
[email protected] (Harvey Chute)

23/06/2004 4:07 PM

Visio templates for shop layout

Hello all,
if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at

Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.

- Harvey

This topic has 41 replies


Morris Dovey

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 10:21 AM

Harvey Chute wrote:

> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for
> designing a woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it
> at http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.


Thank you!

Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 11:13 PM


For those in need of a CAD program to use the templates look at the
following write up.

IntelliCAD 2000

A complete and professional-quality CAD package compatible with Autodesk's
.dwg format

IntelliCAD was originally released by Visio Corporation and was designed to
be completely interchangeable with AutoCAD R14. It got close but lacks the
3D solid-modeling functions and TrueType fonts of AutoCAD R14. It proved
popular, especially for those who wanted LISP. Viso surprised everyone by
releasing the IntelliCAD source code. A new organisation called the
IntelliCAD Technical Consortium was formed and given access to the source
code. Members are free to develop commercial variations. You can also get
free versions. CADopia provides the basic version of IntelliCAD 2000 as a
free download. The password to unlock it is madison. The upshot is you have
access to a top-notch professional CAD application for nothing, which can't
be bad.
This is available FREE at the PCPLUS site, a publication among the many from
Future Publishing in Great Britain.

Click on the link below to download.


http://www.pcplus.co.uk/ if the above fails to work go to this site and
click on downloads and in the search box type in IntelliCAD 2000

There are many full featured applications there for the downloading.

Most Barnes & Noble Bookstores carry the PCPLUS magazine, which each month
has attached 2 or more CD's or DVD's with loads of Software.

good luck to all


"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey

begin 666 spacer.gif
H`````````````````````"'Y! $`````+ `````!``$`0 0"$$0`.P``


[email protected] (Robert Bonomi)

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:10 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
igor <[email protected]> wrote:
>On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:30:38 -0700, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]>
>>In article <[email protected]>,
>>[email protected] says...
>>> >
>>> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>>> >stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked just
>>> >like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still sell
>>> >them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.
>>> >
>>I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
>>computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
>>determining throughput on those old machines :-).
>>It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
>>things have changed in 50 years :-).
>My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
>memory device was paper tape.

If it was a _real_ teletype -- using 5-bit Baudot code -- it may have been
even slower than that. The _fast_ machines, ie. 60WPM ones, were about 50
baud. I don't remember what the nominal baud rate was for a 45WPM TTY.
Relatively late in history came the 100WPM machines, which were nominal 75
baud. Not too long after those were deployed, ASCII began to make major
inroads. It was 'logically' about the same speed -- 110 baud ASCII is
equivalent to 100WPM -- but the advantages of upper/lower case, and the
elimination of LTRS/FIGS shift codes was compelling.

If it was using ASCII, it was probably 110 baud. 10CPS. About the only
things that ran at 150 baud were some early 'daisy-wheel' based terminals,
and Selectric(TM)-typewriter based units. Selectric hardware maxed out at
150WPM (150 baud); most daisy-wheels were good to 30CPS.

I take that back, a Frieden Flex-o-writer may have been good to 150 baud.
Those were _great_ fun to play with, particularly if you had the unit
with *dual* paper-tape readers, including the random-access 'search' function
on the second tape drive.


[email protected] (Andy Dingley)

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 2:50 AM

igor <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...

> Why are they called "stencils"?

Damn, I feel old.... 8-(

BTW - If we're doing retro-computing, the inventor of ASCII died this week



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 9:54 AM

Thanks Harvey - I have squirreled these files away until I move and start
building a proper shop.

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 4:30 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> >
> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
> >stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked just
> >like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still sell
> >them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.
> >
I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
determining throughput on those old machines :-).

It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
things have changed in 50 years :-).

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Dave Hinz

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 2:51 AM

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:36:52 GMT, igor <[email protected]> wrote:
> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
> memory device was paper tape.

It was most likely 110 baud, same speed as the teletype machines.

Dave "been there, done that" Hinz


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 11:07 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> That does sound vaguely familiar, but my recollection is that everything
> was a multiple of 75 -- 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. So, I
> won't bet on it, but I'm sticking with my first answer, Regis.
You're pretty much right, but IIRC there was a 110 baud early

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 11:08 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
> memory device was paper tape.
But did the paper tape punch use ghost code? And can you still
wind a "bow tie"?

