"Lew Hodgett"

05/11/2008 10:52 PM

RE: WOW!!!

The electorate spoke on 11/04/2008.

The message to the world was clear.

*Our country's beacon of hope still burns.
*It's light will once again will shine brightly for all to see.
*We have the opportunity of a lifetime to address real opportunities;
*Resolve real issues;
*Make a difference in this world.
*Leave it a better place than we found it.

Only in America could this happen.

Yes, we screw up from time to time, but sooner or later, we figure out
there is a problem and do something about it.

Hopefully, I'll be around to see the results.

It is going to be a great ride.


This topic has 16 replies


"Rick Corey"

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 9:26 PM

>> When the new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of
>> him until
he gets up. When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
fervor that has been shown by you in the past. Hit 'em, and hit 'em hard.

Thank you for your patriotism and willingness to work together for the
common good. The way you put country ahead of partisan spite sets an
example to be proud of that will help us solve our problems, heal our
divisions and inspire the rest of the world by our sterling example

If you honestly expected so much to be conceivably _possible_ , note also
that he said he needs everyone to work together. He has extended the hand
of compromise and is NOT trying to get away with the most extreme partisan
crap he can (as Bush did his first few days in office and ever since). As
Palin would have been sure to.

If very many people had as divisive and hateful an attitude as yours, there
would be no hope at all for any improvement for America. Had Palin and
McCain won, would you have expected every bit of exagerated pandering
campaign babble from them to materialize on your doorstep overnight, despite
bitter and hateful resistance from bad losers like you on the other side?

Hopefully more Republicans will listen to McCain's superb and manly
concession speech, than listen to your kind of spitefull and destructive
bile. It adds up to "If my ideology can't crush your ideology, then I don't
care if the country goes down in flames". I'm hoping there was exageration
and irony in your post that I missed.

Am I right that you voted _against_ any support for the middle class or
poor, and now are demanding every gimme gimme gimme you can derive from
every sentence of every Democratic stump speech you can recall? It's hard
to interpret your sarcasm - are you demanding that he accomplish RIGHT AWAY
everything that you are _opposed_ to, everything that your preferred
party is likely to continue fighing tooth and nail against?

Your literal words demand that he acheive (instantly) eveything you
disapprove of. And you explitly want to see him kicked for every miscue.

To give you the benefit of every doubt possible, you are just being
sarcastic and ironical, and don't really mean anything you said. If so, I
apologize in advance.

But if you mean literally what you said, shame on you, sir. You've had a
day to get over your disapointment, now show that you are more of a loyal
American citizen than a spiteful, spoiling ideolog. Aren't we all one
country that will sink or swim together? You obvioulsy feel very strongly.
Aren't you willing to work together toward what may WORK, rather than just
throw tantrums if you don't get your way?

Rise to the occasion, sir!

If you were in a lifeboat in mid-Atlantic, already leaking, with a boat
officer you disagreed with, would you sink the lifeboat in order to prove
that the boat officer was not a good enough swimmer to swim to shore,
carrying everyone else on his back? (From my point of view, it was
Republican leadship that crashed our ship into the iceberg, but YMMV.)

If you only meant "the candidate I disagreed with made campaign promises
that will be difficult to deliver", OK, I'm sorry to have dumped on you so
hard. But you sound as if you would rather see him (and all of us) fail
badly in dangerous times than solve problems or compromise with each other.
If you can't be selective about what you support or resist, you can't
acheive anything politically.

I honestly beleieve that Obama will try for centrist solutions, (you may see
them all as "too leftist" while leftists see them as "too conservative").
He will experience as much resistance form the liberal wing of the Democrats
as from the conservative wing of the Republicans.

We have to hope that there are more people in the center - who want America
to thrive using PRACTICAL soultions - than want to rub their ideological
opposites' noses in the dirt.

I honestly realize that what seems "centrist" to some, will seem
much-to-radical to 20-30% of us, and very-much-not-enough to 20-30% of us.
However, if the obstructionists add up to 60% instead of 40%, we won't get
anything solved - and will sink - and will fail - and will deserve to fail.
None of us want that, right? Despite your prior post?

Every conservative who makes a concession towards the center will shame two
liberals into making a similar concession. Too many conservatives saying
"F--- you, I'll just make trouble" motivates two liberals to be more

A conservative strategy of working together to moderate the liberal impulse
might work. Hostility and antagonism only encourage further polarization,
and liberals pushing through less-balanced bills. If Republicans in
Congress take your attitude, Democrats probaly WILL be numerically able to
defeat filibusters in a few years, and might even unite internally enough to
do that!

It's not a zero-sum game, and we are not enemies. But we can mistake each
other for enemies. I read your email as urging and provoking enmity. Tell
me I'm wrong about that and I'll retract.

