
[email protected] (Heath Roberts)

03/11/2004 7:26 AM

What model vacuums does Safety Speed sell with its panel saws?

I just ordered the dust collection kit for a Safety Speed panel saw,
but I didn't want to spend the extra ~$650 for their vacuum. That
means I still need to find a decent vacuum. I'm looking for something
heavier-duty than most cheap shop vacs. Small size to capacity ratio
is good...

I saw one of SSC's small vacs at Home Depot, hooked up to their panel
saw, and it looks like what I'd want... good form-follows-function
design, decent capacity & easy to empty but still fairly compact.

Does anyone know the manufacturer and model for the vacuums Safety
Speed Cut sells? The large one looks like a Milwaukee 8945 with the
drum adapter, but I don't recognize the small one with the blue poly
