Mark & Juanita

30/10/2004 5:02 PM

Trying Supernews

Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it

This topic has 11 replies


"Greg O"

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 6:01 PM

<Greg G.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mark & Juanita said:
> > Dave and Greg P.
> >
> > Thanks for the responses. I tried the abpw and abpf binaries,
> Err... That would be Greg G, not Greg P. - P as in Political. ;-)
> Greg G., Greg O., Greg P., Greg S....
> Too many darned Greg's here - I'm switching back to Dr. Know.
> Greg G.

Geez! Don't let it worry you!
I used to post as "Greg" untill I noticed the popularity of the name.
The only Greg O.


[email protected] (Robert Bonomi)

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 5:10 AM

In article <301020041925348804%dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca>,
Dave Balderstone <dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:
>In article <[email protected]>, Mark &
>Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
>> able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
>> 3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
>> admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it
>> works.

"Supernews" *is* arguably the _best_ News provider available.
They have, hands down, the best "USENET spam" filters in the business.

"Giganews" is a close second,

"Easynews" is the third of the '*big* boys', but they've been having capacity
problems recently -- they got behind the power curve, and are having great
difficulty catching up. This *is* a temporary situation, but _until_ they
do get ahead of the curve again, it's hard to recommend them.

"Newsguy" is another _top_notch_ provider, although they have a much smaller
customer base than the big three. OTOH, if you want _personal_ attention,
they provide it -- you're likely to get greeted by name the _third_ time you
call, because they recognize your voice!

Then there is "Hostopia", using the name "MegaNewsServers" for their news
operation. "Run away", *fast*, from these folks -- 'incompetent', and 'un-
caring' are *charitable* descriptions.

>I just re-upped with Supernews after the trial period and a paid year
>using the service.
>I've had zero problems in the last 13 months. Good retention. ABPW
>shows 3862 posts right now (including parts, of course) going back to
>July 8/04.
>That's well over 90 days in a binary group. I can't imagine the storage
>they have to deal with it. Figure a terabyte a day for a full news
>feed, times 100 days plus backups and RAID space...
>500 terabytes minimum?

It's not _that_ bad. quite. Supernews averages about 100 days of history
on _text_ groups, and about 2 weeks (average) on binary groups -- longer
on binary groups that don't have large numbers of postings.

The 'text' groups disk-farm is about 3 terabytes. 'binaries' is several
times larger.

Grand total, including the indexes is about 15 terabytes.

A full feed is now running about 1.3-1.6 terabytes/day. A dedicated 100mbit
'fast ethernet' (full duplex) connection is _not_ sufficient for a 'full' feed

The 'scary' part is that volume is *still* growing at a rate in excess of 40%
per year.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the growth is in the binaries groups.
"Interestingly", the -source- responsible for the largest amount of the
growth is *Denmark*. And has been, for the last year or more.


Greg G.

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

30/10/2004 10:29 PM

Mark & Juanita said:

> Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
>able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
>3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
>admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it

SuperNews and GigaNews are the best. Most ISP's have relegated
newsgroup access to the "most of these idiots don't know how to use it
anyway, and the remainder are nothing but Warez Hounds" category.

I am lucky that our ISP provides Supernews access for free - they
don't want to deal with 50 terabytes of server storage...


Greg G.


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

30/10/2004 7:25 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Mark &
Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:

> Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
> able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
> 3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
> admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it
> works.

I just re-upped with Supernews after the trial period and a paid year
using the service.

I've had zero problems in the last 13 months. Good retention. ABPW
shows 3862 posts right now (including parts, of course) going back to
July 8/04.

That's well over 90 days in a binary group. I can't imagine the storage
they have to deal with it. Figure a terabyte a day for a full news
feed, times 100 days plus backups and RAID space...

500 terabytes minimum?


Brian Elfert

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

01/11/2004 12:31 PM

Tom Watson <[email protected]> writes:

>I use the Uniberlin server as my primary but it doesn't do binaries.
>It's almost never down and has an excellent retention rate

It isn't particularly hard to run a text only news server. The hard part
is running a binary news server as the binaries are 99% of the volume.

