Tom Watson

17/01/2006 8:06 PM

Why Is It That...?

Keith Bohn doesn't post much here anymore.

Patrick Leach doesn't post much here anymore.

Patrick Olguin doesn't post much here anymore.

Walt Akers doesn't post much here anymore.

Sy Kaplan doesn't post much here anymore.

Phully doesn't post much here anymore.

Apeman doesn't post much here anymore.

Sylvan doesn't post much here anymore.

Mike Hide doesn't post much here anymore.

Nova doesn't post much here anymore.

Bob Schmall doesn't post much here anymore.

I wonder.

Is it time to join them.

Tom Watson - WoodDorker

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)

This topic has 29 replies


"John Grossbohlin"

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 2:07 PM

"Dave Balderstone" <> wrote in message
> In article <[email protected]>,
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> And as with *any* group, how far do you go without the grind of the
>> regular questions popping up?
> And as with *any* group, nobody is under any obligation to reply to any
> particular post.
> If the "regular" questions are a grind, skip 'em.


After 20 years or so of participating in on-line discussions it gets easier
to do those things... When I first started it was very difficult. ;~)

Guess we've been around a while, or at least I have. ;~)



Lew Hodgett

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

20/01/2006 3:27 AM

I previously wrote:

> If you don't like what happens on this list, then don't let the door hit
> you in the ass on the way out.
> Otherwise, sit down, shut up, enjoy the ride, and quit bitch'en because
> it is a friggin bore.

This was intennded to be a general comment addressed to the cry babies
on the list and in no way was it intended to include nailshooter41.



in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

17/01/2006 11:32 PM

It seems to be an ebb and flow thing with all NGs, as JB pointed out.
I have participated at one time or another for many years under
different names, changing them as I change ISPs. I may go away for a
year or so, then drift back over to see what is happening, then go away
if the loud mouthed bullies are on the playground. They have a lot
more time, frustration, and issues to work through than a simple
woodworking group can help them with. They obviously don't spend much
time woodworking.

I leave when the hobby guys get so nasty with each other it is
ridiculous. And nasty over the silliest things, too. For the longest
time, the fight was on about balancing change on your big machines to
help determine your accuracy, shaving with your chisels, and when to
brad and biscuit or to just "man up" and dowel and clamp.

It has never, ever, escaped my attention in this group that the threads
that get the most posts by far and away are the negative ones. With
all the other groups and forums I am and have been involved with, not
one is a spot on the ass of this group for jumping in on a negative
thread. It was just absolutely hilarious to me and a few of my
comrades from time to time. Just mentioning Home Depot was good for
LITERALLY a few hundred posts if it was in a negative vein. Also good
for a huge response was to LIKE or HATE Norm... and what the hell is he
anyway? Craftsman, woodworker or carpenter?

OT threads *always* draw the best though, and the folks that have been
here a few months know what subjects are the most noteworthy to induce
profanity, threats, massive plonkage ("I plonked him FIRST!"), petty
sniping and hurt feelings.

Almost as good, but not quite, are stories of "sticking it to the man"
or "getting screwed by the man". Lots of "oorah" when the little guy
gets one over "the man" or "the system", and plenty of empathizing when
another fellow woodworking citizen is struck down by an unfair
situation ("I feel your pain" posts).

After a while, it is tiring. Then the tide goes back out, and many go
with it. I suspect that many still lurk, and that they use this group
for its highest and best use: archives.

No library holds what this group does for current and past information
on such a wide array of subjects concerning woodworking. SOMEONE here
has done just about anything you can imagine, and likewise has found,
used, or has what you are looking for. For me, that is why I drift
back over the months, and then on occasion try to add something of
value if I think it is pertinent.




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 6:15 AM

What's with all this "Goodbye" stuff? You can't just walk out any time
you feel like it. You have a moral obligation to stay.
"For every person who fails to stand up and fight for his rights, the
next person must stand a little taller and fight a little harder. If
too many people sit on their rights, justice may be lost forever." -

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do
nothing." - Edmund Burke


in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 10:04 PM

Dave Balderstone wrote:

<<Tom and others, like JOAT, go through this public wringing of hands
threatening to leave every so often. Then they lurk for a few months
wondering if people miss them, and come back when they realize their
absence is noted but not bemoaned.>>

I didn't really think about this, but it is certainly true. I can
think of at least of couple that have announced "goodbye, cruel world"
to the group, and posted a litany of reasons that they felt under
appreciated, put upon, and have left. Some farewell posts are so
maudlin and full of thoughtful irony that they could almost bring a
tear to the eyes of a more gentle reader. But then, like taxes, they
are back again before you really ever missed them.

