I bought a board of that wood, 8/4+, about 4 ft long.
It's pretty amazing wood, albeit pricey and not anymore pretty than
today's woods. It works well, although there're a bit more silica
deposits than I'm used too. I haven't finished it yet.
The distributer I bought it from was very cool, too.
Disclaimer: no affiliation; satisfied.
On 7 Feb 2006 18:59:45 -0800, "Josh" <[email protected]> wrote:
>For those who saw it back on the 31st, how about those 50,000 year old
>logs from New Zealand. That was cool!
>By the way, there's also a really good Modern Marvels about logging. I
>DVR'ed it last week and just watched it last night. Great companion to
>the lumberyard one.