Brian Elfert


Greg G.

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 6:56 PM

Mark & Juanita said:

> Dave and Greg P.
> Thanks for the responses. I tried the abpw and abpf binaries,

Err... That would be Greg G, not Greg P. - P as in Political. ;-)
Greg G., Greg O., Greg P., Greg S....
Too many darned Greg's here - I'm switching back to Dr. Know.

Greg G.



in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 8:03 AM

"Robert Bonomi" wrote in message

> Then there is "Hostopia", using the name "MegaNewsServers" for their news
> operation. "Run away", *fast*, from these folks -- 'incompetent', and
> caring' are *charitable* descriptions.

You can say that again ... megaNOnews is more like it, the sorriest excuse
for an nntp service going. I've been using Giganews for about a year,
haven't had a single problem and don't know how they could be any better for
the $8/mos. Giganews retention on the wRrec is currently about 469 days,
200,000+ messages ... way more than I want to deal with.

Last update: 10/04/04


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

30/10/2004 8:33 PM

In article <301020041925348804%dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca>,
dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca says...
> In article <[email protected]>, Mark &
> Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
> > able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
> > 3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
> > admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it
> > works.
> I just re-upped with Supernews after the trial period and a paid year
> using the service.
> I've had zero problems in the last 13 months. Good retention. ABPW
> shows 3862 posts right now (including parts, of course) going back to
> July 8/04.
... snip

Dave and Greg P.

Thanks for the responses. I tried the abpw and abpf binaries,
there are still pictures I can't download (thanks Direcway); but I can
post and so far haven't had a problem logging on. No messages with
"Teranews only allows 8 connections per host, connection denied, number
of connections exceeded" errors despite having not even one connection

I'll see what happens over the next 30 days; teranews may become


Greg G.

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 7:22 PM

Greg O said:

>Geez! Don't let it worry you!
>I used to post as "Greg" untill I noticed the popularity of the name.
>The only Greg O.

I'm just suffering from total lack of distinctiveness, lost in a
virtual ocean of Gregs. ;-) It's not like having a "distinctive"
name like Englebert Humperdink.

Greg G.


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 7:46 PM

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:01:39 -0500, Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:02:58 -0700, Mark & Juanita
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
>>able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
>>3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
>>admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it
>Yeah, TeraNews is subject to fits and I only use it as my third level

If Supernews continues as it has today, Tereanews will become my former
news service provider.

>I use the Uniberlin server as my primary but it doesn't do binaries.
>It's almost never down and has an excellent retention rate
>I use the GigaNews that comes with my Comcast service for binaries and
>it seems to work passing well. The retention rate appears to be about
>thirty days.

This wasn't a problem for me until Direcway arbitrarily decided to drop
Usenet service, to utilize that bandwidth for improved services for
everyone of course. Of course, nobody's seen any new or improved services
since DW dropped Usenet and their own internet radio site.

I had mentioned that I was still having problems with downloading some
binaries. This evening, I found that I was able to download and view all
binaries on abpw, something I haven't been able to do since Direcway
dropped service. I was even able to download your "Witch is Which?"
pictures as well as Black Sheep's pictures -- I haven't been able to see
either of your binaries for ages. This could be a very cool thing.

>"People funny. Life a funny thing." Sonny Liston
>Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
>tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


Tom Watson

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 30/10/2004 5:02 PM

31/10/2004 7:01 PM

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:02:58 -0700, Mark & Juanita
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Checking to see if Supernews does better than Teranews. Haven't been
>able to post with Teranews since last Saturday (again, this is about the
>3'rd time this month). Only response from "help" desk is "I'll tell the
>admin to look into it". So now I try the 30 day trial and see how it

Yeah, TeraNews is subject to fits and I only use it as my third level

I use the Uniberlin server as my primary but it doesn't do binaries.
It's almost never down and has an excellent retention rate

I use the GigaNews that comes with my Comcast service for binaries and
it seems to work passing well. The retention rate appears to be about
thirty days.


"People funny. Life a funny thing." Sonny Liston

Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)

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