
[email protected] (Wood Butcher)

18/10/2004 1:05 PM

What is happening with Jasada (router bits) ????

What is happening with Jasada (router bits) ????

They don't answer their phone number.

Have they gone out of business ?? Merged with Infinity ??

Thanks for any info that can be provided.


This topic has 3 replies


Pat Barber

in reply to [email protected] (Wood Butcher) on 18/10/2004 1:05 PM

18/10/2004 7:52 PM

The owner of Infinity is the son of the founder of

Apparently Jesada no longer exists. It's not clear
what exactly happened.

Wood Butcher wrote:

> What is happening with Jasada (router bits) ????
> They don't answer their phone number.
> Have they gone out of business ?? Merged with Infinity ??
> Thanks for any info that can be provided.
> Art


patrick conroy

in reply to [email protected] (Wood Butcher) on 18/10/2004 1:05 PM

18/10/2004 8:05 PM

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 13:05:27 -0500, [email protected] (Wood Butcher)

>What is happening with Jasada (router bits) ????

Jesada appears to be having some business problems. They were not
answering their phones several months ago. Then others here reported
getting their orders fulfilled.

AFAIK - they haven't merged w/ Infinity. But there is an interesting
connection between the two companies. Inside of buying Jesada,
personally I buy Infinity or Whitesides.


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to [email protected] (Wood Butcher) on 18/10/2004 1:05 PM

18/10/2004 7:25 PM

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Wood Butcher) wrote:
>What is happening with Jasada (router bits) ????
>They don't answer their phone number.
>Have they gone out of business ?? Merged with Infinity ??
>Thanks for any info that can be provided.

Discussed at some length here back in June and July. DAGS on the correct
spelling (Jesada), e.g. the first three threads shown in this search:

Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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