Got my Lie-Nielson catalog yesterday, Something about using hand tools
appeals to me but I need some help. The catalog has a video entitles
"Rough to Ready" by Rob Cosman. Can any of you critique this video?
Another interesting book (as opposed to video) is "Planecraft" by
Hampton and Clifford. Any comments on this book.
I bought two of Rob's videos - the "Rough to Ready" and "Sharpening & Using
Handplanes". I thought they were both useful and informative. The RTR one
has Rob detailing his approach to taking a rough plank and getting it
perfectly square and flat on all edges and faces. The basic idea isn't that
mysterious, but being able to watch a master do it, as well as explain
little tricks and techniques along the way, was very helpful. The plane
sharpening/use video seemed a little more basic and I probably could have
got by without it. Cosman's communication style is very clear and I am
planning to buy his dovetails videos sometime in the future as well.
I have all of Rob's videos and they are great. He does throw very little,
very minor sales pitches in onces and a while for Lie-Nielsen, but they are
very helpful videos.
"Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Got my Lie-Nielson catalog yesterday, Something about using hand tools
> appeals to me but I need some help. The catalog has a video entitles
> "Rough to Ready" by Rob Cosman. Can any of you critique this video?
> Another interesting book (as opposed to video) is "Planecraft" by
> Hampton and Clifford. Any comments on this book.