I've had an old 20" Davis Wells bandsaw for about 5-6 yrs, all manual adjus=
tments. =20
I've always used a 3/8" blade and I've adjusted the tension accordingly. =
The blade ran true and my cuts are fine.
Some months ago I bought 1/2" and 3/4" blades. Today I tried the 1/2" bla=
de on some 2" hickory, adjusting the tension as I would the 3/8" blade. T=
he 1/2" blade seemed to wobble laterally, a bit.... certainly not the same=
smooth running as the 3/8" blade. I'm supposing this 1/2" blade needs mo=
re tension. My cut time for each board is about 2 minutes, max, so I don'=
t think the extra tension would affect the bandsaw tires. The tires are n=
ew and the blade runs true/center on the wheels.
Is my assumption of not enough tension, on this 1/2" blade, the probable ca=
use of the lateral wobble of the blade while in use?
On Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 11:16:57 PM UTC-6, DerbyDad03 wrote:
> On Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 11:36:25 PM UTC-5, Sonny wrote:
> > Never mind. I solved the issue.
> >=20
> > Sonny
> Please share.
Increase tension. I hadn't used my 14" delta in a long time, because a gu=
ide bearing wore out. The 14" tension guide has increments for different =
blade sizes. Stands to reason the different increasing blade sizes need d=
ifferent increasing tensions. This old Davis-Wells doesn't have a tension =
guide marker/labeling.... I have to guess at a proper setting/adjustment.
I have other cuts to make for the ongoing project, so I'll increase my tens=
ion as per needed, until the wobbling is gone.
I had also detected that, when the blade was "loose", the sawing was making=
a different sound, while cutting, than what was "normal", as I perceived a=
normal sound of smooth cutting. That odd sound should go away, as well, =
when the tension is correct.
Correction of an earlier statement. I have 2 projects going, one with peca=
n, one with hickory. The 2" stock I'm cutting is pecan, not hickory. No=
t uncommon to mix up my thinking/speaking, that way.