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 11:11 AM

In article
<[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> I take that back, a Frieden Flex-o-writer may have been good to 150 baud.
> Those were _great_ fun to play with, particularly if you had the unit
> with *dual* paper-tape readers, including the random-access 'search' function
> on the second tape drive.
We had one of those (w/o the search) as a console to a Readix
computer. It used to freeze up, but if you lifted it an inch or
two and dropped it, it started right back up. Considering that
the computer power supply had an "X" marked on the side where we
had to kick to free a stuck relay, the Flexowritr fit right in

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:43 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> > Plugboards....
> Where you had to jump up and down on the wires to get the board to fit,
> or to get that last wire from one corner to the other?
We once had to wire an IBM407 plugboard to print a list of
missing check numbers. Sort the cardstock checks, run them
through and print the check numbers that weren't there.

I think the boss was joking, but we (myself and one other)
actually managed to get one to work - but only on one
particular machine. It was definitely a thicket of wires - even
after we converted to permanent wires.

Then the CE pulled maintenance and our board didn't work
anymore. We called him back and he said "well, the timing was a
little off". We yelled "put it back!".

For as long as I worked there, the board had a sign that said it
only worked on that machine, and the machine had two signs - one
outside and one inside - that threatened sudden death to any CE
that adjusted the timing :-).

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Larry Blanchard

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:49 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> >But did the paper tape punch use ghost code? And can you still
> >wind a "bow tie"?
> You got me on those.
When you ran paper tape in via an ASR33 teletype, it printed
everything on the tape. Since this was usually binary programs,
you got a lot of junk printed, and a hole in the right hand
position unless you manually returned the carriage ever so
often. "Ghost code" tape only used 4 of the 8 positions and so
didn't print anything. Of course it cut the speed in half too

When paper tape came out of the punch, you grabbed the beginning
and wound the tape around your fingers in a figure 8 pattern.
The result looked like a bow tie. The reason we did it that way
was that you could then feed it into the reader and it neatly
unwound from the center of the bow tie.

The alternate was to spool it all into a wastebasket and wind it
up when it was done so the beginning was on the outside. But
then you had to mount it on an axle to feed it without twisting.

It's amazing what useless data our brains retain :-).

Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 2:35 AM

igor <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:30:38 -0700, Larry Blanchard
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>In article <[email protected]>,
>>[email protected] says...
>>> >
>>> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>>> >stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc.
>>> >Looked just like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think
>>> >they still sell them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at
>>> >Staples.
>>> >
>>I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
>>computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
>>determining throughput on those old machines :-).
>>It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
>>things have changed in 50 years :-).
> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
> memory device was paper tape.

You had terminals? I keyed the stuff in on the front panel!



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 8:37 PM

Harvey Chute wrote:

> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey

Hi Harvey,

I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:30 PM

Harvey Chute wrote:

> The updated website (http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm)
> contains versions of the template and stencils for Visio 2000 and for Visio
> 5.
> Hopefully the Visio5 version will work for you in Visio 4.5..?? It may be
> worth a try in Visio 2003 as well - - although from some research I've done,
> there are numerous file compatibility issues across Visio versions.
> I'll keep checking into it, and in the meantime if you could let me know if
> those updated files work in your versions of Visio, I would much appreciate
> it...
> Thanks all, and sorry for the frustration.
> - Harvey

Thanks Harvey. The problem I was having was on my end. I was using Netscape
4.79 when I downloaded the files. For some reason they weren't being downloaded
properly. I downloaded the files again using the Internet Explorer 6 and both
the Visio 2000 and Visio 5.0 files work in Visio 2003. I have no idea why
Netscape was causing a download problem???

I appreciate your time and effort.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 1:36 AM

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:30:38 -0700, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]>

>In article <[email protected]>,
>[email protected] says...
>> >
>> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>> >stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked just
>> >like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still sell
>> >them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.
>> >
>I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
>computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
>determining throughput on those old machines :-).
>It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
>things have changed in 50 years :-).

My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
memory device was paper tape.


