
24/08/2004 1:52 PM

Outdoor bar

Iam building an outdoor bar on my deck. I will be using marine plywood
for the top and sides and presssure treated lumber for the structure.
Should I watch out for anything? Would it be better for me to attach
backer board on top of the plywood and then tile it instead of
staining? Please advise.

Appreciate your help


This topic has 6 replies


in reply to [email protected] (Shakal) on 24/08/2004 1:52 PM

24/08/2004 9:02 PM

Marine plywood may be excessive. A good A/C with exterior glue should work
I built one with T-111 20 years ago and it is still doing fine. It isn't
directly in the rain but it still gets wet when the wind blows. I sealed all of
the wood with several coats of poly/stain after it was cut and before I screwed
it together.


in reply to [email protected] (Shakal) on 24/08/2004 1:52 PM

24/08/2004 5:28 PM

Tue, Aug 24, 2004, 1:52pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Shakal)
Iam building an outdoor bar <snip> Please advise.

Comfortable chair, bucked, ice, 6-pack.

Don't complain: When a dog barks, he loses his bone.
- Bazooka Joe

Porky Pig says:


Mike Patterson

in reply to [email protected] (Shakal) on 24/08/2004 1:52 PM

24/08/2004 6:54 PM

oooh! Don't forget the homemade Tiki for ambience!

Reminds me, I think it's time to check on the JOAT Oil Treatment Tiki

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 17:28:37 -0400, [email protected] (J T)

>Tue, Aug 24, 2004, 1:52pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Shakal)
>Iam building an outdoor bar <snip> Please advise.
> Comfortable chair, bucked, ice, 6-pack.
>Don't complain: When a dog barks, he loses his bone.
>- Bazooka Joe
>Porky Pig says:

Mike Patterson
Please remove the spamtrap to email me.
"I always wanted to be somebody...I should have been more specific..." - Lily Tomlin


in reply to Mike Patterson on 24/08/2004 6:54 PM

25/08/2004 12:13 AM

>oooh! Don't forget the homemade Tiki for ambience!

Got one ;-)
And an MP3 player with plenty of island music.


in reply to Mike Patterson on 24/08/2004 6:54 PM

25/08/2004 12:36 AM

>oooh! Don't forget the homemade Tiki for ambience!

Like this?


Mike Patterson

in reply to Mike Patterson on 24/08/2004 6:54 PM

24/08/2004 10:49 PM

On 25 Aug 2004 00:36:39 GMT, [email protected] (Greg) wrote:

>>oooh! Don't forget the homemade Tiki for ambience!
>Like this?

hmmm... don't see the Tiki there, but it sure looks like a fun place
to hang out.

That was an obscure reference to a little experiment JOAT did a couple
years ago in which he tried using old motor oil as a preservative for
a wooden tiki he'd made out of a piece of log.

Mike Patterson
Please remove the spamtrap to email me.
"I always wanted to be somebody...I should have been more specific..." - Lily Tomlin

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