I've got a friend that is interested in selling a few Pecan trees and we're
not sure the best way to go about it to get a reasonable return. He had
one fall that was so big (52" diameter) that no one could saw it up and he
ended up selling it for firewood.
So anyway, he's got 3-4 that are about 2-1/2 - 3' diamter trunks, 40-50' or
more tall. How is this typically done? Do you sell the tree in the ground
as is or let them mill it and sell by yield or what? Is there a way to
estimate how many board foot you'd get out of a tree like that?
If no satisfactory replies appear on the wreck, take this question to
Lots of people there with portable band saw mills--might be able to find
one that's close enough to your friend to drive over, cut the tree, and
turn it into lumber right there on the spot.
Bruce wrote:
> I've got a friend that is interested in selling a few Pecan trees and we're
> not sure the best way to go about it to get a reasonable return. He had
> one fall that was so big (52" diameter) that no one could saw it up and he
> ended up selling it for firewood.
> So anyway, he's got 3-4 that are about 2-1/2 - 3' diamter trunks, 40-50' or
> more tall. How is this typically done? Do you sell the tree in the ground
> as is or let them mill it and sell by yield or what? Is there a way to
> estimate how many board foot you'd get out of a tree like that?