

26/03/2008 10:31 PM

4Sale: Craftsman Variable-Speed Lathe

Craftsman Variable-Speed Lathe

The lathe featured in this column is a Craftsman 15-inch variable-speed
model. This heavy-duty model has a single-piece
cast-iron base, and cast-iron headstock and tailstock housing a 2-
horsepower maximum developed induction-run motor.
The hand wheel on the headstock yields variable speeds from 400 to 2,000
rpm. The headstock swivels from 0 to 90 degrees
for outboard turnings up to 20 inches in diameter. One of the features I
especially like is the indexing head.
Twenty-four indexing stops at 15-degree intervals lock the head for
groove cutting with a router.
The unit comes with 6- and 12-inch tool rest, 4-inch faceplate, spur and
bearing centers.
The lathe is shown mounted on a Craftsman lathe stand. Included are the
lathe stand, copy crafter, and a set of knives,
and one or two other items.

Reason for selling, bad back. Lathes was hardly ever used.

$375.00 Must pick up. Located in Lewistown, Pa.

email: [email protected]