
patrick conroy

22/10/2004 6:03 PM

Does anyone have a 2 or 2 annahalf " DC system?

I do my sanding waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over thataway. And the
underpowered DC is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over yonder.

I see Rockular is stocking one of those clear plastic 2 1/2" set o
pipes and gates that you can hook up to your shop vac.

Does anyone have one of these?
Are they useful for doing some simple sucking from sanders?

Even if the DC had more oooomph, I kind'a wonder about taking a 6"
mainline to a 4" branch through a 2 1/2" reducer and down to a 1 1/4"
flex hose to hook up to my PC 333 ROS...

Seems like a shorter connextion tween the ShopVac and the ROS would be

This topic has 4 replies


Unisaw A100

in reply to patrick conroy on 22/10/2004 6:03 PM

23/10/2004 11:07 AM

>Seems like a shorter connextion tween the ShopVac and the ROS would be

A'yup. Though one thing that's a down side, the ribbed (for
her pleasure) hose on the shoppe vac has a tendency to be a
pain onna 'count of it catches on stuff (table edges/any
right angle) and has to be continually manhandled/looked
after/watched over. Not poo-pooing the usage, just that it
is what it is. Now, if someone has a light-weight slip
cover for the ribbed (for her pleasure) hose, I want to hear
about it.

UA100, with his PC Tree-Turty-Tree hooked to the Fein
Mini-Turblow and ain't going back...


"Wood Butcher"

in reply to patrick conroy on 22/10/2004 6:03 PM

22/10/2004 9:08 PM

I doubt that the DC will pull enough for what you want to do.
You need high static pressure(vacuum) and low volume, i.e. a
shop vac, for this application.

I use one of these and it works like a charm.
It's light and quite flexible and well worth the $20 I spent.
The big end fits into my shop vac hose and the little end fits
the 557 plate joiner, 743 circ saw, and the 333 sander.
I wouldn't be without it.


"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I do my sanding waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over thataway. And the
> underpowered DC is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over yonder.
> I see Rockular is stocking one of those clear plastic 2 1/2" set o
> pipes and gates that you can hook up to your shop vac.
> (http://www.rockler.com/ecom7/product_details.cfm?&offerings_id=10649)
> Does anyone have one of these?
> Are they useful for doing some simple sucking from sanders?
> Even if the DC had more oooomph, I kind'a wonder about taking a 6"
> mainline to a 4" branch through a 2 1/2" reducer and down to a 1 1/4"
> flex hose to hook up to my PC 333 ROS...
> Seems like a shorter connextion tween the ShopVac and the ROS would be
> beneficial.


Ba r r y

in reply to patrick conroy on 22/10/2004 6:03 PM

22/10/2004 8:36 PM

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:03:50 GMT, patrick conroy
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Seems like a shorter connextion tween the ShopVac and the ROS would be

I have a real DC system and think the Shop-Vac works better with
handheld tools.

It's been described as velocity vs. volume to me, but I'm not sure I
understand. The DC does a great job on jointers, planers, router
tables, etc... The Shop-Vac is king for sanders, biscuit joiners,
etc... A $20 Crapsman auto switch works really well with the vac.

Maybe someone will explain it differently, and I'll understand this
time. <G>



patrick conroy

in reply to patrick conroy on 22/10/2004 6:03 PM

22/10/2004 11:04 PM

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 21:08:08 GMT, "Wood Butcher" <[email protected]>

>I use one of these and it works like a charm.
>It's light and quite flexible and well worth the $20 I spent.
>The big end fits into my shop vac hose and the little end fits
>the 557 plate joiner, 743 circ saw, and the 333 sander.
>I wouldn't be without it.

Yeah - I'm there. I'm just wondering if anyone's bought one of those 2
1/2" duct systems and built themselves a little DC system - in
conjunction - with their 4" DC system.

I could see running the 2 1/2" pipes around the bench area for lil'
tasks like sanding. And the 4" ducts around the machine area for the
big tasks like planing.

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