All newsgroups and forums evolve, change, and so do the people in it.
Even in our little woodturning club, we all find other things to do for
a few meetings (we only meet once a month!) and then we run into
someone that is still going and we rediscover the club again.

And as with *any* group, how far do you go without the grind of the
regular questions popping up?

On the woodturning group, it is:

- I am just starting out... which lathe should I buy?
- I just inherited an old lathe, and it is rusty, but painted blue with
wood legs. Can anyone help me rebuild it?
- Why do woodturning tools cost so much?
- Where do you find wood to turn?
- How much should I charge for my work?
- Anyone use a variable speed lathe?
- What sandpaper do you use on end grain?
- How do you sharpen your bowl gouge?

A few months away from that sure makes it easier to help out, and not
be too curt when answering if you are so inclined. Think of all the
damn table saw questions posted here...

I posted like mad to to the woodturning group a few years ago ('97?)
when I rediscovered woodturning, and then I lost interest as I would
rather be turning than argueing, or endlessly debating the finest
points of turning techniques. Some of the most frequent posters
assumed ownership of the group, and they became kind of snotty little
crowd to be in, and actually treated a lot of the newbies like hell.
None of that old group is there now, but the most current group is
pretty good, polite, even keeled and fun to exchange with. So now I
post away again. When it changes (or when the weather changes here so
I can go spin up some wood!) I will find something else to do.



in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 10:51 PM

<<If you don't like what happens on this list, then don't let the door
you in the ass on the way out. >>

Yawn.... here we go.

And who was bitching? Kick ass, Lew. Kick ass.




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 9:42 AM



in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 3:45 PM

no(SPAM)vasys wrote:
> entfillet wrote:
> -----------------------
> Keeter! Your back!!!
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> [email protected]
> (Remove -SPAM- to send email)


in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 8:12 PM

Lew Hodgett wrote:

<<This was intennded to be a general comment addressed to the cry
on the list and in no way was it intended to include nailshooter41.>>

In that case, I completely agree with you.




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

27/01/2006 12:59 PM

Tom Watson wrote:

> I wonder.
> Is it time to join them.

Hmmmmmm. If that means you want to have a new wife, an old house, a
brand new baby, be a free-lance musician, so some side jobs as a trim
carpenter, rehab an 80-year old room, suck drywall dust, sling plaster,
resolder a brace on your horn and almost burn through the bell, did I
mention a new baby (boy, 8lbs/8oz) and still try not to auger a
bajillion dollar spacecraft into a planet... then yeah, I suppose you
could join me. ;o)

Just don't be joining our beloved Paully Rad... leastways not yet.

Without getting to philosophical, I think I yusta devote a little too
much time to the wreck. Oh not that it wasn't fun, productive and
informative... just I've actually got priorities and there just isn't
time to shoot the shit - on-topic or otherwise. Oh well. Life goes
on, shit happens. The group seems to be in capable enough hands.

And in my own skewed way, I even miss ole Bennett.

But don't worry Tommy-Boy - I still love ya, ya big galoot. So don't
say good-bye, just say, "I'll polyurinate in this trough no more."




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 8:50 AM

Tom Watson wrote:
> Keith Bohn doesn't post much here anymore.

Or why is it that I still post here from time to time. And I usually
read this group daily. Silly, I agree. But generally enjoyable (and I
don't include myself amongst the masochist crowd). I miss Keith and
Walt and Apeman and the rest. I wish they would give this place another
shot. I post my "expertise" to some question for which I have some
knowledge and which has not already been answered to my satisfaction. I
also throw in an occasional humorous bit (my judgement) because there
are some who enjoy it and some who desperately need it. Anyway, ...

who will probably not go away,
jo4hn (why the hell is there a number there anyway)


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 8:54 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]> wrote:

> After a while, it is tiring. Then the tide goes back out, and many go
> with it. I suspect that many still lurk, and that they use this group
> for its highest and best use: archives.

Some of us learn to filter and kill-file, even applying them to the
"old-timers" when they go over the edge, as several have in the last

If you take a bit of time to filter out the crap, the wreck is still a
pleasant, helpful place despite efforts of a few to change that.