Rick Corey

<[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Nov 5, 9:11 pm, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.
>> I certainly will, when my new patent starts paying off: A prayer rug,
>> with
>> a built-in compass.
>> ... the multitude of dumbasses in this country are going to need one.
> Yup.
> I read this by mistake as it wasn't marked with the OT (Obama's Team)
> marking that many have used to turn this into their own personal
> political blog.
> After reading and listen to so much about the candidates over the last
> few months, I have decided it isn't Obama that I dislike so much, it
> is his followers.
> Shrill, brittle, and screamingly nasty at the first sign of
> disagreement, many of them seem to be a hateful little segment of
> society. Reading the posts in this group certainly confirm that; a
> word or two of disagreement and the personal attacks start.
> Personally, I stayed out of the political shit slinging here as most
> of the petulant and snotty remarks were posted by the same 4 -5
> people. I didn't think either candidate was that strong, certainly
> not to the point of the extreme intolerance and disrespect people here
> have shown for one another.
> Too bad none of you are close enough to handle these issues like men,
> with respect and tolerance for one another. The closeness seems to
> help some people remember their manners; it can't be pleasant to go to
> work the next day with a slap mark across the cheek that was applied
> when you called the wrong person the wrong thing.
> But for those sanctimonious, sometimes profane children that ardently
> supported the next president, be careful what you wish for.
> His party controls all 3 houses of the government. Now there is NO
> viable excuse for gridlock. None. Get all the party on board and let
> the steamroller express roll over everyone that gets in the way.
> If Obama can deliver all that he promised, good for him. I do not see
> what loophole he can find since he can form the committee to write
> legislation, approve legislation, ratify legislation, and of course
> finally approve it, all within his political party, of which he is the
> leader.
> So with that in mind, I want the things I heard him promise.
> - Immediate withdrawal from the war in Iraq. As he said, "period'.
> No reason to screw around with it; if it was all for naught, only time
> will tell. Our exit strategy will have much to do with that, so it
> will land on his legacy
> - I want my $2500 in health care relief NOW. He said his plan was in
> place, and I am ready NOW
> - I want comprehensive legislation passed to address every single
> energy issue he named. He said he had the best minds working on it
> now, and he would have the legislation passed in his first year
> - No new taxes for me as an individual
> - No new taxes for my company
> - I want the school systems fixed so that all kids can get top notch
> education. This was also promised as an immediate fix because it was
> "about the children"
> - I want every single government program reviewed immediately <as
> promised> for any waste. Then, they are either to be streamlined of
> abolished as was promised
> - I want the criminals that were behind the mismanagement (in some
> cases the lack of due diligence constitutes a prosecutable felony) of
> the investment houses that used the derivative markets to print money
> for themselves or their company. In this case, lack of due diligence
> would also include the investigation of two Senators, which were the
> appointed government overseers for the American public held
> corporations of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
> - I want my $1000. This promise is still on his website. He will get
> this from taxing the oil company profits, and has stated that they oil
> companies >>>shouldn't<<< raise their prices because of this
> - I want my $500 as a small business owner. This is listed on his
> website as well, and it is slated to stimulate me and my efforts.
> Since I pay State franchise fees, both sides of my social security
> (mine and employer's matching), my unemployment tax, corporate tax and
> personal tax, I'll take anything at this point. Not sure how far $500
> will actually go, though
> - I want to see the credit card industry reformed from top to bottom,
> as promised. This will require rigorous legislation as well as hard
> line enforcement to make it work. This is on the web site as well
> - Without raising my taxes (as promised I will be getting a cut since
> I make under the estimated - yet elusive- number of $250K, $150K, or
> $120K) I want the Obama version of the WPA up and running. I do not
> know who will pay for this, but if it is as advertised, it won't be
> me. See his website for details on new bridges, highways, road,
> updates on all the aforementioned and even more
> - I need to see a blueprint of how the revamped medical leave act will
> work. Employers having more than 25 employees will be required to
> give paid 24 hours a year away per employee. It is "so that
> employees to participate in their children's academic activities".
> This is the equivalent of adding three days paid vacation to every
> employee's check. With so many of my cohorts hanging on by a thread,
> this could be tough. If you have the minimum 25 employees, you will
> be giving up 600 billable hours. 600 hours that you will be paying
> full wages, taxes and benefits on. I don't understand how this will
> help a small struggling business
> There are a lot of other things on the table, big and small, but those
> are some of my personal highlights. And all of these things are
> promised along with not just refusal to raise my taxes, but with a tax
> cut as well.
> I will be relying on the seekers of the "real" truth, the diligent
> vanguards of our American society, those who have been so loud here to
> continue on with their own crusade for truth and justice. When the
> new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of him until
> he gets up. When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
> misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
> fervor that has been shown by you in the past. Hit 'em, and hit 'em
> hard.
> I am hoping that these self righteous will continue to report on the
> new administration with their pithy and unvarnished posts, their wry
> observations and their single minded determination to let the rest of
> the world know what is >>actually<< happening with our political
> leaders.
> Just not here. Enough is enough.
> Robert


