Rob Ritch

10/11/2004 5:19 AM

Planer out of parallel

I discovered while building my latest project that my planer is out of
parallel. It is a Delta 12 1/2" if that makes a difference. It is out
by about 3/100th over a 4" wide piece which I guess would be 9/100th
over the width of the planer. I checked the table extensions and it
looks like they may not be parallel with the planer bed. Is it possible
that this is causing the problem, or is it most likely the head is out
of parallel. If it is the head I have 3 questions

1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years

If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.

-Rob Ritch
[email protected]
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This topic has 5 replies



in reply to Rob Ritch on 10/11/2004 5:19 AM

10/11/2004 11:59 AM

> 1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
> 2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
> 3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years
> old)
> If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.

You can adjust it yourself. Some planers have right-angle gears under the
bed. Loosen the horizontal gearshaft, lift it away from the vertical gear
(do not move the vertical gear). Rotate the horizontal gear to make the
adjustment. One tooth adjusts the parallelism by about .003 or so. If your
planer has gear and chains, the process is similar. You'd remove the chain
and turn one of the gears to make the adjustment. If your planer is the
Delta 22-560 you can make the adjustment via a nut on the underside of the


[email protected] (Minorite)

in reply to Rob Ritch on 10/11/2004 5:19 AM

10/11/2004 11:29 AM

check your blade alignment

>I discovered while building my latest project that my planer is out of
>parallel. It is a Delta 12 1/2" if that makes a difference. It is out
>by about 3/100th over a 4" wide piece which I guess would be 9/100th
>over the width of the planer. I checked the table extensions and it
>looks like they may not be parallel with the planer bed. Is it possible
>that this is causing the problem, or is it most likely the head is out
>of parallel. If it is the head I have 3 questions
>1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
>2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
>3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years
>If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.
>-Rob Ritch
>[email protected]
>(Remove nospam)



in reply to Rob Ritch on 10/11/2004 5:19 AM

10/11/2004 7:48 AM

I wouldn't let the bed extensions stress the board. That one's a gimme.

Second is the blade exposure, and be sure to use the locks on the final

Beyond the generic planer answers - you have no bed rollers - can't be more
specific other than to say check your manual. Would not be surprised at all
to find an adjustment procedure there, but I'd make damn sure - as in touch
gage either side of bed to head - I had a problem of that nature before
working beyond.

"Rob Ritch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I discovered while building my latest project that my planer is out of
> parallel. It is a Delta 12 1/2" if that makes a difference. It is out
> by about 3/100th over a 4" wide piece which I guess would be 9/100th
> over the width of the planer. I checked the table extensions and it
> looks like they may not be parallel with the planer bed. Is it possible
> that this is causing the problem, or is it most likely the head is out
> of parallel. If it is the head I have 3 questions
> 1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
> 2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
> 3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years
> old)
> If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.
> --
> -Rob Ritch
> [email protected]
> (Remove nospam)



in reply to Rob Ritch on 10/11/2004 5:19 AM

10/11/2004 3:11 PM

"Rob Ritch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I discovered while building my latest project that my planer is out of
> parallel. It is a Delta 12 1/2" if that makes a difference. It is out
> by about 3/100th over a 4" wide piece which I guess would be 9/100th
> over the width of the planer. I checked the table extensions and it
> looks like they may not be parallel with the planer bed. Is it possible
> that this is causing the problem, or is it most likely the head is out
> of parallel. If it is the head I have 3 questions
> 1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
> 2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
> 3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years
> old)
> If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.

I had the exact same problem with my old Ryobi AP10 about 6 years ago. As
other have suggested, make sure all of your blades are mounted properly.
Mine had a loose cutter head and the adjustment screws on either side of the
cutter head had slop. As a result, one side started up or down before the
other side. I took it to Ryobi and had it all adjusted and tightened up.
IIRC it cost me $14. CHEAP. Nothing was broken, they simply had to adjust
and tighten things up. YES have it fixed. The repair should be inexpensive
unless something is actually broken.


"Theo Veenstra"

in reply to Rob Ritch on 10/11/2004 5:19 AM

10/11/2004 1:16 PM

Last time I experienced 'irregularities' on the output of my planer, the
knives were worn/blunt. Got them sharpened, which fixed my problem then..


"Rob Ritch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I discovered while building my latest project that my planer is out of
> parallel. It is a Delta 12 1/2" if that makes a difference. It is out
> by about 3/100th over a 4" wide piece which I guess would be 9/100th
> over the width of the planer. I checked the table extensions and it
> looks like they may not be parallel with the planer bed. Is it possible
> that this is causing the problem, or is it most likely the head is out
> of parallel. If it is the head I have 3 questions
> 1. Can I adjust the head back to parallel
> 2. Can I send it to a Delta repair center and have it fixed
> 3. Is it worth fixing or am I ahead to just replace it (2 1/2 years
> old)
> If anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.
> --
> -Rob Ritch
> [email protected]
> (Remove nospam)

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