
06/11/2004 5:53 PM

Delta Bandsaw/Mortiser??

I have the opportunity to buy a bandsaw/mortiser from an older woman I
know who just lost her woodworker/husband. It is a very old machine
but looks like it is in decent condition. The mortiser is run on a
seperate motor, but the business end of it is part of the bandsaw. It
is horizontal and looks to be run by a foot pedal. Its really a neat
little machine. Anyone know more about it? Are these supposed to be
good bandsaws? It says it is 12". I would purchase it more for the
bandsaw, but the mortiser would come in handy at times. She told me
to make her an offer and about 100.00 seemed to be my first feeling.
Is this fair considering it appears to be usable now, butin dire need
of a good tune-up? I really like to buy quality, which for me means
older stuff. Is this a small gem of a find or something that went out
of production for a reason? Thanks to those who are more informed
then me!

This topic has 1 replies


Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (Mule) on 06/11/2004 5:53 PM

07/11/2004 1:56 PM

Mule wrote:

Whatcha got there is a late 20's/early 30's Delta Model No.
385 (No. 386 if it has the aluminum wheel guards/they were
an option). Interestingly enough this saw was not made by
Delta but was made by Hesston & Anderson (Blue Star
Products) out of Fairfield, Iowa.

It in no way compares to later Delta band saws. Not saying
it's a piece-o-crap, just that it's rather limited. The
wheels run on bronze bearings, the table is stamped steel,
the guides aren't the best and good luck finding parts 'n

On the other hand, this saw is/was the first band saw sold
by Delta and is something of a collectors item if you can
find the right collector.

Sadly there are none shown on the OWWM site. I have some
pictures here of the two that I've owned though they aren't
very revealing much beyond, "Hey!, that looks just like the
one I was looking at".

The mortiser was/is a Model No. 458. Delta made these up
and strapped them to just about every machine the made at
the time. These are pretty rare and quite frankly kinda


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