in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 10:50 PM

On Nov 6, 3:26=A0pm, "Rick Corey" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> =A0 When the new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out=
> >> him until
> he gets up. =A0When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
> misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
> fervor that has been shown by you in the past. =A0Hit 'em, and hit 'em ha=
> <<
> Thank you for your patriotism and willingness to work together for the
> common good. =A0The way you put country ahead of partisan spite sets an
> example to be proud of that will help us solve our problems, heal our
> divisions and inspire the rest of the world by our sterling example
> (sarcasm).
> If you honestly expected so much to be conceivably =A0 _possible_ =A0, no=
te also
> that he said he needs everyone to work together. =A0He has extended the h=
> of compromise and is NOT trying to get away with the most extreme partisa=
> crap he can (as Bush did his first few days in office and ever since). =
=A0 As
> Palin would have been sure to.
> If very many people had as divisive and hateful an attitude as yours, the=
> would be no hope at all for any improvement for America. =A0Had Palin and
> McCain won, would you have expected every bit of exagerated pandering
> campaign babble from them to materialize on your doorstep overnight, desp=
> bitter and hateful resistance from bad losers like you on the other side?
> Hopefully more Republicans will listen to McCain's superb and manly
> concession speech, than listen to your kind of spitefull and destructive
> bile. =A0It adds up to "If my ideology can't crush your ideology, then I =
> care if the country goes down in flames". =A0I'm hoping there was exagera=
> and irony in your post that I missed.
> Am I right that you voted =A0 _against_ =A0 any support for the middle cl=
ass or
> poor, and now are demanding every gimme gimme gimme you can derive from
> every sentence of every Democratic stump speech you can recall? =A0It's h=
> to interpret your sarcasm - are you demanding that he accomplish RIGHT AW=
> everything that you are =A0_opposed_ =A0to, everything that =A0your prefe=
> party is likely to continue fighing tooth and nail against?
> Your literal words demand that he acheive (instantly) eveything you
> disapprove of. =A0And you explitly want to see him kicked for every miscu=
> ???
> To give you the benefit of every doubt possible, you are just being
> sarcastic and ironical, and don't really mean anything you said. =A0If so=
, I
> apologize in advance.
> But if you mean literally what you said, shame on you, sir. =A0You've had=
> day to get over your disapointment, now show that you are more of a loyal
> American citizen than a spiteful, spoiling ideolog. =A0Aren't we all one
> country that will sink or swim together? =A0You obvioulsy feel very stron=
> Aren't you willing to work together toward what may WORK, rather than jus=
> throw tantrums if you don't get your way?
> Rise to the occasion, sir!
> If you were in a lifeboat in mid-Atlantic, already leaking, with a =A0boa=
> officer you disagreed with, would you sink the lifeboat in order to prove
> that the boat officer was not a good enough =A0swimmer to swim to shore,
> carrying everyone else on his back? =A0(From my point of view, it was
> Republican leadship that crashed our ship into the iceberg, but YMMV.)
> If you only meant "the candidate I disagreed with made campaign promises
> that will be difficult to deliver", OK, I'm sorry to have dumped on you s=
> hard. =A0But you sound as if you would rather see him (and all of us) fai=
> badly in dangerous times than solve problems or compromise with each othe=
> If you can't be selective about what you support or resist, you can't
> acheive anything politically.
> I honestly beleieve that Obama will try for centrist solutions, (you may =
> them all as "too leftist" while leftists see them as "too conservative").
> He will experience as much resistance form the liberal wing of the Democr=
> as from the conservative wing of the Republicans.
> We have to hope that there are more people in the center - who want Ameri=
> to thrive using PRACTICAL soultions - =A0than want to rub their ideologic=
> opposites' noses in the dirt.
> I honestly realize that what seems "centrist" to some, will seem
> much-to-radical to 20-30% of us, and =A0very-much-not-enough to 20-30% of=
> However, if the obstructionists add up to 60% instead of 40%, we won't ge=
> anything solved - and will sink - and will fail - and will deserve to fai=
> None of us want that, right? =A0Despite your prior post?
> Every conservative who makes a concession towards the center will shame t=
> liberals into making a similar concession. =A0Too many conservatives sayi=
> "F--- you, I'll just make trouble" motivates two liberals to be more
> extreme.
> A conservative strategy of working together to moderate the liberal impul=
> might work. =A0Hostility and antagonism only encourage further polarizati=
> and liberals pushing through less-balanced bills. =A0If Republicans in
> Congress take your attitude, Democrats probaly =A0WILL be numerically abl=
e to
> defeat filibusters in a few years, and might even unite internally enough=
> do that!
> It's not a zero-sum game, and we are not enemies. =A0But we can mistake e=
> other for enemies. =A0I read your email as urging and provoking enmity. =
> me I'm wrong about that and I'll retract.
> Rick Corey


Since you chose to personalize this, and are ardently defending the
president elect, you are undoubtedly on the Obama Team.
(Just OT for now around here.)

I will try to make this easy for you since you have hysterically run
away screaming into the abyss of idiocy with some of your statements.

I do not want Obama to fail. How fucking stupid would ANYONE be to
want that? How much of a moron would want that? How petty are you
that your mind went to some pointless scheme of revenge or

If Obama fails, we all pay for it. If he fails as a foreign leader,
we may well have national security issues to deal with; no one wants

If Obama fails in helping the economy, we will pay more, get less, and
as a society we will all suffer. More taxes, less taxes, it doesn't
matter. If he fails, we are screwed. He promises less taxes. All I
want on that issue is what he promised.

If Obama fails to break the gridlock of government now, there is NO
hope. He has all the keys to the castle. Every one. I want him to
use them for the benefit of the American people. Again, if he fails
to break gridlock with all the tools needed at his immediate disposal,
we can pretty much all give up on Congress altogether. Again, we the
American taxpayers would be screwed. That means me.

If Obama doesn't fix the education system or at least get it going in
the right direction, dropout rates will continue to climb, especially
in our burgeoning minority cultures. If he can get it on track, we
will continue to compare poorly with our international counterparts in
mathematics and the sciences. Who would want that?

If Obama fails at establishing some kind of healthcare, many millions
of people will be forced to make terrible decisions between their
health and their finances. Many older folks are doing that now as
well as many younger ones. Many business people are dropping their
health insurance simply because they cannot afford it anymore, and
that leaves whole families unprotected. What jackass wants that?

