"Glenn Fischer"

15/08/2004 1:58 AM

Woodworking Site (plans, library, archives, discounts):

Woodworking Super Site (plans, library, archives, discounts):
FREE, non-commercial site. No ads. Excellent resource.

This topic has 4 replies


Old Nick

in reply to "Glenn Fischer" on 15/08/2004 1:58 AM

16/08/2004 5:47 AM

On 15 Aug 2004 01:58:14 -0700, "Glenn Fischer"
<[email protected]> vaguely proposed a theory
......and in reply I say!:

remove ns from my header address to reply via email


ummm...why? That's a lot of effort for a silly return.
It's not the milk and honey we hate. It's having it
rammed down our throats.



in reply to "Glenn Fischer" on 15/08/2004 1:58 AM

15/08/2004 5:11 AM

> Woodworking Super Site (plans, library, archives, discounts):
> FREE, non-commercial site. No ads. Excellent resource.

Sure fooled me indeed! I am very sorry I saw that, I am highly offended and it is not funny.

JOAT the link shows you in a GAY situation, you shouldn't look...really you shouldn't!
(but you probably already did!)




in reply to "AArDvarK" on 15/08/2004 5:11 AM

15/08/2004 5:20 PM

Sun, Aug 15, 2004, 5:11am (EDT-3) [email protected] (AArDvarK) says:
Sure fooled me indeed! I am very sorry I saw that, I am highly offended
and it is not funny.
JOAT the link shows you in a GAY situation, you shouldn't look...really
you shouldn't! (but you probably already did!)

Nope, I didn't see it. The title popped up, and I knew it was some
no-life dork posting, so I reversed before any picture showed up. Pity,
someone is such a dork they resort to such stuff (I was gonna say loser,
but you can feel sorry for a loser, and a loser can change - I'm not
sure a dork can/will change.). I guess, in part anyway, it boils down
to the dorks being jealous of someone who has actually done things, and
actually has a life.

I did find a site it should like.

You have to kill pessimists, but optimists do it themselves.



Woodchuck Bill

in reply to "AArDvarK" on 15/08/2004 5:11 AM

16/08/2004 4:09 AM

[email protected] (J T) wrote:

> Nope, I didn't see it. The title popped up, and I knew it was some
> no-life dork posting, so I reversed before any picture showed up. Pity,
> someone is such a dork they resort to such stuff (I was gonna say loser,
> but you can feel sorry for a loser, and a loser can change - I'm not
> sure a dork can/will change.). I guess, in part anyway, it boils down
> to the dorks being jealous of someone who has actually done things, and
> actually has a life.

JOAT, you might have a case to sue if that is really you in the photo.
Maybe you should look into that possibility. It seems like this troll
morphed your head onto the body of another person....a poor job, I might
add. At the very least, if you can prove that it's you in the photo, you
can probably have the site taken down by the host.

(I was also fooled. I did look - straight too.)

This idiot actually went through the trouble to register a dedicated domain
name for this site. What a sicko! Part of me wonders if Homer had anything
to do with this.

Here's the header, JOAT. Good luck.

From: "Glenn Fischer" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: rec.woodworking
Subject: Woodworking Site (plans, library, archives, discounts):
Date: 15 Aug 2004 01:58:14 -0700
Lines: 5
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
X-Trace: 1092560294 21978 (15 Aug 2004
08:58:14 GMT)
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 08:58:14 +0000 (UTC)
User-Agent: G2/0.1


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