

19/08/2010 7:15 AM

Looking for Tool Box Plan (plus hardware?)

I want to build one of them there tool boxes that has the top that
splits down the middle and has two shelves attached to either lid that
move outward as the two lids are opened...

Like this, but in wood: http://www.toolstop.co.uk/talco-cb5/22-cantilever-tool-box-5-tray-22-p2106

Anyone know a source for plans and hardware? I would prefer drawers
on the bottom.... but I can mod that part of a design to my (wife's)



This topic has 3 replies


"Mike Marlow"

in reply to "D'ohBoy" on 19/08/2010 7:15 AM

19/08/2010 10:51 AM

D'ohBoy wrote:
> I want to build one of them there tool boxes that has the top that
> splits down the middle and has two shelves attached to either lid that
> move outward as the two lids are opened...
> Like this, but in wood:
> http://www.toolstop.co.uk/talco-cb5/22-cantilever-tool-box-5-tray-22-p2106
> Anyone know a source for plans and hardware? I would prefer drawers
> on the bottom.... but I can mod that part of a design to my (wife's)
> purposes....

Why plans? It's just a bunch of boxes stacked together with some linkage.
You can build each of the boxes to any dimensions you want and fab up the
linkages and simply attach them. Look at your picture again and you'll see
how simple they are.





in reply to "D'ohBoy" on 19/08/2010 7:15 AM

19/08/2010 8:26 AM

On Aug 19, 9:51=A0am, "Mike Marlow" <mmarlowREM...@windstream.net>
> D'ohBoy wrote:
> > I want to build one of them there tool boxes that has the top that
> > splits down the middle and has two shelves attached to either lid that
> > move outward as the two lids are opened...
> > Like this, but in wood:
> >http://www.toolstop.co.uk/talco-cb5/22-cantilever-tool-box-5-tray-22-...
> > Anyone know a source for plans and hardware? =A0I would prefer drawers
> > on the bottom.... but I can mod that part of a design to my (wife's)
> > purposes....
> Why plans? =A0It's just a bunch of boxes stacked together with some linka=
> You can build each of the boxes to any dimensions you want and fab up the
> linkages and simply attach them. =A0Look at your picture again and you'll=
> how simple they are.
> --
> -Mike-
> mmarlowREM...@windstream.net

I get it conceptually, but I would prefer a dimensional drawing rather
than a full-custom job... I have done many of those but it always
takes the realization time and multiplies by 3 or more.....

But thanks for the suggestion, maybe if I can't come up with any plans
online I will go that route.




in reply to "D'ohBoy" on 19/08/2010 7:15 AM

19/08/2010 8:56 AM

On Aug 19, 11:26=A0am, "D'ohBoy" <peteng...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > I want to build one of them there tool boxes that has the top that
> > > splits down the middle and has two shelves attached to either lid tha=
> > > move outward as the two lids are opened...
> > > Like this, but in wood:
> > >http://www.toolstop.co.uk/talco-cb5/22-cantilever-tool-box-5-tray-22-.=
> > > Anyone know a source for plans and hardware? =A0I would prefer drawer=
> > > on the bottom.... but I can mod that part of a design to my (wife's)
> > > purposes....


and what I think is a better design (watch the wrap):


and finally, the design is an old one and not just for tools. This
one shows you how simple the linkage really is:



You really don't need plans. The boxes are simple enough. Just make
a mockup of one side using cardboard rectangles representing the box
sides, thinner strips representing the metal linkage, and some
thumbtacks pushed up through the pieces to allow them to rotate. The
links are parallel and their angle allows the upper box(es) to lift up
as they start to move laterally. The longer central link is laid out
first, and the smaller flanking links are installed with the holes at
the same heights but just offset laterally. It takes more time to
describe than to lay them out.


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