I've bought a bowl and tray bit for my router - 1/2" shank - bit is about
1.25" across at widest point. I've used it successfully in my 3.25 hp
Makita router, but do not have variable speed control, and this big bit is
turning about 22,000 rpm. For safety's sake, should I be using this size
bit at lower speeds - e.g. using variable-speed control?
Dave A
albrektson wrote:
> I've bought a bowl and tray bit for my router - 1/2" shank - bit is about
> 1.25" across at widest point. I've used it successfully in my 3.25 hp
> Makita router, but do not have variable speed control, and this big bit is
> turning about 22,000 rpm. For safety's sake, should I be using this size
> bit at lower speeds - e.g. using variable-speed control?
> Dave A
22,000 RPM is a little fast for a 1.25" diameter bit. The suggested speed by
most charts is 18,000. See:
Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
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