Association) who is visiting New Zealand (there now). Any
woodworkers clubs around the Matamata or Hamilton area where he could hook
up and do some international woodworking hobnobbing?

This topic has 1 replies



in reply to "Simonite" on 23/08/2004 4:29 PM

23/08/2004 4:39 PM

oh yea. remove the splinter to reply
"Simonite" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We have a member of our local wood workers group (North Texas Woodworkers
> Association) who is visiting New Zealand (there now). Any
> woodworkers clubs around the Matamata or Hamilton area where he could hook
> up and do some international woodworking hobnobbing?

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