If Obama fails, we ALL PAY THE PRICE.



So stop your petulant, self righteous pontificating and quit posting
that drivel.

All I want from Obama is what he promised. I am sure you know his
website, and you should take a look. I asked for NOTHING that he
didn't advertise as part of his platform. Again, look at his
website. All will be revealed.

When you jumped off this planet and into your black hole, how did you
decide I supported McCain? Where was that? Your response is EXACTLY
the knee jerk reactionary post that I described (and may not have been
clear enough for you) I am sick of.

I never said I supported McCain. Never once. Never said I was a
conservative or Republican, either. Didn't slow down your diatribe
one bit though, did it? At a perceived slight to Obama, you
immediately hyperventilated, set yourself on fire and went on the
attack slinging accusations probably as fast as you could type.

In your post, you challenged my patriotism, my loyalty to America,
accused me of throwing tantrums, being a mindless idealogue, and I
think "shrill" covers your response pretty well.

You are absolutely every single fucking thing I hate about some of the
Obama group of supporters.

You are new to this group. Apparently new to the newsgroup format
(sorry, 3 1/2 months isn't that long). Being new to this group you
haven't had the sad experience of watch its members shred each other
over any sentence that is out of place, any word mispronounced, or any
gaffe. Any item is up for ridicule or proselytizing, no matter how
large or small, important or insignificant.

All I want is the same treatment for whomever is in office. I want
the self appointed watch dogs on the ready. They have been doing a
great job for about the last 18 months or so, letting little or
nothing by when it comes to America's leaders and I just want them to
keep it up.

Again, since you chose to make this personal with your accusations and
challenges I will respond in kind.

You are an idiot.

Anyone that wants Obama to fail should leave the country.

Anyone that thinks I want Obama to fail just so I can get screwed
harder by our government could only do me a favor by screwing

Don't pass off your insults by saying you will retract them. Just go
away. That would be best.

If nothing else, you have simply proved the point (beyond any I could
make) that I made at the top of my post about the Obama people on this
group. You hit every mark.



"C & E"

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

05/11/2008 8:55 PM

"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
On Nov 5, 5:52 pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> The electorate spoke on 11/04/2008.
> The message to the world was clear.
> *Our country's beacon of hope still burns.
> *It's light will once again will shine brightly for all to see.
> *We have the opportunity of a lifetime to address real opportunities;
> *Resolve real issues;
> *Make a difference in this world.
> *Leave it a better place than we found it.
> Only in America could this happen.
> Yes, we screw up from time to time, but sooner or later, we figure out
> there is a problem and do something about it.

Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.


Just without our eyeteeth with the expense of all of the new regs required
to be 'more civilized'. No that Georgie save this country any money in
smaller government. The war is a given.



in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

07/11/2008 5:15 AM

"Rick Corey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I must be unworthy to read the same newsgroup you grace with your courtesy
> and wisdom. I will not be back to this newsgroup.
> Rick Corey

I'm not going apologize for him Rick, because I didn't read much of what he
posted to make you want to leave. However, even under the best of
circumstances, in this medium it's inevitable that really bitter arguments
are going to develop on occasion. Especially so when it comes to elections.
Give it a few weeks until everybody sees that Obama is not going to
immediately plunge the US into oblivion and then you'll see a remarkable
change in the atmosphere.

Not all, but most people here are knowledgeable, intelligent people and once
you get to know some of them, you'll realize that this is a pretty decent
newsgroup to assist you with your woodworking endeavours.


in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

07/11/2008 7:06 AM

On Nov 7, 4:15=A0am, "Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Give it a few weeks until everybody sees that Obama is not going to
> immediately plunge the US into oblivion and then you'll see a remarkable
> change in the atmosphere.

No one really knows what will happen. Sadly, the attacks, the
speculations about his judgement, and the preemptive press releases of
his eminent failure are starting. He isn't even in office.

> Not all, but most people here are knowledgeable, intelligent people and o=
> you get to know some of them, you'll realize that this is a pretty decent
> newsgroup to assist you with your woodworking endeavours.

True. One thing anyone should know, however, is that that when you
personalize issues, many times you get what you asked for.

I don't like interpretation of my words. Especially if they are
incorrect or turn into some wild fantasy ride to suit the purpose of
another. I think that will wind up anyone. That's the reason I
passed on all the political threads since the hyperbole was a mainstay
of the communication efforts.



"Matt Furze"

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

05/11/2008 8:43 PM

"Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Jay Pique" wrote
>> Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.
> I certainly will, when my new patent starts paying off: A prayer rug,
> with a built-in compass.
> ... the multitude of dumbasses in this country are going to need one.
> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 10/22/08
> KarlC@ (the obvious)
Love it! LOL


"Rick Corey"

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

07/11/2008 9:11 AM

First, I wish people had not quoted me as saying what I objected to Robert

as in:
"Rick Corey wrote:
> >> When the new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of
> >> him"

Robert worte that, not Rick.

Robert said:
I will try to make this easy for you since you have hysterically run
away screaming into the abyss of idiocy with some of your statements.

I do not want Obama to fail. How fucking stupid would ANYONE be to
want that? How much of a moron would want that? How petty are you
that your mind went to some pointless scheme of revenge or

I read your words. They did appear to be that. As I explained. That's why
I replied to your post.

