"Lew Hodgett"

10/09/2008 3:22 AM

OT:Ms Palin's bookery Coda

"john" wrote:

> If anyone has a good source for clear, concise information from
> either party (did I say that?) please communicate same.

Since what is put on the web doesn't have to be vetted and confirmed
by at least two independent sources, I'm very reluctant to believe any
of it without further investigation

IMHO, with the laundry list of major screw ups that have been dropped
on our
collective plates over the last 8 years sets the stage for Obama.

If Obama can't convince us that he should be elected, by at least 5-10
points, he doesn't deserve to be president.

We desperately need a leader, not a political hack.

As PT Barnum is supposed to have said. "You sell the sizzle, not the

We need some one who can sell the sizzle.
