"Bob Schmall"

23/02/2004 5:58 PM

OT--Post of the Week

On a newsgroup for amateur astronomers, re a thread on homosexual marriage
that has of course got far out of hand:

"What misguided stretch of illogic makes you view yourself as dominant in
any way? Pissing your name in the snow better than the other two amusing
prats who share your mental prowess just isn't a real major
accomplishment there, strabo. It might make you feel all empowered on a
Saturday night after 11 too many plastic cups of your favorite
swill-de-jour, but in the grand scheme of things your just doddering
around leaving little yellow stains in something that's only a faint
memory when the temperature changes a few degrees."

Bob Schmall
Not one shred of evidence exists that life is serious.
Richard Feynman