You said:
"Kicking the shit out of Obama",
"hit him hard for any miscue"
You spoke as if you expected him to be able to deliver on every campaign
goal instantly
(as if he had the power to singlehandedly deliver despite opposition)

Another example:

>> You are absolutely every single fucking thing I hate about some of the
>> Obama group of supporters.

Somehow I formed the opinion that you were hostile to him or his program -
I'm shrill ... I see.

In your post, you challenged my patriotism, my loyalty to America,
accused me of throwing tantrums, being a mindless idealogue, and I
think "shrill" covers your response pretty well.

What you said sounded like that.

Being new to this group you
haven't had the sad experience of watch its members shred each other
over any sentence that is out of place, any word mispronounced, or any
gaffe. Any item is up for ridicule or proselytizing, no matter how
large or small, important or insignificant.

All I want is the same treatment for whomever is in office. I want
the self appointed watch dogs on the ready. They have been doing a
great job for about the last 18 months or so, letting little or
nothing by when it comes to America's leaders and I just want them to
keep it up.

You clearly do want to apply a hypercritical, hostile and impoassible
standard that could never be met by any politican, yet say you hope he
I keep hearing the hate and hostility very clearly.

I'm glad it was only my hysterical idiocy that made me think you might be
what you sound like.

You say
>> If Obama fails, we ALL PAY THE PRICE.

It seems like you think he can singlehandedly make every wish come true
overnight. Whatever, I do apologize for thinking you meant what your words
sounded like.

I'm glad I totally misunderstand you. You sure sound like you have a lot of
passionate hate for anything related to Obama.
Now you wish him well and I'm a jerk.
Whatever, I have no further interest in understanding you.

Your hostility to me for wondering if you really mean your words the way
they sound is the nastiest thing I've encountered yet even on Usenet.
Congratulations in your mastery of abuse and hostility.

I understand that you would be very angry because I took what you said to
mean what it sounded like.
What you said sounded as moronic and partisan as you accuse me of being.

I am glad to hear that I totally misunderstood your statements, assuming you
really are not as hateful as you still sound.

I think I said 3-4 times even in my first post that I HOPED I misunderstood
you. When that was true, instead of saying "yesyou jerk you did
misunderstand me", you became very personally abusive. As if I had hit a

You say many times how much you hate some of his supporters. That I believe!

True, that is distinct from wanting him to fail.
But I hope I never have to suffer your good will!

I must be unworthy to read the same newsgroup you grace with your courtesy
and wisdom.
I will not be back to this newsgroup.

Rick Corey

<[email protected]> wrote in message
On Nov 6, 3:26 pm, "Rick Corey" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> When the new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of
> >> him until
> he gets up. When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
> misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
> fervor that has been shown by you in the past. Hit 'em, and hit 'em hard.
> <<
> Thank you for your patriotism and willingness to work together for the
> common good. The way you put country ahead of partisan spite sets an
> example to be proud of that will help us solve our problems, heal our
> divisions and inspire the rest of the world by our sterling example
> (sarcasm).
> If you honestly expected so much to be conceivably _possible_ , note also
> that he said he needs everyone to work together. He has extended the hand
> of compromise and is NOT trying to get away with the most extreme partisan
> crap he can (as Bush did his first few days in office and ever since). As
> Palin would have been sure to.
> If very many people had as divisive and hateful an attitude as yours,
> there
> would be no hope at all for any improvement for America. Had Palin and
> McCain won, would you have expected every bit of exagerated pandering
> campaign babble from them to materialize on your doorstep overnight,
> despite
> bitter and hateful resistance from bad losers like you on the other side?
> Hopefully more Republicans will listen to McCain's superb and manly
> concession speech, than listen to your kind of spitefull and destructive
> bile. It adds up to "If my ideology can't crush your ideology, then I
> don't
> care if the country goes down in flames". I'm hoping there was exageration
> and irony in your post that I missed.
> Am I right that you voted _against_ any support for the middle class or
> poor, and now are demanding every gimme gimme gimme you can derive from
> every sentence of every Democratic stump speech you can recall? It's hard
> to interpret your sarcasm - are you demanding that he accomplish RIGHT
> everything that you are _opposed_ to, everything that your preferred
> party is likely to continue fighing tooth and nail against?
> Your literal words demand that he acheive (instantly) eveything you
> disapprove of. And you explitly want to see him kicked for every miscue.
> ???
> To give you the benefit of every doubt possible, you are just being
> sarcastic and ironical, and don't really mean anything you said. If so, I
> apologize in advance.
> But if you mean literally what you said, shame on you, sir. You've had a
> day to get over your disapointment, now show that you are more of a loyal
> American citizen than a spiteful, spoiling ideolog. Aren't we all one
> country that will sink or swim together? You obvioulsy feel very strongly.
> Aren't you willing to work together toward what may WORK, rather than just
> throw tantrums if you don't get your way?
> Rise to the occasion, sir!
> If you were in a lifeboat in mid-Atlantic, already leaking, with a boat
> officer you disagreed with, would you sink the lifeboat in order to prove
> that the boat officer was not a good enough swimmer to swim to shore,
> carrying everyone else on his back? (From my point of view, it was
> Republican leadship that crashed our ship into the iceberg, but YMMV.)
> If you only meant "the candidate I disagreed with made campaign promises
> that will be difficult to deliver", OK, I'm sorry to have dumped on you so
> hard. But you sound as if you would rather see him (and all of us) fail
> badly in dangerous times than solve problems or compromise with each
> other.
> If you can't be selective about what you support or resist, you can't
> acheive anything politically.
> I honestly beleieve that Obama will try for centrist solutions, (you may
> see
> them all as "too leftist" while leftists see them as "too conservative").
> He will experience as much resistance form the liberal wing of the
> Democrats
> as from the conservative wing of the Republicans.
> We have to hope that there are more people in the center - who want
> America
> to thrive using PRACTICAL soultions - than want to rub their ideological
> opposites' noses in the dirt.
> I honestly realize that what seems "centrist" to some, will seem
> much-to-radical to 20-30% of us, and very-much-not-enough to 20-30% of us.
> However, if the obstructionists add up to 60% instead of 40%, we won't get
> anything solved - and will sink - and will fail - and will deserve to
> fail.
> None of us want that, right? Despite your prior post?
> Every conservative who makes a concession towards the center will shame
> two
> liberals into making a similar concession. Too many conservatives saying
> "F--- you, I'll just make trouble" motivates two liberals to be more
> extreme.
> A conservative strategy of working together to moderate the liberal
> impulse
> might work. Hostility and antagonism only encourage further polarization,
> and liberals pushing through less-balanced bills. If Republicans in
> Congress take your attitude, Democrats probaly WILL be numerically able to
> defeat filibusters in a few years, and might even unite internally enough
> to
> do that!
> It's not a zero-sum game, and we are not enemies. But we can mistake each
> other for enemies. I read your email as urging and provoking enmity. Tell
> me I'm wrong about that and I'll retract.
> Rick Corey


