I picked up a Rockwell 167A power hand planer in the sales this morning.
It seems to work ok and it came with the 46460 sharpening jig.
Everything seems to be there except the grinding wheel. The
instructions were there, but they are old and hard to read. The
pictures are pretty dark.
I appears the wheel should be about 1 1/4 in diameter and perhaps 1/2 in
wide. If I understand the wheel should mount on the end of the shaft,
so I expect a metal center so there is a shoulder for the wheel to align
on and a hole for the mounting screw.
I don't expect these wheels are available anywhere? If anyone has one
of these attachments, I'd appreciate a description of your wheel.
The planer uses a spiral cutting wheel, about 1 1/4 in diameter and less
than 2 inches long. I don't suppose anyone makes these cutters anymore?
Google or Google Groups didn't come up with much information on this