"Lawrence L'Hote"

18/10/2004 5:55 PM

More Xmas Stuff: Folding Stools

I finished the dozen or so shabby-chic shaker trays (and mentioned here a
little while ago) and gave out two already. Now I'm cobbling together some
more folding stools. It's been about 2 years since I've built any. Here is
where you can see how they are made and get FREE, full sized drawings.
http://home.mchsi.com/~larrylhote/stool/stool.htm Not the fine furniture
you get used to seeing here but nice for cheap gift.

I just got through cutting out leg and seat batten stock from some 2 by 4
rough, pine packing crating. People that visit my shop or stop by take home
a stool and I gave out my last complete one a week or so ago. I plane down
the 2 x 4(shown below the festive container) to 1 1/2 " then slice them into
3/4" strips for the legs(shown on top.)

Lawrence L'Hote
Columbia, MO