

03/08/2004 9:14 AM

Finishing question...

I have a cabinet door, commercial built, cherry. I wanted to relocate the
knob. I took the old one out and made a plug for the hole. But no matter
how I try I cannot get the finish to match where this plug is. I'm afraid I
sanded too much around it and now it always comes out lighter then the rest
of the door. Is there a good way I don't know about to fix this or do I
need to shell out $100 for a new one?


If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
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in reply to "jtpr" on 03/08/2004 9:14 AM

03/08/2004 2:33 PM

The surface of cherry darkens with time. If you sand it, you expose light
It will catch up, eventually...

Without seeing it, it is hard to be certain; but I expect I would sand the
entire door to make it uniform.


"Frank J. Vitale"

in reply to "jtpr" on 03/08/2004 9:14 AM

03/08/2004 3:32 PM

Putting it out in the sun for a couple of days will darken it very quickly.

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