George Shouse

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 10:33 PM

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 02:35:43 GMT, Lobby Dosser
<[email protected]> wrote:

>igor <[email protected]> wrote in
>news:[email protected]:
>> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:30:38 -0700, Larry Blanchard
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>In article <[email protected]>,
>>>[email protected] says...
>>>> >
>>>> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>>>> >stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc.
>>>> >Looked just like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think
>>>> >they still sell them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at
>>>> >Staples.
>>>> >
>>>I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
>>>computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
>>>determining throughput on those old machines :-).
>>>It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
>>>things have changed in 50 years :-).
>> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
>> memory device was paper tape.
>You had terminals? I keyed the stuff in on the front panel!


George Shouse http://www.shouses.com
Always a fan of the World Champion Los Angeles Lakers
It must be a Purple and Gold thing.
Thanks for honoring the Original Lakers
ASBNLL FAQs at http://www.asbnll.com/



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:12 AM

On 25 Jun 2004 02:51:36 GMT, Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:36:52 GMT, igor <[email protected]> wrote:
>> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
>> memory device was paper tape.
>It was most likely 110 baud, same speed as the teletype machines.

That does sound vaguely familiar, but my recollection is that everything
was a multiple of 75 -- 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. So, I
won't bet on it, but I'm sticking with my first answer, Regis.



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

23/06/2004 7:53 PM

Nice Job Harvey !!! I love Visio for its simplicity.


"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 10:38 PM

George Shouse <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 02:35:43 GMT, Lobby Dosser
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>igor <[email protected]> wrote in
>>news:[email protected]:
>>> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:30:38 -0700, Larry Blanchard
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>In article <[email protected]>,
>>>>[email protected] says...
>>>>> >
>>>>> >The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy
>>>>> >plastic stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting,
>>>>> >etc. Looked just like the Visio stencils, including the color. I
>>>>> >think they still sell them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw
>>>>> >some at Staples.
>>>>> >
>>>>I've still got some of the flowcharting templates - not only for
>>>>computers but for punched card machines - and a "slide rule" for
>>>>determining throughput on those old machines :-).
>>>>It's fun to notice them occasionally and reflect on how much
>>>>things have changed in 50 years :-).
>>> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and
>>> the memory device was paper tape.
>>You had terminals? I keyed the stuff in on the front panel!
> Plugboards....

Where you had to jump up and down on the wires to get the board to fit,
or to get that last wire from one corner to the other?

> George Shouse http://www.shouses.com
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Always a fan of the World Champion Los Angeles Lakers
> It must be a Purple and Gold thing.
> Thanks for honoring the Original Lakers
> http://www.shouses.com
> ASBNLL FAQs at http://www.asbnll.com/


"Harvey Chute"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 8:27 PM

Arrgh! I will look into that and see if I can save them so they're
compatible with other versions! I'm running Visio2000 Standard Edition, so
it surprises me that later versions wouldn't read it - - but I'll look into
it and post my findings here. Thanks for letting me know.
- Harvey

"Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6
> @adelphia.net:
> > Harvey Chute wrote:
> >
> >> Hello all,
> >> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> >> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> >> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> >>
> >> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> >>
> >> - Harvey
> >
> > Hi Harvey,
> >
> > I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> > 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> > corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> > error.
> Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a newer
> version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to open them.
> Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.
> Still a really cool idea.
> Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
> >
> > --
> > Jack Novak
> > Buffalo, NY - USA
> > (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)
> >
> >
> >


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 2:40 AM

Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6

> Harvey Chute wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
>> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
>> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
>> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
>> - Harvey
> Hi Harvey,
> I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> error.

Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a newer
version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to open them.
Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.

Still a really cool idea.

Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 2:34 AM

igor <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:51:56 GMT, Lobby Dosser
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>>stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked
>>just like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still
>>sell them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.
> That makes sense. Just seems to me (rant) that if MS wants new
> customers they should consider that people may not get that connection
> - at least not retrospectively. FWIW. Again, great job.

In the beginning ... Visio was not a MS product. I bought a version 1.0
waay back when and stopped upgrading after the Borg bought them out. Gotta
admit that stencils were never all that intuitive, especially if you'd
never used the real ones.