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea -- massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. "
-- Gene Spafford, 1992


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 8:58 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
DonkeyHody <[email protected]> wrote:

> Tom,
> What's with all this "Goodbye" stuff? You can't just walk out any time
> you feel like it.

Tom and others, like JOAT, go through this public wringing of hands and
threatening to leave every so often. Then they lurk for a few months
wondering if people miss them, and come back when they realize their
absence is noted but not bemoaned.

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea -- massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. "
-- Gene Spafford, 1992


in reply to Dave Balderstone on 18/01/2006 8:58 PM

19/01/2006 12:57 AM

Wed, Jan 18, 2006, 8:58pm (EST-1)
(Dave=A0Balderstone) doth mumble:
<snip> Tom and others, like JOAT, go through this public wringing of
hands and threatening to leave every so often. Then they lurk for a few
months wondering if people miss them, and come back when they realize
their absence is noted but not bemoaned.

I certainly didn't make such a large deal about it as Tom. And, I
didn't lurk either, I just flat stayed away, period. And, they're
probably as many moan about me being here, as moan about me being gone.
LOL I don't know if I'll ever leave completely, but may wind down a
bit, got other things coming up, that're gaining priority. Plus, I
think this may the year the older son is actually going to work on the
Luv. Actually, I think that may only be because I'm starting to hear
noises from the GMC that sound like they may cost more than the truck is
worth. to fix - and he does NOT want to play driver for me. LMAO

If you can't say anything nice about someone, you must be talking about
Hilary Clinton.


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 7:21 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]> wrote:

> And as with *any* group, how far do you go without the grind of the
> regular questions popping up?

And as with *any* group, nobody is under any obligation to reply to any
particular post.

If the "regular" questions are a grind, skip 'em.


~ Stay Calm... Be Brave... Wait for the Signs ~
One site: <>
The other site, with ww links<>


"no(SPAM)vasys" <"no(SPAM)vasys">

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 2:16 PM

entfillet wrote:


Keeter! Your back!!!

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]
(Remove -SPAM- to send email)


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

23/01/2006 9:19 PM

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:17:47 -0500, "Thomas Bunetta" <[email protected]>

>"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> no(SPAM)vasys wrote:
>>> entfillet wrote:
>>> -----------------------
>>> Keeter! Your back!!!
>> As verbose as always.
>> Dave
>Certainly does resemble some of Keeter's posts!

Anybody done a grammatical structure/signature check to verify it's
really him?


If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough



"Rick M"

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

27/01/2006 9:56 PM

"Odeen" wrote >
> Hmmmmmm. If that means you want to have a new wife, an old house, a
> brand new baby, be a free-lance musician, so some side jobs as a trim
> carpenter, rehab an 80-year old room, suck drywall dust, sling plaster,
> resolder a brace on your horn and almost burn through the bell, did I
> mention a new baby (boy, 8lbs/8oz) and still try not to auger a
> bajillion dollar spacecraft into a planet... then yeah, I suppose you
> could join me. ;o)

Congrat's Paddy ... on all the above. Good to see you're still around (with
slightly readjusted priorities as mentioned).




Joe Barta

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 2:26 AM

Tom Watson wrote:

> Keith Bohn doesn't post much here anymore.

I've heard this in every group I've ever participated in. What's
happening is that people move on and things change. Keith, or Tom or
Dick or Harry get bored of posting and they do something else for a
while... maybe forever. It's perfectly normal.

And another newsgroup has not gone to shit because of spam and
off-topic discussion. Disappear from this group for a couple years,
and when you come back, you'll see a couple old names, many new names,
plenty of discussion, some of it off-topic, and a few people
complaining that the group is going to shit.

Some things never change ;-)

Joe Barta


Joe Barta

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 3:54 AM

Dave Balderstone wrote:

> If you take a bit of time to filter out the crap, the wreck is
> still a pleasant, helpful place despite efforts of a few to change
> that.

I disagree that any undesirable posts are due to anyone "making an
effort" to make a group unpleasant. Just like the little kid that
comes in muddy didn't "make an effort" to get dirty. It just happens,
that's life. Even if this public forum were limited to those of only
the highest character by a moderator of even higher character, there
would still be plenty of mud.

