
30/10/2004 5:34 PM

Freud SD308 dado on Craftsman TS

Couldn't respond to yours, so made my own--
Using a Freud anything on a Craftsman is like giving a pig a silk
purse. However, Try it! Just might make the ol' Craftsman sit up &
hum. I'd try it out full height at first & then if you are having
underpower problems (bogging down etc), then try it out half cut at a
time etc.

This topic has 1 replies


Robert Galloway

in reply to [email protected] (Phil) on 30/10/2004 5:34 PM

31/10/2004 7:36 PM

Depends on the year. When I was a kid, I had a neighbor who had a
Craftsman table saw. He made most of the furniture in his house on the
damned thing. It wasn't very big. He had to make the stand for it. It
was cast iron and solid as a rock. Sears/Craftsman seems to have gone
through a hard period where their stuff didn't deserve much praise.
Depends on the year. His saw wasn't a pig compared to a silk purse dado
set such as my Freud.

bob g.

Phil wrote:

> Couldn't respond to yours, so made my own--
> Using a Freud anything on a Craftsman is like giving a pig a silk
> purse. However, Try it! Just might make the ol' Craftsman sit up &
> hum. I'd try it out full height at first & then if you are having
> underpower problems (bogging down etc), then try it out half cut at a
> time etc.

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