"Harvey Chute"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 10:08 PM

The updated website (http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm)
contains versions of the template and stencils for Visio 2000 and for Visio
Hopefully the Visio5 version will work for you in Visio 4.5..?? It may be
worth a try in Visio 2003 as well - - although from some research I've done,
there are numerous file compatibility issues across Visio versions.
I'll keep checking into it, and in the meantime if you could let me know if
those updated files work in your versions of Visio, I would much appreciate
Thanks all, and sorry for the frustration.
- Harvey

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Arrgh! I will look into that and see if I can save them so they're
> compatible with other versions! I'm running Visio2000 Standard Edition, so
> it surprises me that later versions wouldn't read it - - but I'll look
> it and post my findings here. Thanks for letting me know.
> - Harvey
> "Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6
> > @adelphia.net:
> >
> > > Harvey Chute wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hello all,
> > >> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> > >> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> > >> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> > >>
> > >> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> > >>
> > >> - Harvey
> > >
> > > Hi Harvey,
> > >
> > > I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> > > 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> > > corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> > > error.
> >
> > Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a
> > version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to open them.
> > Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.
> >
> > Still a really cool idea.
> >
> > Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jack Novak
> > > Buffalo, NY - USA
> > > (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 12:51 AM

igor <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> On 23 Jun 2004 16:07:21 -0700, [email protected] (Harvey Chute)
> wrote:
>>Hello all,
>> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
>>woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
>>Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
>>- Harvey
> This is sooo cool. Bravo! I haven't opened it in Visio yet, but your
> webpage alone makes me confident it'll work great. I don't even need
> to do a new layout for some time but knowing this exists is an
> inspiration. Well done.
> I've always struggled with Visio -- only got it because a consultant
> did flow charts with it and I wanted to be able to edit them One of
> the frustrations with it is that it clearly is still designed for a
> longstanding installed base going back to V1.0 Commands are not at
> all intuitive, IMO. For example: Why are they called "stencils"?
> IIRC, they are listed under File, not Edit. Why? Wahts' worse, IMO:
> If you did not know they are called stencils, see if you could find
> anything about such "thingies" in Help. I couldn't!!! (Of course,
> there is the infinitesimally small possibility that it's just me.)
> Anyway, again, great job. -- Igor

The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked just
like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still sell
them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.



Rick Chamberlain

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 5:44 PM

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] says...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] says...
> >
> > That does sound vaguely familiar, but my recollection is that everything
> > was a multiple of 75 -- 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. So, I
> > won't bet on it, but I'm sticking with my first answer, Regis.
> >
> You're pretty much right, but IIRC there was a 110 baud early
> on.
You mean, "turbo" 75 baud... :-)


(Remove the HIGH SPOTS for e-mail)


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

23/06/2004 11:14 PM

[email protected] (Harvey Chute) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey

Thanks for the template and the link. I'm working on a new shop plan and
your template will be very useful.



Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 7:25 AM

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> The updated website
> (http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm) contains versions
> of the template and stencils for Visio 2000 and for Visio 5.
> Hopefully the Visio5 version will work for you in Visio 4.5..?? It may
> be worth a try in Visio 2003 as well - - although from some research
> I've done, there are numerous file compatibility issues across Visio
> versions. I'll keep checking into it, and in the meantime if you could
> let me know if those updated files work in your versions of Visio, I
> would much appreciate it...
> Thanks all, and sorry for the frustration.
> - Harvey

Thanks for trying, but the 5.0 version does not work with 4.5. I'll do some
digging at Visio in the am and will post if I come up with anything




Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 7:15 AM

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Arrgh! I will look into that and see if I can save them so they're
> compatible with other versions! I'm running Visio2000 Standard
> Edition, so it surprises me that later versions wouldn't read it - -
> but I'll look into it and post my findings here. Thanks for letting me
> know. - Harvey

Thanks Harvey. BTW, my version is Earlier than yours, not later - 4.5.

I very much appreciate your efforts on this and sharing them with the


> "Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6
>> @adelphia.net:
>> > Harvey Chute wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello all,
>> >> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
>> >> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
>> >> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
>> >>
>> >> - Harvey
>> >
>> > Hi Harvey,
>> >
>> > I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
>> > 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
>> > corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the
>> > same error.
>> Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a
>> newer version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to
>> open them. Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.
>> Still a really cool idea.
>> Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
>> >
>> > --
>> > Jack Novak
>> > Buffalo, NY - USA
>> > (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)
>> >
>> >
>> >


Lobby Dosser

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 9:23 PM

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

Thanks Harvey. I really appreciate all the effort you've put into this.
Maybe it's time for me to upgrade.


