I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
United For America website
(http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
apparently no longer active. So.....
If anyone out there knows how I could get hold of the plans, I'd sure
appreciate hearing from you. I'd really like to get going on the
display case for my mother.
Thanks in advance.
In article <[email protected]>, Ktonic
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
> United For America website
> (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
> apparently no longer active. So.....
Try here:
I'm actually right in the middle of building a case from the plans at
this website. It's a good plan with enough detailed instructions to
make a pretty good product. They also have some decent pictures to go
along with the plan. I'm making mine out of Walnut.
Frank Campbell <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<080720040045518115%[email protected]>...
> In article <[email protected]>, Ktonic
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> > display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> > father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
> > United For America website
> > (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
> > apparently no longer active. So.....
> >
> >snip
> Try here:
> http://www.diablowoodworkers.com/flagcases.html
Ktonic wrote:
> I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
> United For America website
> (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
> apparently no longer active. So.....
> If anyone out there knows how I could get hold of the plans, I'd sure
> appreciate hearing from you. I'd really like to get going on the
> display case for my mother.
> Thanks in advance.
There's one here in this document:
Get Copernic, very useful internet search tool...
"WOOD" magazine had a project like this in an issue about a year ago.
Sorry, I'm out of town right now and not able to look up which issue. Built
one for my Dad's flag. Nice project!
"Ktonic" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
> United For America website
> (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
> apparently no longer active. So.....
> If anyone out there knows how I could get hold of the plans, I'd sure
> appreciate hearing from you. I'd really like to get going on the
> display case for my mother.
> Thanks in advance.
[email protected] (Ktonic) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> father.
I was in search of the same thing a few months back...my dad passed
away recently, too (last November). You may want to do a Google
groups search under my ID (PC_Gameplayer) and look for that thread...I
also got a couple off line replies from some darned nice folks in the
group. If you don't find what you're looking for, email me offline
and I'll send you what I have.
Good luck, and my sympathies on the loss of your father.
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:33:35 -0500, Mr. Clean wrote:
> Ktonic wrote:
>> I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
>> display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
>> father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
>> United For America website
>> (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
>> apparently no longer active. So.....
>> If anyone out there knows how I could get hold of the plans, I'd sure
>> appreciate hearing from you. I'd really like to get going on the
>> display case for my mother.
>> Thanks in advance.
> There's one here in this document:
> http://www.ewwg.org/newsletters/oct%202001B.pdf
> Get Copernic, very useful internet search tool...
I hate to sound "whatever" but why do you need a set of plans? It is a
simple triangular case with a either matching or overhanging glass lid.
Measure the demsions of the flag, use that as your inside length on the
sides. Cut a 60 degree miter on the corners, rout a 1/4 dado about a half
inch up from the bottom on all three pieces. Cut a piece of plywood to
size for the bottom, which you could do by tracing the inside of the dry
fitted case and cut the plywood to that size PLUS the depth of the dado,
on 3ach side. Or forgoing the dado, you could tack on a strip to mount
the plywood to. The make the top to match the bottom.
Wed, Jul 14, 2004, 3:19pm (EDT-1) [email protected]
(Delbert=A0Freeman) queries:
I hate to sound "whatever" but why do you need a set of plans? It is a
simple triangular case with a either matching or overhanging glass lid.
Measure the demsions of the flag, <snip>
That would presume that you actually have the flag to measure, or
already know the dimensions. Different size flags, different
dimensions. Flags for military funerals are a standard size, and not
received until after the funeral. Ergo, you get plans, if you want to
have the case ready for it beforehand.
We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience.
- Nanny Ogg
Actually they can differ in size. I found this out after making a mock up
for my dad's flag and it wouldn't fit. I pursued the issue and spoke with a
Marine honor guard who said that yes then can vary by a couple of inchs
based on how tight they were folded. I made mine to measure after having the
flag in hand.
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Wed, Jul 14, 2004, 3:19pm (EDT-1) [email protected]
(Delbert Freeman) queries:
I hate to sound "whatever" but why do you need a set of plans? It is a
simple triangular case with a either matching or overhanging glass lid.
Measure the demsions of the flag, <snip>
That would presume that you actually have the flag to measure, or
already know the dimensions. Different size flags, different
dimensions. Flags for military funerals are a standard size, and not
received until after the funeral. Ergo, you get plans, if you want to
have the case ready for it beforehand.
We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience.
- Nanny Ogg
Thu, Jul 15, 2004, 2:45am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Bernie=A0Hunt)
Actually they can differ in size. I found this out after making a mock
up for my dad's flag and it wouldn't fit. I pursued the issue and spoke
with a Marine honor guard who said that yes then can vary by a couple of
inchs based on how tight they were folded. I made mine to measure after
having the flag in hand.
Haven't made one, but had been given to understand that plans are
sized to take care of any variances in folding - one size fits all.
Regardless, I'm not sticking around until after my own funeral, just to
custom fit a flag in one.
We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience.
- Nanny Ogg
If this is so important, why be so cheap as to look for 'Free' plans ?
My wife used to keep her father's flag stuffed in an envelope in the back of
the closet. When I found out about it, I showed her how to fold it,
PROPERLY. This also started me thinking about making a case.
There are a few different plans available from the usual 'craft catalogs'.
So as not to upset my wife - I 'quietly' purchased one from Maisel - about
$13.oo. I procrastinated for years, until a neighbor mentioned she was going
to buy one for her husband, from a funeral home . . . $400.oo !! Joanne knew
I had the plans all along and said - 'Let Ron build it for you'.
I used 3/4 Mahogany and 6 coats of Spar varnish. Rather than just glue, I
also used Marine Bronze screws to both hold certain parts, and as a simple
decoration. I made 3 pieces - one for the neighbor, one for Joanne, and one
for e-bay {If I didn't 'screw-up' either of the 'important' ones}. The
'sold' on went to some one in similar circumstances - a son, buying it for
his mother, for his brother's flag.
Regards & Good Luck,
Ron Magen
Backyard Boatshop
> Ktonic wrote:
> > I've been looking for plans I could use to build a triangular case to
> > display the flag my mother received during funeral services for my
> > father. I've seen references to plans available on the Woodworkers
> > United For America website
> > (http://www.woodworkersunitedforamerica.org/), but that web address is
> > apparently no longer active. So.....
> >
> > If anyone out there knows how I could get hold of the plans, I'd sure
> > appreciate hearing from you. I'd really like to get going on the
> > display case for my mother.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.