03/08/2004 4:55 AM

PLANS LINKS - Better get 'em now, while there still here


OK, I went thru a LOT of stuff I had saved, and some I found
recently, and consolidated most of it in these plans links. It's
probably over twice as big as it was a week ago..

The however is, I realized that I hardly ever use them. If I'm
interested in a plan or something, i normally do a google. Or, just
check the archives.

So, in a about a week or so, I'm going to try to start going thru
the links, and dumping what I don't use. Which means that eventually a
goodly portion of the wood links are gonna be gone. So, if you are
interested in any of those links, best start saving them on your own.

The link to the page will stay good (until and unless someone
irritates me enough), so you will still be able to access what's there,
it's just there isn't going to be as much there.

And, if you're new here, don't e-mail me.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid

This topic has 20 replies


in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 03/08/2004 4:55 AM

04/08/2004 5:25 PM

It has been determined that Bob deserves an apology. So be it.

My apology to Bob, for any injustice he may have suffered.

To preclude any similar event, I urge reading of the Not So Small
Print on my plans page, and reference my July 20 post:

Also, the plans page is on it's way out, and when it dissolves
completely, will not return.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid



in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 03/08/2004 4:55 AM

03/08/2004 1:49 PM

First link is dead.....

Bob S.

"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> http://community-2.webtv.net/Jakofalltrades/PLANS/
> OK, I went thru a LOT of stuff I had saved, and some I found
> recently, and consolidated most of it in these plans links. It's
> probably over twice as big as it was a week ago..
> The however is, I realized that I hardly ever use them. If I'm
> interested in a plan or something, i normally do a google. Or, just
> check the archives.
> So, in a about a week or so, I'm going to try to start going thru
> the links, and dumping what I don't use. Which means that eventually a
> goodly portion of the wood links are gonna be gone. So, if you are
> interested in any of those links, best start saving them on your own.
> The link to the page will stay good (until and unless someone
> irritates me enough), so you will still be able to access what's there,
> it's just there isn't going to be as much there.
> And, if you're new here, don't e-mail me.
> The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
> - Bazooka Joe
> JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

05/08/2004 12:54 AM

Must be a full moon out this week......;-)

Bob S.

> Perhaps I was a bit hasty in my comment. Please accept my apology.


in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 4:14 PM

They're gone. Thank Bob S.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid


in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 03/08/2004 4:14 PM

03/08/2004 5:02 PM


A misunderstanding. The link is back, and is good.

The Small Print is gone tho.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid



in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 03/08/2004 4:14 PM

03/08/2004 6:55 PM

JOAT > THANK YOU < very much for this GREAT list of links!


Dan Valleskey

in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 03/08/2004 4:14 PM

03/08/2004 9:41 PM

thanks, JOAT, 'preciate it!

-Dan V.

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 17:02:34 -0400, [email protected] (J T)

> A misunderstanding. The link is back, and is good.
> The Small Print is gone tho.
>The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
>- Bazooka Joe
>JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid


in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 4:10 PM

Tue, Aug 3, 2004, 1:49pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (BobS) burbled:
First link is dead.....

So's your brain. Up yours.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 8:32 PM

Next time you need a favor... remember this post Theo.

Bob S.

"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tue, Aug 3, 2004, 1:49pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (BobS) burbled:
> First link is dead.....
> So's your brain. Up yours.
> The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
> - Bazooka Joe
> JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

05/08/2004 1:13 PM


"Robert Bonomi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> A good belt keeps that from happening.



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 9:10 PM

Apparently JOAT is having a bad hair day and decided to slam on me because I
mentioned that the first link on his site was dead. Below are probably 99%
of the woodworking links he listed plus some of my own that have free plans

All these links work - I just verified everyone of them.

Bob S.




in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

04/08/2004 6:40 PM

Bob S.;

Perhaps I was a bit hasty in my comment. Please accept my apology. I
didn't see a smiley face in your original post so it appeared that you
were slamming JOAT because he had a bad link in his list, which is
apparently not the case. Having read so many posts by others in the
past slamming him I thought this one was of the same ilk. I think he
does a great service for those of us looking for 'inspiration'. I was
obviously wrong about your reply and again, I apologize. My stupid
mistake for which I take full responsibility (something us old goats
should never be afraid to do).


