Make me an reasonable offer.
I will ship - but you will have to pay the actual shipping/packing costs of
it (I dont want to make $$ of the shipping so ill basically bring it down to
the ups store and what ever they charge - thats what it will be)
Im in Fuquay NC (just south or raleigh)
Uniguard - good shape - what else can I say - its a uniguard.
Unifence w/ 36" rails and mounting brackets
Also and extension table that goes 56" (can be cut shorter to supply a
smaller table) to the right w/ router base build in (router not included)
also has a power box for the router. (basically a box w/ plug that you plug
in w/ 2 outlets - 1 on a switch for the router - 1 always on when plugged
in. Also what goes w/ it is a self supporting outfeed table. Made w/
Maple, oak, and ash as well as plywood laminated w/ while high pressure
laminate. The outfeed table is a torsion box and has worked great for me.
Im moving into a new show and I have acquired a new saw so Im making some a
new table to house both saws.
Also - dont need the router in the saw anymore b/c I have the room for a
dedicated router station now.
Like I said - make me an offer (dont lowball the sh*t of me tho) rather
offer it up here first before I go the ebay route.
Pics available upon request.
You can reply to me at
r_b_v at v_e_r_z_e_r_a doht c_o_m
remove _ to get the correct address