"Frank McVey"

09/10/2004 8:02 PM

HOW TO: The treatment of small dings and dents

From time to time, I've replied to questions on the "wreck" on how to repair
small dings and dents in wood, both finished and unfinished. I've often
advocated raising the dent through the application of steam, or using
shellac stick as a filler. In some cases a combination of the techniques
can be used.

Surfing through a luthier's bucket-o'-links site this evening, I came on a
couple of very good articles on using these techniques, which I thought I
would pass on to the "Wreck", with acknowledgements and thanks to Frank
Ford, the author of both items.

These links might make be worthy candidates for inclusion on the FAQ, if
you're listening, David.



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