new to this
i plan to buy some veneer that needs to flattened
apx 24 x 36 " surface to be veneered
using walnut burl
googleing somewhat helpful
how should i go about this?
i know there are veneerer flattening liquids
i assume you moisten the veneer and then place it either in a press or
cover it with say
plywood then place some weights on it till it flattens
is this right or is their some magic to this
ilaboo <[email protected]> wrote:
: new to this
: i plan to buy some veneer that needs to flattened
Have a look at
They sell veneer flattening solution, and can advise you on technique.
Also see the excellent *The Veneering Book*, by Brian Shath Square,
published by Taunton.
-- Andy Barss
ilaboo wrote:
> new to this
> i plan to buy some veneer that needs to flattened
> apx 24 x 36 " surface to be veneered
> using walnut burl
> googleing somewhat helpful
> how should i go about this?
> i know there are veneerer flattening liquids
> i assume you moisten the veneer and then place it either in a press or
> cover it with say
> plywood then place some weights on it till it flattens
> is this right or is their some magic to this
> tia
> peter
David Marks (of WoodWorks fame) posted the following recipe for
flattening veneers:,2049,DIY_14442_3352105,00.html
Also, a year or so ago, FWW also had an article on flattening veneers.
Their recipe was less complicated (mostly linseed oil) but both rely on
pressing the veneers between flat panels with something to absorb the fluid.