

26/09/2003 6:37 PM

Re: Last time I'll set foot in Home Depot

Ahh ... I hit the nail smack on the head, I see. Your problem, Self, is
that you mistake your own sarcasm for wit.

Last update: 9/21/03

>> Swingman responds:

>> >Not all 2LT's are created equal ... an OCS 2LT could draw the map if he
>> >needed to. Amazing what being enlisted will do for you before those
>>>butter bars mess with your head.

Charlie Self" wrote in message
>>>> Oh yeah. The Marine Corps calls those guys "mustangs" and if
>>> you EVER see one retire higher than major, let me know. Real career
limiting move.

>>Spoken like a peace time REMF. F*ck the "career limiting moves" ... the
>>whole idea is what the difference would be in a _combat_ situation, but
>>you'd had to have been in one to understand.

>Jesus. Someone piss in your soup, asshole?

>If not, I hope they do soon.

>The point I was trying to make, which you entirely missed in your snide and
>snotty way, is that the competence level is extreme, but the guys generally
>screwed over by the service.

>I'll see you some decade.

>Charlie Self