12/08/2004 6:36 AM

Need 25 small slide top boxes several times a year

Good Morning,

Eagle View Research Center is looking for a source of simple light
boxes with slip top for shipping and storing reloading dies. These
boxes should be 5" long 2" deep and 4" wide with a center divider,and
about 1/4" wood, sanded but unfinished. I will work with you on corner
joints and other details. You or I will will burn a logo into the lid
and end of the box. Wood must look good but does not have to be
hardwood. Pine, Cedar, alder, Willow all come to mind. Open to your

These will be used to ship and store the 5MM Craig reloading dies that
we make.
For more information go to I am trying to do
something for our customers other than plastic boxes but price is a
major factor.

If you have and interest please e-mail me at [email protected] or
call me between 6:30 and 9:00PM PDT at 360-432-2339. I will need 10
boxes very quickly.

Lowell Kenney
Eagle View Research Center
Shelton, WA 98584