> I did some online research on making Visio stencils compatible with
> Visio 4.*, and it seems the product does not support making versions
> of files readable by Visio versions prior to Visio 5.
> I contacted a Visio MVP about it, and he confirmed that. I believe the
> only recourse I would have would be to find and install a version of
> Visio 4, and recreate the stencil - - uugh.
> If a better solution comes up I will let you know.
> - Harvey


Lowell Kinzer

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 12:55 AM

[email protected] (Harvey Chute) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> - Harvey

Thank you for sharing your work with us!


Lowell Kinzer
[email protected]


"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 7:26 AM

Lobby Dosser wrote:

> igor <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:51:56 GMT, Lobby Dosser
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>>>stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked
>>>just like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still
>>>sell them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.
>> That makes sense. Just seems to me (rant) that if MS wants new
>> customers they should consider that people may not get that connection
>> - at least not retrospectively. FWIW. Again, great job.
> In the beginning ... Visio was not a MS product.

FWIW, Intellicad (DAGS) was originally a Visio product. The fact that
Microsoft spun it off to an industry consortium that was for a while
providing it as freeware would tend to indicate that whatever else they're
interested in, Microsoft doesn't want to do CAD. Personally I kind of wish
they'd gone after it--Autodesk _needs_ a serious competitor with the
resources and marketing savvy to threaten their position. And the world
needs a decent hundred buck CAD program with a large enough installed base
to attract third-party development.

> I bought a version 1.0
> waay back when and stopped upgrading after the Borg bought them out. Gotta
> admit that stencils were never all that intuitive, especially if you'd
> never used the real ones.

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 7:19 PM

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:51:56 GMT, Lobby Dosser
<[email protected]> wrote:
>The 'Stencils' thing is because you used to be able to buy plastic
>stencils with cut out shapes for flowcharting, drafting, etc. Looked just
>like the Visio stencils, including the color. I think they still sell
>them in office supply places. IIRC, I saw some at Staples.

That makes sense. Just seems to me (rant) that if MS wants new customers
they should consider that people may not get that connection - at least not
retrospectively. FWIW. Again, great job.


"Harvey Chute"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 1:40 PM

I did some online research on making Visio stencils compatible with Visio
4.*, and it seems the product does not support making versions of files
readable by Visio versions prior to Visio 5.

I contacted a Visio MVP about it, and he confirmed that. I believe the only
recourse I would have would be to find and install a version of Visio 4, and
recreate the stencil - - uugh.

If a better solution comes up I will let you know.

- Harvey

"Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6
> @adelphia.net:
> > Harvey Chute wrote:
> >
> >> Hello all,
> >> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> >> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> >> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> >>
> >> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> >>
> >> - Harvey
> >
> > Hi Harvey,
> >
> > I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> > 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> > corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> > error.
> Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a newer
> version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to open them.
> Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.
> Still a really cool idea.
> Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
> >
> > --
> > Jack Novak
> > Buffalo, NY - USA
> > (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)
> >
> >
> >


B a r r y

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 12:43 AM

On 23 Jun 2004 16:07:21 -0700, [email protected] (Harvey Chute)

>Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
>woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
>Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
>- Harvey


Thanks for making them available to us. I plan to use them.



"Harvey Chute"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 10:38 PM

Thank you, that's a good idea and one that I hadn't considered.
I tried that out, and unfortunately it doesn't appear to be an install
option on my Visio 2000 install CD.
However, I was able to save the templates in both Visio 2000 and Visio 5
versions, which should help with some of the compatibility issues.

"igor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >
> I don't know about the Visio install, but on many MS aps there are install
> options as to whether you want to include code needed to read earlier
> versions (and verisons created by other aps). e.g., when you install Word
> 2000, do you want to be able to read Word 95 or WordPerfect for DOS?
> If my hunch on this is right, if you have a later v of Visio and it won't
> read a file, you *might* try going to add-remove programs, put the Visio
> CD-Rom in, (double) click on Visio in the list of already installed
> programs, and you'll get asked it you want to add new features... Just a
> thought.