BobS wrote:
> But to answer your smart-ass comments, neither. Sheeeez, try to do someone a
> favor around here and you get all the uptight, haven't got anything better
> to do, wooddorkers coming at you with switch-blades. Try contributing
> something useful instead of provoking a fight.
> Bob S.
> "Grandpa" <jsdebooATcomcast.net> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>So do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on because you found 1 link
>>in his that was dead?


in reply to Grandpa on 04/08/2004 6:40 PM

04/08/2004 9:33 PM

Wed, Aug 4, 2004, 6:40pm (EDT-2) jsdebooATcomcast.net (Grandpa) says:
<snip> because he had a bad link in his list, which is apparently not
the case. <snip>

Oh yes, the link was indeed "bad". Somehow, when I cut and pasted
it, an extra letter showed up at the end of the URL. Took that off, and
it worked just fine.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe
JERUSALEM RIDGE http://www.banjer.com/midi/jerridge.mid


[email protected] (Robert Bonomi)

in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

05/08/2004 3:50 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
BobS <[email protected]> wrote:
>Must be a full moon out this week......;-)

A good belt keeps that from happening.


Chris Dubea

in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 8:22 PM

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 18:51:22 -0600, Grandpa <jsdebooATcomcast.net>

>So do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on because you found 1 link
>in his that was dead?

Gee, who pissed in your Wheaties?




in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 6:51 PM

So do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on because you found 1 link
in his that was dead?

BobS wrote:
> Apparently JOAT is having a bad hair day and decided to slam on me because I
> mentioned that the first link on his site was dead. Below are probably 99%
> of the woodworking links he listed plus some of my own that have free plans
> available.
> All these links work - I just verified everyone of them.
> Bob S.


Larry Jaques

in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

05/08/2004 6:07 PM

On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 03:50:39 +0000, [email protected]
(Robert Bonomi) calmly ranted:

>In article <[email protected]>,
>BobS <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Must be a full moon out this week......;-)
>A good belt keeps that from happening.

Shucks, I quit drinking. Howbouta belt of milk?

- - -
Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
http://diversify.com Website Application Programming for YOU!



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 6:53 PM

WTF is the big friggen deal? You found "a link" not be working and you pointed it out.... problem?



in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

04/08/2004 1:21 AM

It was simply a comment to JOAT about one of his links being bad. It was
not a derogatory remark nor was it a slam against him, I simply stated a
fact. Since he went through the trouble of posting all that info to a web
page and then making a post about it, I thought he might like to know that
he had a problem. He does not want private emails as he stated (even though
we have swapped emails over the past couple of years), so I made the
comment, short and to the point. Certainly not looking to get lambasted over

But to answer your smart-ass comments, neither. Sheeeez, try to do someone a
favor around here and you get all the uptight, haven't got anything better
to do, wooddorkers coming at you with switch-blades. Try contributing
something useful instead of provoking a fight.

Bob S.

"Grandpa" <jsdebooATcomcast.net> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> So do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on because you found 1 link
> in his that was dead?


"Mark Hopkins"

in reply to "BobS" on 03/08/2004 1:49 PM

03/08/2004 9:47 PM

Man am I looking forward to getting old. Then I can be an old fart with a
shitty attitude too! Yessiree!

"BobS" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> It was simply a comment to JOAT about one of his links being bad. It was
> not a derogatory remark nor was it a slam against him, I simply stated a
> fact. Since he went through the trouble of posting all that info to a web
> page and then making a post about it, I thought he might like to know that
> he had a problem. He does not want private emails as he stated (even
> we have swapped emails over the past couple of years), so I made the
> comment, short and to the point. Certainly not looking to get lambasted
> it.
> But to answer your smart-ass comments, neither. Sheeeez, try to do someone
> favor around here and you get all the uptight, haven't got anything better
> to do, wooddorkers coming at you with switch-blades. Try contributing
> something useful instead of provoking a fight.
> Bob S.
> "Grandpa" <jsdebooATcomcast.net> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > So do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on because you found 1 link
> > in his that was dead?
> >

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