"Mike Hide"

07/08/2004 10:29 PM


Where is Tom Plaman these days ? Last I heard he was really getting into the
automation thing ..

I can imagine him now sitting in a big easy chair, not a store bought one of
course, but one he made with all kinds of carving etc and little flip out
tables ,one for his cigar ashtray , one to hold his chilled wine [wine
chiller in the base of course right next to the malt whisky safe] and last
but not least his flip up control panel .

All the time in he background there are all these bloody machines making all
manner of fantastic things out of wood , rooms chairs tables and the like .
I would imagine by now even the shipping is automated, now all he has to do
is collect the check and seeing as probably he has online banking he doesn't
even have to go to the bank to make the deposit.

I tell you this is another Bill Gates in the making ......mjh


This topic has 4 replies



in reply to "Mike Hide" on 07/08/2004 10:29 PM

10/08/2004 9:16 PM

[email protected] apparently said,on my timestamp of 10/08/2004 3:14 AM:
> On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 14:26:08 GMT, Jim Wilson <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>Noons wrote...
>>>You MUST see the MOAL in his website. Still shaking...
>>Yes, it IS impressive. I half-figgered he'd end up converting it to
> here it is....

Only Tom could have thought of adapting an old chopsaw
as a cutoff for a lathe!!!!! LOL!

Nuno Souto
[email protected]


Jim Wilson

in reply to "Mike Hide" on 07/08/2004 10:29 PM

09/08/2004 2:26 PM

Noons wrote...
> You MUST see the MOAL in his website. Still shaking...

Yes, it IS impressive. I half-figgered he'd end up converting it to




in reply to "Mike Hide" on 07/08/2004 10:29 PM

08/08/2004 10:13 PM

"Mike Hide" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<oJcRc.219552$a24.135073@attbi_s03>...
> Where is Tom Plaman these days ? Last I heard he was really getting into the
> automation thing ..

His website is still on and being updated every once in a while.
Dropped him a line a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet.
I reckon he's spending a lot of time with his grand children.
Good for him.

You MUST see the MOAL in his website. Still shaking...

Nuno Souto
[email protected]


in reply to "Mike Hide" on 07/08/2004 10:29 PM

09/08/2004 10:14 AM

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 14:26:08 GMT, Jim Wilson <[email protected]>

>Noons wrote...
>> You MUST see the MOAL in his website. Still shaking...
>Yes, it IS impressive. I half-figgered he'd end up converting it to

here it is....

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