"Lawrence L'Hote"

31/08/2004 4:51 PM

Back from Habitat for Humanity II

I make trips to the local H for H outlet store about every 2 weeks or so.
So far this summer I've been pretty lucky. This time I brought back a 1 x 4
x 6' piece of clear white oak and three pieces of what appears to be bowling
alley laminated maple stuff. The maple laminate is 1.5 " thick and 25"
wide. Longest piece is 52". Could be some hardware in those pieces but
I'll have to check with my Lumber Wiz.
Got it all for 10 bucks. That's a genuine Lowe's yardstick in the middle.
See @(40-50 kb each)


and a closeup

Lawrence L'Hote
Columbia, MO