You may want to be part of my new campaign. From this day forward any
products or services I purchase will be backed with customer support that is
located in United Stares and is staffed by English speaking people.
I have finally had it with people who I can't understand named Bob, Sam or
Joe and their real name is probably Hajibahba! I'm through with customer
service agents that repeat everything I say at least 3 times and say "Is
that correct Mr...."? "Is it OK if I put you on HOLD Mr...?(Because I don't
know anything but I'll see if anyone here actually does)". In those rare
events when they actually come up with some resemblance of a solution
related to the reason I called in the first place, it is usually totally
impractical or totally impossible, or you have already tried that and it
didn't work, that is why you called them!
Whether it's insurance, tools, household appliances, etc, I'm calling their
customer support/services line prior to making the purchase. If I can't
understand them, mark that product off of my list! I've had enough
frustration with companies who hire foreign call centers because they are
dirt cheap.
I pay good money for American made products or those with American brand
names that are made who knows where, but their support line well better
speak English!
Now.... If we all get on this band wagon, things will have to change or
sales firms will be setting with a warehouse full of un-saleable products,
then they will change or go out of business, either is OK by me!
What are your thoughts?
Don Dando
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 16:15:54 -0600, "Don Dando"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>You may want to be part of my new campaign.
Oh yeah, this oughta be fun...............
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 16:15:54 -0600, "Don Dando"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>You may want to be part of my new campaign. From this day forward any
>products or services I purchase will be backed with customer support that is
>located in United Stares and is staffed by English speaking people.
Hello, you may want to be part of my new campaign. From this day
forward I will not participate in any campaign proposed by some jerk
who can't figure out how to hit the "reply" button on his browser . .
. oh, to Hell with it. <plonk>