Personally, I like the freedom and variety and I'm happy to take the
good with the "bad".

Joe Barta


in reply to Joe Barta on 19/01/2006 3:54 AM

19/01/2006 1:02 AM

Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 3:54am (EST+5) [email protected] (Joe=A0Barta) doth
I disagree that any undesirable posts are due to anyone "making an
effort" to make a group unpleasant. <snip>

Dream on. Then spend some time checking the archives. You'll
change your mind - especially if you're ever picked to be the target..

If you can't say anything nice about someone, you must be talking about
Hilary Clinton.


Joe Barta

in reply to Joe Barta on 19/01/2006 3:54 AM

19/01/2006 4:30 PM

J T wrote:

>> I disagree that any undesirable posts are due to anyone "making an
>> effort" to make a group unpleasant. <snip>
> Dream on.

Dreaming? It's all just a dream?

> Then spend some time checking the archives.

"Check" for what? What exactly would I search for to find examples of
someone making an effort to make a newsgroup unpleasant?

> You'll change your mind

I admit, it happens... if I'm presented with a better idea.

Actually, on thinking about it, I suppose you could find instances of
some bored skinhead type popping into alt.blackisbeautiful and making
an effort to be a nuisance. If that's what you're talking about then I
can dig it.

> especially if you're ever picked to be the
> target..

Ah, target... now that's a whole different story. We were talking
about someone generically making an effort to make a newsgroup
unpleasant. Now you're talking about some loon making it his temporary
mission in life to give YOU grief. Telling me that oranges are not
orange because apples are red doesn't sway me, sorry.

> If you can't say anything nice about someone, you must be talking
> about Hilary Clinton.

Now that's cute. That woman annoys the piss out of me.


Lew Hodgett

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 6:48 AM

[email protected] wrote:

> I didn't really think about this, but it is certainly true. I can
> think of at least of couple that have announced "goodbye, cruel world"
> to the group, and posted a litany of reasons that they felt under
> appreciated, put upon, and have left. Some farewell posts are so
> maudlin and full of thoughtful irony that they could almost bring a
> tear to the eyes of a more gentle reader. But then, like taxes, they
> are back again before you really ever missed them.


If you don't like what happens on this list, then don't let the door hit
you in the ass on the way out.

Otherwise, sit down, shut up, enjoy the ride, and quit bitch'en because
it is a friggin bore.




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

22/01/2006 4:02 PM

"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
<...list of people that Tom's lamenting about snipped>
> I wonder.
> Is it time to join them.
While you care not, let me add a perspective here.

A few years ago I quit spending any time reading this group.
Back then, there was a lot of head butting and a few persistant trolls that
"ruined" the group.
Also there were a few "regulars", you included, posted there farewells and
intents to never darken the wrec's door again.
In my ever cinical way I said you, and the others, were just seeking
attention and pleas from the group to stay.
(Affermation from people hiding behind aliases seems to run rampant here.)
It was a correct read then as it is now that you're doing it again.

I'm sure the barage of BS will wain and the wrec will wax again. When it
does, I'm sure we'll all be "checking in" and recognize the valuable posts
with familiar phrasings even if there is an unknown name.

see ya....again



in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 11:21 AM

no(SPAM)vasys wrote:

> entfillet wrote:

> -----------------------
> Keeter! Your back!!!
As verbose as always.



"Thomas Bunetta"

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

23/01/2006 6:17 AM

"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> no(SPAM)vasys wrote:
>> entfillet wrote:
>> -----------------------
>> Keeter! Your back!!!
> As verbose as always.
> Dave
Certainly does resemble some of Keeter's posts!



in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 8:39 AM

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:06:58 -0500, Tom Watson <[email protected]>

>Keith Bohn doesn't post much here anymore.
>Patrick Leach doesn't post much here anymore.
>Patrick Olguin doesn't post much here anymore.
>Walt Akers doesn't post much here anymore.
>Sy Kaplan doesn't post much here anymore.
>Phully doesn't post much here anymore.
>Apeman doesn't post much here anymore.
>Sylvan doesn't post much here anymore.
>Mike Hide doesn't post much here anymore.
>Nova doesn't post much here anymore.
>Bob Schmall doesn't post much here anymore.
>I wonder.
>Is it time to join them.
>Tom Watson - WoodDorker
>tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)

funny you should ask tom. i was just thinking the same thoughts
yesterday and whilst scroling down the authors list i noticed yours
was missing recently. i thought to myself well another one gone!!! sad
realy cause i enjoy your posts [ even the OT ones ] seems lately if
you ask a woodworking question you see 3 - 7 answers on topic and 35
-50 offtopic and several more that are just plain mean. lately i have
started killfiling threads instead of individuals. it clears some of
the clutter. i may join the rest oneday but not quite yet and i hope
you stick around too.