Since you chose to personalize this, and are ardently defending the
president elect, you are undoubtedly on the Obama Team.
(Just OT for now around here.)

I will try to make this easy for you since you have hysterically run
away screaming into the abyss of idiocy with some of your statements.

I do not want Obama to fail. How fucking stupid would ANYONE be to
want that? How much of a moron would want that? How petty are you
that your mind went to some pointless scheme of revenge or

If Obama fails, we all pay for it. If he fails as a foreign leader,
we may well have national security issues to deal with; no one wants

If Obama fails in helping the economy, we will pay more, get less, and
as a society we will all suffer. More taxes, less taxes, it doesn't
matter. If he fails, we are screwed. He promises less taxes. All I
want on that issue is what he promised.

If Obama fails to break the gridlock of government now, there is NO
hope. He has all the keys to the castle. Every one. I want him to
use them for the benefit of the American people. Again, if he fails
to break gridlock with all the tools needed at his immediate disposal,
we can pretty much all give up on Congress altogether. Again, we the
American taxpayers would be screwed. That means me.

If Obama doesn't fix the education system or at least get it going in
the right direction, dropout rates will continue to climb, especially
in our burgeoning minority cultures. If he can get it on track, we
will continue to compare poorly with our international counterparts in
mathematics and the sciences. Who would want that?

If Obama fails at establishing some kind of healthcare, many millions
of people will be forced to make terrible decisions between their
health and their finances. Many older folks are doing that now as
well as many younger ones. Many business people are dropping their
health insurance simply because they cannot afford it anymore, and
that leaves whole families unprotected. What jackass wants that?

If Obama fails, we ALL PAY THE PRICE.



So stop your petulant, self righteous pontificating and quit posting
that drivel.

All I want from Obama is what he promised. I am sure you know his
website, and you should take a look. I asked for NOTHING that he
didn't advertise as part of his platform. Again, look at his
website. All will be revealed.

When you jumped off this planet and into your black hole, how did you
decide I supported McCain? Where was that? Your response is EXACTLY
the knee jerk reactionary post that I described (and may not have been
clear enough for you) I am sick of.

I never said I supported McCain. Never once. Never said I was a
conservative or Republican, either. Didn't slow down your diatribe
one bit though, did it? At a perceived slight to Obama, you
immediately hyperventilated, set yourself on fire and went on the
attack slinging accusations probably as fast as you could type.

In your post, you challenged my patriotism, my loyalty to America,
accused me of throwing tantrums, being a mindless idealogue, and I
think "shrill" covers your response pretty well.

You are absolutely every single fucking thing I hate about some of the
Obama group of supporters.

You are new to this group. Apparently new to the newsgroup format
(sorry, 3 1/2 months isn't that long). Being new to this group you
haven't had the sad experience of watch its members shred each other
over any sentence that is out of place, any word mispronounced, or any
gaffe. Any item is up for ridicule or proselytizing, no matter how
large or small, important or insignificant.

All I want is the same treatment for whomever is in office. I want
the self appointed watch dogs on the ready. They have been doing a
great job for about the last 18 months or so, letting little or
nothing by when it comes to America's leaders and I just want them to
keep it up.

Again, since you chose to make this personal with your accusations and
challenges I will respond in kind.

You are an idiot.

Anyone that wants Obama to fail should leave the country.

Anyone that thinks I want Obama to fail just so I can get screwed
harder by our government could only do me a favor by screwing

Don't pass off your insults by saying you will retract them. Just go
away. That would be best.

If nothing else, you have simply proved the point (beyond any I could
make) that I made at the top of my post about the Obama people on this
group. You hit every mark.



Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 9:13 PM

Rick Corey wrote:

>>> When the new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of
>>> him until
> he gets up. When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
> misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
> fervor that has been shown by you in the past. Hit 'em, and hit 'em hard.
> <<
> Thank you for your patriotism and willingness to work together for the
> common good. The way you put country ahead of partisan spite sets an
> example to be proud of that will help us solve our problems, heal our
> divisions and inspire the rest of the world by our sterling example
> (sarcasm).

I can assure you, that at least on my part, I plan to provide the same
amount of honor, respect, encouragement in tough times, and patience for
the new president that your side showed for President Bush during the past
8 years.

> If you honestly expected so much to be conceivably _possible_ , note
> also
> that he said he needs everyone to work together. He has extended the hand
> of compromise and is NOT trying to get away with the most extreme partisan
> crap he can (as Bush did his first few days in office and ever since).
> As Palin would have been sure to.

You don't quite get irony, do you?

... snip
> Am I right that you voted _against_ any support for the middle class
> or poor,

Umm, you do realize that all taxpayers in all tax brackets got tax cuts
under the Bush tax cuts, right? Oh, by the way, those tax cuts expire in
2010 which implies that those middle class and poor get a tax increase as
well when the tax cuts expire.

> and now are demanding every gimme gimme gimme you can derive from
> every sentence of every Democratic stump speech you can recall? It's hard
> to interpret your sarcasm - are you demanding that he accomplish RIGHT
> everything that you are _opposed_ to, everything that your preferred
> party is likely to continue fighing tooth and nail against?
> Your literal words demand that he acheive (instantly) eveything you
> disapprove of. And you explitly want to see him kicked for every miscue.
> ???
> To give you the benefit of every doubt possible, you are just being
> sarcastic and ironical, and don't really mean anything you said. If so, I
> apologize in advance.

Yep, that's the problem with the left -- no sense of humor or ability to
understand sarcasm.

... snip

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 9:01 PM

[email protected] wrote:

> On Nov 5, 9:11 pm, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.
>> I certainly will, when my new patent starts paying off: A prayer rug,
>> with a built-in compass.
>> ... the multitude of dumbasses in this country are going to need one.
> Yup.
> I read this by mistake as it wasn't marked with the OT (Obama's Team)
> marking that many have used to turn this into their own personal
> political blog.
... snip

> - I want my $500 as a small business owner. This is listed on his
> website as well, and it is slated to stimulate me and my efforts.
> Since I pay State franchise fees, both sides of my social security
> (mine and employer's matching), my unemployment tax, corporate tax and
> personal tax, I'll take anything at this point. Not sure how far $500
> will actually go, though

Well, if you hire someone, he'll give you a $3000 tax credit. Not sure if
that's a one-time thing or year after year thing though. Who can resist a
deal like that? Hire someone on a $35k salary, get a $3k tax credit. Sure,
you're losing money on the first guy, but maybe you can make it up in
volume. :-)

... snip

> - I need to see a blueprint of how the revamped medical leave act will
> work. Employers having more than 25 employees will be required to
> give paid 24 hours a year away per employee. It is "so that
> employees to participate in their children's academic activities".
> This is the equivalent of adding three days paid vacation to every
> employee's check. With so many of my cohorts hanging on by a thread,
> this could be tough. If you have the minimum 25 employees, you will
> be giving up 600 billable hours. 600 hours that you will be paying
> full wages, taxes and benefits on. I don't understand how this will
> help a small struggling business
Well, I suppose if you are small business with 25 or 26 employees, I
suspect you become a small business with 23 or 24 employees. Kind of sucks
for #25 and #26, but then I'm sure The One has plans for extended
unemployment benefits.

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough



in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

05/11/2008 9:11 PM

"Jay Pique" wrote

> Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.

I certainly will, when my new patent starts paying off: A prayer rug, with
a built-in compass.

... the multitude of dumbasses in this country are going to need one.

Last update: 10/22/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)


Jay Pique

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

05/11/2008 4:56 PM

On Nov 5, 5:52=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> The electorate spoke on 11/04/2008.
> The message to the world was clear.
> *Our country's beacon of hope still burns.
> *It's light will once again will shine brightly for all to see.
> *We have the opportunity of a lifetime to address real opportunities;
> *Resolve real issues;
> *Make a difference in this world.
> *Leave it a better place than we found it.
> Only in America could this happen.
> Yes, we screw up from time to time, but sooner or later, we figure out
> there is a problem and do something about it.

Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.



in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 12:10 AM

On Nov 5, 9:11 pm, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:

> > Oh yes, we'll be living in clover for sure.
> I certainly will, when my new patent starts paying off: A prayer rug, with
> a built-in compass.
> ... the multitude of dumbasses in this country are going to need one.


I read this by mistake as it wasn't marked with the OT (Obama's Team)
marking that many have used to turn this into their own personal
political blog.

After reading and listen to so much about the candidates over the last
few months, I have decided it isn't Obama that I dislike so much, it
is his followers.

Shrill, brittle, and screamingly nasty at the first sign of
disagreement, many of them seem to be a hateful little segment of
society. Reading the posts in this group certainly confirm that; a
word or two of disagreement and the personal attacks start.

Personally, I stayed out of the political shit slinging here as most
of the petulant and snotty remarks were posted by the same 4 -5
people. I didn't think either candidate was that strong, certainly
not to the point of the extreme intolerance and disrespect people here
have shown for one another.

Too bad none of you are close enough to handle these issues like men,
with respect and tolerance for one another. The closeness seems to
help some people remember their manners; it can't be pleasant to go to
work the next day with a slap mark across the cheek that was applied
when you called the wrong person the wrong thing.

