A while back, I found a site that sold different size tool bases, and
they even sold extra wood tops. The idea was that you mount each tool
on a sheet of wood, and then just pull out the tool you need and plop
it on the base. They had a line of at least 6 stands, some for
corners, and the others were varying sizes.
I think that they even had a larger stand with "shelves" for storing
your tools that were not in use. I was thinking that it was dewalt,
but nothing on their website.
Anyone know what this site was, or something similar? Don't really
want to build it myself, although I suppose I could... thx.
Remove the nospam from my address to email me!!
I made up something quite similar for several of my tools. Made a
base which has a recess in it that fit's a 20" x 10" x 3/4" piece of
plywood ( basically an oversize router table ). Then I made up
several boards of that dimension and mounted my planer, table saw,
mitre saw and benchtop router table on each of them.
Whenever I need to use a tool, I just pick up the (planer, table
saw, mitre saw etc ) and place it in the base. Leaves me more room in
my small shop having one base for many tools. When not in use, the
tools have a shelf of their own and stack quite neatly in one corner
of the shop. The single base only takes up a fifth of the room that
all of them would need.
It didn't take me long at all to make up the base, nor the boards to
mount the tools to. Hope this helps.
Dean Bielanowski
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I built something similar, though not very pretty. I basically used
2x4's, and some of the framing connectors that you can get at HD or
Lowes. I made the stand about 33"x30", then screwed in some more
2x4's for runners at the height I wanted to store the tools.
I use a B&D Workmate for my stand, so I mounted each tool to a piece
of 3/4" plywood that was the size of the top, and attached a 7x25'ish
piece of plywood to the bottom. That allows me to remove the center
panel on the workmate and clamp the tool to the workmate using the
clamping table, but leaves clearence so that the tool rests on the
main plywood base while in the rack, rather than resting on the 7"
runner in the center.
Trace Wilson
Xlat wrote:
> A while back, I found a site that sold different size tool bases, and
> they even sold extra wood tops. The idea was that you mount each tool
> on a sheet of wood, and then just pull out the tool you need and plop
> it on the base. They had a line of at least 6 stands, some for
> corners, and the others were varying sizes.
> I think that they even had a larger stand with "shelves" for storing
> your tools that were not in use. I was thinking that it was dewalt,
> but nothing on their website.
> Anyone know what this site was, or something similar? Don't really
> want to build it myself, although I suppose I could... thx.
> Remove the nospam from my address to email me!!
Probably Tooldock. The local Sears stocks it here.
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Xlat wrote:
> A while back, I found a site that sold different size tool bases, and
> they even sold extra wood tops. The idea was that you mount each tool
> on a sheet of wood, and then just pull out the tool you need and plop
> it on the base. They had a line of at least 6 stands, some for
> corners, and the others were varying sizes.
> I think that they even had a larger stand with "shelves" for storing
> your tools that were not in use. I was thinking that it was dewalt,
> but nothing on their website.
> Anyone know what this site was, or something similar? Don't really
> want to build it myself, although I suppose I could... thx.
> Remove the nospam from my address to email me!!
I agree with Woddcrafter's suggestion for ToolDock.
I also ran accross this recently http://www.woodshopdemos.com/cmt-rt-4.htm
Other places on his site he shows how he mounted a spindle sander to his
router table.