Folks -
Well, more progress! The very best Father-in-Law on the WHOLE PLANET showed
up again this morning, unbidden... asking if we needed any more help. Given
that he and my wife have discovered my dirtylittlesecret.... (I am tipsy on
ladders and the like when I look up) they were all over the roof trusses
like white on rice. Today they both finished sheathing the other half of
the roof. I played water-boy and lifted the OSB panels up with my FIL's
pneumatic lift (he used to use it to prune his pear orchard a couple of
hunert years ago) and pretty much played gofer while they hammered away.
I screwed up a couple of cuts on the plywood for the eaves, but otherwise
have been pretty close to the mark on materials. I have to cut in the odd
size panel sections for the peak of the ridge and the framing to the garage
roof, which I will get to on the morrow.
We are expecting rain on Tuesday so it's a bit of a horse race. We should
get things buttoned up enough to find out what we missed. More pics in a
Woooo hoooooo!
John Moorhead