in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

19/01/2006 5:27 AM

I've been around the net many years since the 70's and around the NG's since
90. But around 00, the squirrels were let loose. Now you post and for every
helpful or intelligent response, you get 100 of utter nonsense, as if they
are wildly posting blindly the most stupid shit I've ever read. It's not fun
anymore and certainly not worth your caliber or your time. It's not just
this NG, but almost all. as if we have a generation of feeble minded angry
possessive little kids have taken over and they KNOW EVERYTHING! No self
esteem. I still have all my fans like Mike, Leon, Rich Mark & Jose They'd be
lost without me. LOL

Now you can only post what they want or else.................. Well I'm
still here and will be here long after, it used to be to help, now to keep
them all informed of the stupidity of the War in Iraq!

I go out to the Amish way every so often and inner in Philly now and then.

You take care Tom!

"Tom Watson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Keith Bohn doesn't post much here anymore.
> Patrick Leach doesn't post much here anymore.
> Patrick Olguin doesn't post much here anymore.
> Walt Akers doesn't post much here anymore.
> Sy Kaplan doesn't post much here anymore.
> Phully doesn't post much here anymore.
> Apeman doesn't post much here anymore.
> Sylvan doesn't post much here anymore.
> Mike Hide doesn't post much here anymore.
> Nova doesn't post much here anymore.
> Bob Schmall doesn't post much here anymore.
> I wonder.
> Is it time to join them.
> Tom Watson - WoodDorker
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


"Rick M"

in reply to Tom Watson on 17/01/2006 8:06 PM

18/01/2006 1:35 AM

"Tom Watson" wrote
[snip of the list of folks I ALWAYS read ... ]

> I wonder.
> Is it time to join them.

I sure hope you continue to frequent the wreck Tom ... for what it's worth,
your name should be at the top of the list (besides upsetting the
alphabetical status quo, I happen to believe you are an exceptional writer).

I feel your pain, I really do. I've filled and emptied my plonk filter a
number of times, and yet the same few names keep surfacing. Mind you, I
don't get upset when someone that contributes to the WOODWORKING aspect of
the newsgroup goes off-topic once in a while ... it's the ones that never
make an on-topic comment that reach me. They reach me all the way to the
plonk file ... quietly, without any announcement.

I used to delight in thread killing ... by pulling the conversation back
on-topic. I've given that up, because I'm not sure I don't reside in a
number of other's plonk files already! So be it.

When Stoutman commented on his tablesaw issues, I thought this is a chance
for everyone to help him out. Subtract the wiseass comments and we're pretty
much left with yours (to be fair, I did e-mail him with a list of
suggestions, and since he's less than 30 miles away, we have the opportunity
to get together to resolve this issue without all the drive-by comments).

Unfortunately, my job ... (make that my expensive hobby) has taken me out of
the shop for far too long ... and I'm correcting both issues. One of those
is to encourage WOODWORKING comments. I'm not going to fight the "off-topic,
all the time" clowns ... I just ignore them. It only takes a few minutes to
read the newsgroup now, since I filter on a very conservative measure
(on-topic counts for 15 points, off-topic counts for -1 ... drop below zero
and you're gone). It's not scientific ... I just sort by name, look at the
subject(s) commented on, and move on.

I know you have a lot of other things to do with your time than have me tell
you how I deal with the twits ... but I certainly don't want to see you head
to the weeds ... lurking, reading, but never adding your lifetime of
experience to the mix. I contribute when I can ... but electronics seldom
comes into play in WOODWORKING.

I'm going to get back to clearing all the work-related crap out of my
woodshop, move that monster Shopbot from the garage to the basement (that's
where the shop is), and start building all the things I've wanted, but never
quite found the time to do. Now, if I can only find someone willing to trade
me hardwood for all these lead-acid batteries ... pound-for-pound ... I'll
be set for a lifetime of woodworking.

Hang in there Tom.

My highest regards,


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