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 7:41 PM

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 11:08:30 -0700, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]>

>In article <[email protected]>,
>[email protected] says...
>> My first remote terminal connected at 150 baud (or was it 75?) and the
>> memory device was paper tape.
>But did the paper tape punch use ghost code? And can you still
>wind a "bow tie"?

You got me on those.


"Harvey Chute"

in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 1:36 PM

From the online research I've done, Visio 2000 files (including stencils
and templates) should be directly readable by Visio 2003.
I've had several people tell me that they *were* able to open the stencil
and template in Visio 2003. Unfortunately I don't have Visio 2003 to play
with it directly.
Can you tell me if you're using the Professional or the Standard version of
Visio? I don't know if that has anything to do with it, just looking for
- Harvey

"Nova" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Harvey Chute wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> > woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> > http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> >
> > Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> >
> > - Harvey
> Hi Harvey,
> I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> error.
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

23/06/2004 11:25 PM

On 23 Jun 2004 16:07:21 -0700, [email protected] (Harvey Chute) wrote:

>Hello all,
> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
>woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
>Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
>- Harvey

This is sooo cool. Bravo! I haven't opened it in Visio yet, but your
webpage alone makes me confident it'll work great. I don't even need to do
a new layout for some time but knowing this exists is an inspiration. Well

I've always struggled with Visio -- only got it because a consultant did
flow charts with it and I wanted to be able to edit them One of the
frustrations with it is that it clearly is still designed for a
longstanding installed base going back to V1.0 Commands are not at all
intuitive, IMO. For example: Why are they called "stencils"? IIRC, they
are listed under File, not Edit. Why? Wahts' worse, IMO: If you did not
know they are called stencils, see if you could find anything about such
"thingies" in Help. I couldn't!!! (Of course, there is the
infinitesimally small possibility that it's just me.)

Anyway, again, great job. -- Igor



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

25/06/2004 4:18 AM

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 20:27:18 -0700, "Harvey Chute" <[email protected]>

>Arrgh! I will look into that and see if I can save them so they're
>compatible with other versions! I'm running Visio2000 Standard Edition, so
>it surprises me that later versions wouldn't read it - - but I'll look into
>it and post my findings here. Thanks for letting me know.
>- Harvey
I don't know about the Visio install, but on many MS aps there are install
options as to whether you want to include code needed to read earlier
versions (and verisons created by other aps). e.g., when you install Word
2000, do you want to be able to read Word 95 or WordPerfect for DOS?

If my hunch on this is right, if you have a later v of Visio and it won't
read a file, you *might* try going to add-remove programs, put the Visio
CD-Rom in, (double) click on Visio in the list of already installed
programs, and you'll get asked it you want to add new features... Just a



in reply to [email protected] (Harvey Chute) on 23/06/2004 4:07 PM

24/06/2004 10:14 PM

Visio 2002 Pro opens them just fine.

"Harvey Chute" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Arrgh! I will look into that and see if I can save them so they're
> compatible with other versions! I'm running Visio2000 Standard Edition, so
> it surprises me that later versions wouldn't read it - - but I'll look
> it and post my findings here. Thanks for letting me know.
> - Harvey
> "Lobby Dosser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Nova <[email protected]> wrote in news:40DB73DB.926CBFD6
> > @adelphia.net:
> >
> > > Harvey Chute wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hello all,
> > >> if anyone is interested in a (free) Visio stencil for designing a
> > >> woodworking shop, I have created one and posted it at
> > >> http://home.comcast.net/~hchute/woodshop_visio.htm
> > >>
> > >> Thanks for all the design ideas from this discussion group.
> > >>
> > >> - Harvey
> > >
> > > Hi Harvey,
> > >
> > > I've tried opening both the template and the stencil in Visio
> > > 2003 and get a message saying they are not a Visio file or they are
> > > corrupted. I've tried downloading them a second time and get the same
> > > error.
> >
> > Sigh! I hadn't tried yet, but now discover they were created with a
> > version of Visio and my version (4.5 Professional) refuses to open them.
> > Perhaps you are seeing the same problem.
> >
> > Still a really cool idea.
> >
> > Harvey, if you're reading, can you save for older versions of Visio?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jack Novak
> > > Buffalo, NY - USA
> > > (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

You’ve reached the end of replies