
03/08/2004 3:43 AM

Any advice re electrical spayers for wood stain and Acrylic or PU finish.


Can some one please advise me on wood finishing as other than spaying
alloy wheels with acrylic car type spray cans i have no other spaying
experience, and none finishing wood beyond sanding to 1200 wet or dry

I want to spray some stain and then top coat with Acrylic, only cos
i've heard its an easy finish the worst than can happen with care is
orange peel which can be flattened with fine wet or dry then polished
up (which i have not doen any of either) to a fine deep mirror finish?

Is This true or will i be unable to get an excellent finish on my
veneer mdf boards with acrylic, and or these tools and methods.

So to start i need to buy some equipment, i have seen, a wood
polishing kit on ebay item no 591255235:

Any comments, advise, experiences or alternatives on much appreciated.

And i have seen a range or electric sprayers like the earlex models
and some other all are cheap on ebay. And around £25 in argos but i
guess they are all no good cos in argos they state garden fencing and
decking as uses and not furniture. So do i really need to fork out £60
for the earlex 3000 in argos whose description does state furniture.
or is there another cheap better value entry option.

Again comments, advise, experiences or alternatives on much

Kindest regarde and thanks in advance.

Ps please mail post to this forum as i dont use this email add.

This topic has 5 replies


in reply to [email protected] (Sharky) on 03/08/2004 3:43 AM

03/08/2004 8:36 AM

Hi Glen thanks for spotting my typo. I sprayed them metallic blue then
lacqured them.

Any help regarding the post would be much appreciated.

Regards Sharkyriq

> I'm just curious, did you spay the wheels to keep them from reproducing
> or to modify their behavior?
> ;-)
> Glen


in reply to [email protected] (Sharky) on 03/08/2004 3:43 AM

03/08/2004 1:38 PM

> Stain needs to be wiped off after it sets a bit, why spray it?

Hi Leon This would be to get a more even blended coating and not soo
splotchy absorption.




in reply to [email protected] (Sharky) on 03/08/2004 3:43 AM

03/08/2004 1:11 PM

Stain needs to be wiped off after it sets a bit, why spray it?



in reply to [email protected] (Sharky) on 03/08/2004 3:43 AM

03/08/2004 10:51 AM

Sharky wrote:
> Hello
> Can some one please advise me on wood finishing as other than spaying
> alloy wheels

I'm just curious, did you spay the wheels to keep them from reproducing
or to modify their behavior?



in reply to [email protected] (Sharky) on 03/08/2004 3:43 AM

04/08/2004 4:25 AM

Jeff Jewitt suggests spraying his dyes instead of wiping them on, more
even application I believe is primary criterion. Sharky, visit forum devoted to spraying for background
and discussion.

On 3 Aug 2004 13:38:56 -0700, [email protected] (Sharky) wrote:

>> Stain needs to be wiped off after it sets a bit, why spray it?
>Hi Leon This would be to get a more even blended coating and not soo
>splotchy absorption.

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