Greeting all,
This year's T-BAG (Tampa Bay Area Galoots) get together is not going
to be in the Tampa Bay area. Instead, Gary G. is hosting
in his new workshop, north of Ocala, FL.
The get together will be Saturday, March 6, 2004. This year's
project will be either marking gauges or panel gauges. The final
project design hasn't been finalized yet.
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend.
Space inside Gary's shop is limited to about 6-8 people.
If the weather is nice, there's plenty of space to spread out
outside and accomodate more.
As always, this should be a good time of showing off tools, trading
stories and swapping lies. You'll probably even get a chance to see
some of Brian B's infill planes and other beautiful tools.
David S. is bringing some of his shop made hunks of wood and iron as well.