But for those sanctimonious, sometimes profane children that ardently
supported the next president, be careful what you wish for.

His party controls all 3 houses of the government. Now there is NO
viable excuse for gridlock. None. Get all the party on board and let
the steamroller express roll over everyone that gets in the way.

If Obama can deliver all that he promised, good for him. I do not see
what loophole he can find since he can form the committee to write
legislation, approve legislation, ratify legislation, and of course
finally approve it, all within his political party, of which he is the

So with that in mind, I want the things I heard him promise.

- Immediate withdrawal from the war in Iraq. As he said, "period'.
No reason to screw around with it; if it was all for naught, only time
will tell. Our exit strategy will have much to do with that, so it
will land on his legacy

- I want my $2500 in health care relief NOW. He said his plan was in
place, and I am ready NOW

- I want comprehensive legislation passed to address every single
energy issue he named. He said he had the best minds working on it
now, and he would have the legislation passed in his first year

- No new taxes for me as an individual

- No new taxes for my company

- I want the school systems fixed so that all kids can get top notch
education. This was also promised as an immediate fix because it was
"about the children"

- I want every single government program reviewed immediately <as
promised> for any waste. Then, they are either to be streamlined of
abolished as was promised

- I want the criminals that were behind the mismanagement (in some
cases the lack of due diligence constitutes a prosecutable felony) of
the investment houses that used the derivative markets to print money
for themselves or their company. In this case, lack of due diligence
would also include the investigation of two Senators, which were the
appointed government overseers for the American public held
corporations of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

- I want my $1000. This promise is still on his website. He will get
this from taxing the oil company profits, and has stated that they oil
companies >>>shouldn't<<< raise their prices because of this

- I want my $500 as a small business owner. This is listed on his
website as well, and it is slated to stimulate me and my efforts.
Since I pay State franchise fees, both sides of my social security
(mine and employer's matching), my unemployment tax, corporate tax and
personal tax, I'll take anything at this point. Not sure how far $500
will actually go, though

- I want to see the credit card industry reformed from top to bottom,
as promised. This will require rigorous legislation as well as hard
line enforcement to make it work. This is on the web site as well

- Without raising my taxes (as promised I will be getting a cut since
I make under the estimated - yet elusive- number of $250K, $150K, or
$120K) I want the Obama version of the WPA up and running. I do not
know who will pay for this, but if it is as advertised, it won't be
me. See his website for details on new bridges, highways, road,
updates on all the aforementioned and even more

- I need to see a blueprint of how the revamped medical leave act will
work. Employers having more than 25 employees will be required to
give paid 24 hours a year away per employee. It is "so that
employees to participate in their children's academic activities".
This is the equivalent of adding three days paid vacation to every
employee's check. With so many of my cohorts hanging on by a thread,
this could be tough. If you have the minimum 25 employees, you will
be giving up 600 billable hours. 600 hours that you will be paying
full wages, taxes and benefits on. I don't understand how this will
help a small struggling business

There are a lot of other things on the table, big and small, but those
are some of my personal highlights. And all of these things are
promised along with not just refusal to raise my taxes, but with a tax
cut as well.

I will be relying on the seekers of the "real" truth, the diligent
vanguards of our American society, those who have been so loud here to
continue on with their own crusade for truth and justice. When the
new President falls down, I want you to kick the shit out of him until
he gets up. When he stumbles on something, approach that miscue,
misstatement, or anything else that comes up with the same watchdog
fervor that has been shown by you in the past. Hit 'em, and hit 'em

I am hoping that these self righteous will continue to report on the
new administration with their pithy and unvarnished posts, their wry
observations and their single minded determination to let the rest of
the world know what is >>actually<< happening with our political

Just not here. Enough is enough.



in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 9:59 PM

On Nov 6, 11:41=A0am, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]> wrote:

> Sounds also like a pretty good description of some of the far right types
> that also post on here :-).

I'll buy that. It just seems that the OT guys are a bit more profane,
quicker to personalize differences.

I wouldn't want to live on the edge of the difference in outright
nastiness, though.




in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

07/11/2008 7:01 AM

"Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The electorate spoke on 11/04/2008.
> The message to the world was clear.
> *Our country's beacon of hope still burns.
> *It's light will once again will shine brightly for all to see.
> *We have the opportunity of a lifetime to address real opportunities;
> *Resolve real issues;
> *Make a difference in this world.
> *Leave it a better place than we found it.
> Only in America could this happen.
> Yes, we screw up from time to time, but sooner or later, we figure out
> there is a problem and do something about it.
> Hopefully, I'll be around to see the results.
> It is going to be a great ride.
> Lew

Oh yeah, it's nothing but Unicorns and Rainbows for us all.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 9:41 AM

On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 00:10:24 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

> Shrill, brittle, and screamingly nasty at the first sign of
> disagreement, many of them seem to be a hateful little segment of
> society.

Sounds also like a pretty good description of some of the far right types
that also post on here :-).

People who see everything in black and white tend to foam at the mouth
when confronted with grey. That applies to both ends of the political



in reply to "Lew Hodgett" on 05/11/2008 10:52 PM

06/11/2008 7:04 AM


Well said. I'm using your words to post at my workplace and maybe more. I
will also keep it as a note to carefully watch the steps of Obama and see if
those promises are made. I like it and agree 100%

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