

30/08/2004 8:23 PM

Heads Up on Woodcraft brand Router Bits

Woodcraft has 10 of their 1/2" shank carbide router bits on sale for
September. $5.00 each for specific ones. The web site does not yet
recognize the part numbers and the telephone number on the September catalog
front cover is wrong.. Butttt persistence may pay off.

This topic has 2 replies


Pat Barber

in reply to "Leon" on 30/08/2004 8:23 PM

30/08/2004 8:45 PM

I bought a sack full last year....

They are VERY small profiles such as 1/8" roundover but
it's still a roundover and can be used. The straight
cutters are a pretty good deal.

Leon wrote:

> Woodcraft has 10 of their 1/2" shank carbide router bits on sale for
> September. $5.00 each for specific ones. The web site does not yet
> recognize the part numbers and the telephone number on the September catalog
> front cover is wrong.. Butttt persistence may pay off.



in reply to "Leon" on 30/08/2004 8:23 PM

30/08/2004 9:27 PM

Yeah they are small but the catalog is indicating 1/4" core, round over,
and cove along with a couple of straight bits and flush trim. 1/2" x 3/8"
rabbet, 45 degree chamfer and v grove.

I use lots of round overs and cove bits in these sizes.

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